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Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for software development.

See also Using Eclipse to develop GRASS Python programs
See also Using Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) on Windows 7

The CDT-plugin enables support for C/C++ development. While CVS-support is built in, additional plugins have to included to allow for access of SVN repositories.

Eclipse/CDT can be used as a convenient frontend for platform independent GRASS GIS development.

It can handle:

  • Checkout of the latest sources from the SVN
  • Code editing and refactoring
  • GRASS-spedific Configure/Make/Make-Install - toolchain via wrapping in Ant-XML-fragements.
  • Running of a freshly compiled GRASS-build from within Eclipse.

Please note: This approach aims at software development, not the development of a fat GRASS plugin within the Eclipse environment. If this is you interest, you might want to look up the JGRASS project.

What's needed -- Howto

  • A sample Ant-wrapper-file -> paths etc which needs to be updated to local settings (see below). It's pretty much self explanatory. The file should be included in the Eclipse-project (top level).
  • The build process is started from the GUI via ->Run ->External Tools ->Run As -> AntBuild -> Select the file "build.xml" here.
  • When invoked, the file defaults to do the configuration step and stops afterwards.
  • Use the OUTLINE window to fire up the following steps of compilation etc.
  • The tasks (configure/make/make install) can also be concatenated -> "launch" shows how this is done: It includes the whole building chain and eventually starts the newly build GRASS from within Eclipse.

Note: Please be aware that building on a Windows machine will require a bit of fiddling with MSYS. The attached build.xml comes from a linux-environment.

Ant project file "build.xml"

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="GRASS-Builder ant Wrapper for GRASS trunk (Peter Loewe 2008)" default="configure">
           Ant Adapter fuer GRASS make
       <target name="configure" description="GRASSbuilder: Configure">
               <exec executable="configure">
                       <arg value="--program-suffix=RE_eclipse" />
                       <arg value="--without-tcltk" />
                       <arg value="--without-fftw" />
       <target name="configure-help" description="GRASSbuilder: Configure: Print  Help">
               <exec executable="configure">
                       <arg value="--help" />
        <target name="make" description="GRASSbuilder: make" depends="configure">
              <exec executable="make">
        <target name="make_solo" description="GRASSbuilder: make (solo)">
               <exec executable="make">
        <target name="make_solo backup" description="GRASSbuilder: make (solo)">
               <exec executable="/home/grass/workspace/grass_trunk/make">
                   <arg value="-f"/>
                   <arg value="unix/Makefile"/>
                  <arg value="generic"/>
          <target name="install" description="GRASSbuilder: install" depends="make">
           <exec executable="make">
                           <arg value="install"/>
          <target name="install_solo" description="GRASSbuilder: install (solo)">
           <exec executable="make">
                           <arg value="install"/>
          <target name="clean" description="GRASSbuilder: install" depends="make">
             <exec executable="make">
                   <arg value="clean"/>
         <target name="clean_solo" description="GRASSbuilder: install (solo)">
                 <exec executable="make">
                     <arg value="clean"/>
       <target name="launch_solo" description="GRASSbuilder: launch (solo)">
                         <exec executable="./bin.i686-pc-linux-gnu/grass70">
                             <arg value="-gui"/>
       <target name="launch" description="GRASSbuilder: launch" depends="make">
                                 <exec executable="./bin.i686-pc-linux-gnu/grass70">
                                     <arg value="-gui"/>


pages 26 - 28: Coming of Age: The positive legacy of free and open-source software geographic information systems.