GRASS Community Sprint Genova 2013

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The GRASS GIS team will organize a GRASS Developer and Power User Meeting, aka 'GRASS Community Sprint' from 2-7 Feb, 2013. The sprint is at the same time of the XIV Meeting degli Utenti Italiani Grass e Gfoss, 6-9 Feb 2013, University of Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Architettura della Scuola Politecnica, Genova, Italy.


This next edition of the GRASS GIS community sprint 2013 is a great occasion for folks to support the development by actively contributing to the source code, manuals or likewise. The community sprint is a get-together for GRASS project members and supporters and related OSGeo projects to make decisions and tackle larger problems. For this meeting, we welcome people committed to improving the GRASS GIS project and the interfaces to QGIS, GDAL, PostGIS, R statistics, Sextante, gvSIG, OGC Services (esp. WPS) and more. This includes developers, documenters, bug reporters, translators and others.

For this meeting, we welcome people committed to improving the GRASS GIS and related projects. This includes developers, document writers, wish and bug reporters, translators etc.


We welcome financial contributions to support the meeting and we are looking for sponsors to cover costs such as meals or to help reducing travelling and accommodation expenses for GRASS developers with far arrival If you are interested to sponsor the GRASS Community Sprint, please read about

sponsoring the GRASS project at

and, if needed, contact Markus Neteler <neteler at>. Any surplus at the end of the event will be turned over to the GRASS GIS project.

The third GRASS Community Sprint is a great occasion for you to support the development of GRASS. With your contribution you'll enable more developers to meet in Prague. The community sprint is an important opportunity for the GRASS developers to discuss and collaboratively resolve bugs, plan the direction for the project and work on new features. Please see below for the more detailed agenda. The developers and contributors are donating their valuable time, so it would be great if in-kind funding can be made available from within the community to cover out-of-pocket expenses. All of the work that takes place at the community sprint will be directly contributed back into the GRASS project to the benefit of everyone who uses it.


When: 2-7 Feb, 2013

Of course you are invited to join or leave the community sprint whenever you want.

Duration: 6 days


University of Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Architettura della Scuola Politecnica, Genova, Italy.

Geomorfolab, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Architettura, Scuola Politecnica - Università degli Studi di Genova, Stradone S. Agostino 37, 16128 Genova

Rooms: TBD

Accommodation and Costs

Weather and Common Item Prices




In person

Number Participant Country Arrival Departure Topic T-Shirt Notes
1 Luca Delucchi Italy Feb 2 Feb 10 L
2 Markus Neteler Italy M + S
3 Margherita Di Leo Italy L
4 Paolo Cavallini Italy L
5 Luca Casagrande Italy GRASS Tutorial with Open Data from Italy L
6 Anna Kratochvilova Czech Republic M
6 Vaclav Petras Czech Republic M

Via IRC chat

#grass on Freenode

For details, see IRC

Collaborative document scratching

Individual Preparation

  • Bring your own computer
  • Bring your power connector adapter if needed (Italy)
  • Install subversion and the compiler tools, and come with a working GRASS development environment if possible.


Also during the event :)


  • How was it last time?
  • Is the GRASS Community Sprint just a coding event?
    • It is mainly a coding and documentation event. It is a working session for people who are already participants in the GRASS project and/or are committed to improving the GRASS project.
    • On demand we can do some presentations of current working GRASS implementation and new upcoming features to spread the idea of Open Source GIS software
  • Is the GRASS Community Sprint for developers only?
    • Not at all: anybody can help, with testing, checking out bugs and fixes, documentation and more.
  • Where can I get help and more information about the community sprint?