AreaFillPatterns's vector area filling command will let you set a fill pattern (hatching). You can create custom patterns. User contributed patterns can be found on this page.
Alternative: QGIS will let you load a GRASS map (with the GDAL GRASS-plugin installed) and change the area fill pattern on-screen.
Please include a small example graphic. Upload instructions.
Also please include your name and some sort of license information.
e.g. "© 2006 Sara Grassuser, released into the public domain without restriction." This way others may freely improve and further distribute your work (e.g. it can be distributed with the next official GRASS release).
Authoring instructions
Use's vareas instruction pat command - full path to pattern file. Pattern file contains header and simple PS commands. It is similar to EPS but more limited, that means that each pattern file is EPS file but EPS files are not usually usefull as pattern files because contain restricted commands. Color and width of patterns is set by acolor and pwidth until it is overwritten in pattern file. Currently the only way to create pattern file is text editor.
Example use
- Example script showing all standard fill patterns. Uses the Spearfish sample dataset.
vareas fields pat $GISBASE/etc/paint/patterns/brick.eps where label ~ 'Natl. Forest' end
Example Pattern files
- Standard pattern files can be found in $GISBASE/etc/paint/patterns/ or from the CVS web interface.
Vertical line
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 10 10 newpath 5 0 moveto 5 10 lineto stroke
[insert demonstrative image here]
User contributions