Talk:GRASS Community Sprint Bonn 2018
Participants and Reports
Summarizing press release:

Martin Landa
- SVN log overview
- Show computation region extent settings, see trac #3519
- wxGUI/datacatalog: zoom to first added map (sync with lmgr behaviour)
- wxGUI/preferences: add new option for random colors (vector)
- Read EPSG codes with PROJ v.5 fails, see trac #3514
- wxGUI/datacatalog: display layer on double click
- disable to_text_string() in, see trac #3508
- rename r.sentinel -> i.sentinel (work in progress), see trac #3522
- v.random restrict wrong categories assigned, see trac #3524
- Currently G7:v.random with restrict parameter transfers categories trac #3528
- wxGUI: set up default map display properties when new display is open
- libgis: improve parser UI description error reporting
- add support for centroids
- wxGUI/dbmgr: better handling of text values in SQLBuilder
- wxGUI/dbmgr: get sample/all values tuning
- wxGUI: implement widget for SQL WHERE params

Moritz Lennert
- SVN log overview
- Committed fix for r.texture to avoid overwrite of existing output maps
- Committed fix for i.segment.uspo to avoid zero division error
- Worked on and discussed new startup mockup, created wiki page for brainstorming
- Use of '_' in i.zc module parameter in i.cutlines to enable parallelization of i.zc. Thanks to Pietro for making this possible in pygrass.
- Some testing for #3361 on slowness of with GEOS. Added explanation to man page to clarify that GRASS' "overlap' = GEOS 'intersects'.
- Testing Ondrej' artificial neural networks modules + discussions on further improvements
- Discussion of new website design
- Discussion on move to github.
Markus Metz
- SVN log overview
- Support of new PROJ 5 API
Markus Neteler
- SVN log overview
- set up Budget for this community sprint
- testing of i.nightlights.intercalibration with DMSP-OLS data, parser fix (contributed by Anika Bettge) and HTML fixes
- Web: activation of roles in
- svn to git migration discussions, watching other projects:
- GDAL migration:
- Following with interest
- new GDAL teams on github (by Mateusz Łoskot on gdal-dev)
- The master GDAL team has no access to OSGeo/gdal repository, it does not need one, it just manages sub-teams and members
- New sub-team gdal-admins has full admin access to OSGeo/gdal repo (all members move from the pevious global GDAL team)
- The gdal-committers team has moved under the umbrella of GDAL master team and has read-write access to OSGeo/gdal repo
- GNOME migration to gitlab:
- Overview: incl. Evaluation
- GNOME Mass migration plan
- New infrastructure:
- GDAL migration:
- Ticket trac #3527 (i.atcorr: discrepancy in sensor band numbering in the manual)
- added "How to add keywords in code" submitting rules for Python and C
- work together with Vero on
- i.atcorr: sync to trunk (updated spectral curves for various satellites; fix band order for Worldview2; addition of Sentinel-2B, improvement of numerical stability r72557
- Transifex: bidirectional sync of message translations
Veronica Andreo
- SVN log overview
- tested r.texture, see trac #3492
- committed i.atcorr manual example and figure contributed by Zofie Cimburova to perform atmospheric correction on Sentinel-2 bands
- performed general clean-up on i.atcorr manual page
- completed Sentinel wiki (kinda). Editions, corrections and more examples are welcome.
- discussion about new flag and flag behavior for t.remove with Luca trac #3362
- revised and tested old t.* related tickets; closed some old ones as wontfix or worksforme accordingly.
- created patch for trac #3264 with Luca's help
- tested -h flag in, see trac #3322
- added example to t.register (contributed by Ondrej Pesek) + correction of typos and minor text edition
- tweeted and RT from GRASS account and posted in FB GRASS GIS group
- completed revision and clean-up of the Temporal data processing wiki
- opened tickets for g.gui.tplot (after discussions with Nikos and Luca)
- tested trac #3223 and trac #3302
- prepared small extra mapset with MODIS LST time series data (2015-2016) for NC location
- created draft roadmap of priorities for the migration of the web site (work together with MarkusN): see wiki
- created draft GRASS 7.6. New Features page to start adding the cool stuff that will be shipped with 76
- added examples for the new features implemented in g.gui.tplot
- edited the GRASS GIS page at:
- Spanish translations in transifex
Ondřej Pešek
- Working on artificial neural network modules (see github commits overview)
- g.gui.gmodeler: Support parameterization and GUI generation in python script; export to PyWPS script (see github commits overview)
- Working on SOS modules (see github commits overview)
- Enhancing PyWPS to support a GRASS location created from a georeferenced file (see github pull request)
Luca Delucchi
- SVN log overview
- g.region improved grow option
- renamed r.modis addons to i.modis
- working on temporal framework open tickets
- discussion about new flag and flag behavior for t.remove with Vero trac #3362
- created three new modules to work with signature files i.signature.list, i.signature.copy, i.signature.remove
- worked with Markus Metz on i.ortho.transform command
- fixed some bug in g.gui.tplot r72485 r72489, one related to trac #3294
- g.gui.tplot added capabilities to set labels for title, x and y axes r72523 r72526
- g.gui.tplot added capabilities to export plotted data to CSV file r72528 r72529 related to trac #3533
- review GSoC proposals
- Italian translation
- added tests from other people r72530, r72546
- added support for SRTM SWBD r72569 related to trac #3246, removed unzip dependencies
Nikos Alexandris
- Discussion about GRASS GIS, HPC and distributed file systems with Markus Neteler, Soeren Gebert, Markus Metz. Respective wiki pages to be updated.
- Tests related to available at
- Support for vector input in r.clip, see
Stefan Blumentrath
- Made his first commit to trunk r72444 and fixed trac #3322
- worked on an AddOn t.rast.aggegate.update for updating aggregated STRDS from t.rast.aggregate (please test)
- wrote a patch for improving performance of v.rast.stats that allows multiple input trac #3523 (testing/feedback very welcome)
- SVN log overview
Sören Gebbert
- SVN log overview
- temporal algebra bugfixing
Radek Novotný
- Implementation of new --exec funcionalities (--tmp-location,--no-clean), see trac #3537
- Creating GSoC poroposal