Python Swig Examples
Advanced SWIG Python Interface Examples
- Simpler examples are given in the SWIG-Python README file and the GRASS and Python wiki page.
As you might expect, GRASS's C library functions preform many common GIS tasks using very well tested and mature code. Reimplementing them in Python would thus be a waste of programming effort and would introduce potentially buggy and slower code. (Well written C is hard to beat for speed) A major advantage of using the SWIG interface can be summarized as "the experts have already solved this problem for you, take advantage of that."
Passing arrays and specific data types
Some of GRASS's functions want to be passed arrays of numbers or of a specific data type (e.g. integer, double). To do this from Python the 3rd party NumPtr module is used to access a memory pointer object which can be passed to the function.
- (any way to then free() the memory? "del SomePtr" ?)
Setting up the NumPtr module
NumPtr setup:
# NumPtr - Numeric Pointer Module for Python (GPL2) # # 23k .tgz ; 100k installed wget tar xzf NumPtr-1.1.tar.gz cd NumPtr-1.1 python build #python install --prefix=/home/user cp build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/*NumPtr.* /usr/src/grass63/swig/python/
Distance and area calculations
Once NumPtr is installed we can run our script.
GRASS's libgis (C API) distance and area functions automatically switch to using geodetic calculations when in a Lat/Lon location.
The following calculates the area of the default Spearfish region bounds and the distance between the region's far corners.
Spearfish uses a UTM (planimetric) projection.
#!/usr/bin/python # m.distance -- demo SWIG interface # (c) 2008 Hamish Bowman, and the GRASS Development Team # Licensed as GPL >=2 # run this before starting python to append module search path: # export PYTHONPATH=/usr/src/grass63/swig/python # check with "import sys; sys.path" # or: import sys sys.path.append("/usr/src/grass63/swig/python") import python_grass6 as g6lib g6lib.G_gisinit('m.distance') # returns 0 on success ### calc distance ### g6lib.G_begin_distance_calculations() # returns 0 if projection has no metrix (ie. imagery) # returns 1 if projection is planimetric # returns 2 if projection is latitude-longitude # G63> g.region -d && g.region -g # G63> g.region -e # north-south extent: 14310.000000 # east-west extent: 19020.000000 # calc length of hypotenuse: # >>> pow( pow(14310,2) + pow(19020,2), 0.5 ) # 23802.027224587404 # calc area of current region # >>> 14310 * 19020 # 272176200 x1 = 609000 x2 = 589980 y1 = 4913700 y2 = 4928010 distance = g6lib.G_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) print "distance is", distance # 23802.0272246 (ok, matches above calc.) ### calc area ### g6lib.G_begin_polygon_area_calculations() # returns 0 if the projection is not measurable (ie. imagery or xy) # returns 1 if the projection is planimetric (ie. UTM or SP) # returns 2 if the projection is non-planimetric (ie. latitude-longitude) # we don't need this, but just to have a look g6lib.G_database_units_to_meters_factor() # 1.0 # passing an array of values import Numeric import NumPtr # do not need to close polygon (but it doesn't hurt if you do) x = [ x1, x2, x2, x1 ] y = [ y1, y1, y2, y2 ] npoints = len(x) # unset variables: #del [Xs, Xptr, Ys, Yptr] # or #Xs = Xptr = Ys = Yptr = None Xs = Numeric.array(x, Numeric.Float64) Xptr = NumPtr.getpointer(Xs) Ys = Numeric.array(y, Numeric.Float64) Yptr = NumPtr.getpointer(Ys) area = g6lib.G_area_of_polygon(Xptr, Yptr, npoints) print "area is", area # 272176200.0 (ok, matches above calc)