GRASS SoC Ideas 2008
This is the GRASS page for Google Summer of Code 2008. Here we will list project ideas and and other information related to the GRASS GSoC projects.
- For inspiration see the GRASS SoC Ideas 2007 page
- Community bonding time (getting to know the students)
- Work Begins
- Midterm evaluation
- Pencils down!
Required Steps
- List ideas
- Assign Mentors to Ideas
- Notify OSGeo
- Process Student Applications. Deadline XXX
- YYY: Accepted Students Announced
- SVN branches and access for students
- Coding begins...
- Students and mentors: Complete the Mid-term survey.
- Final commit and packaging for Google.
Ideas with assigned mentors will be listed here. (will link to new page if needed)
Guidelines for Students
How do you maximize your chances of getting picked? First read the Google SoC FAQ. Then talk to us about your idea. Try emailing the mentor directly, or come and talk to us in IRC (#grass).