Compile and Install

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Q: How works compilation and installation of GRASS 6


  • checkout the grass6 module from cvs (read grass CVS howto instructions)
  • It is wise that compilation processes are carried out as a normal user: If you want to get the source code in a place where you do not have write permissions (e.g. in /usr/local/src/cvs) just follow this:
     cd /usr/local/src/cvs 
     su -c 'mkdir grass6'
     su -c 'chown yourlogin:yourgroup grass6'
  • do a checkout (co) of the repository
     cvs -z3 co grass6
  • in the grass6 directory, you will find the precious INSTALL file, open it with your favourite pager/editor and read it carefully!
  • run configure with parameters to adapt the compile process to your own system. To see what options can be passed to it, run configure --help. The minimum set of configure parameters

is (refers to GRASS 6 from CVS, not to 6.x release):


It may (!) look like this:

     ./configure --with-postgres-libs=/usr/include/pgsql/libpq --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/pgsql --with-freetype=yes
     --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 --with-motif --with-glw --with-glw-libs=/usr/local/lib --with-glw-includes=/usr/local/include

Please note that the paths mentioned may widely vary due to the distribution used and the specific installation of packages like freetype2.

  • Let's make it!
  • Once the installation process is finished, you're ready to install GRASS system wide.
     su -c 'make install'
  • enjoy GRASS: