Lidar Analysis of Vegetation Structure
This exercise was initially created as a session in a GIS training for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in May, 2016 by Doug Newcomb.
Session Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, you will be able to:
- Open GRASS GIS and Create a Location from an existing file
- Link external raster elevation data to the Location
- Import LAS point cloud data to assess DEM accuracy
- Import LAS point cloud data to create various vegetation structure products
- Export raster vegetation structure data layers from GRASS to GeoTiff
Material Created By: Doug Newcomb (May 2016)
Software: GRASS 7.2
Directory Path: D:\grasslidar (assumed at some places, use any directory you want)
Image Files: D05_37_20026801_20141209.tif D05_37_20026803_20141209.tif D05_37_20026802_20141209.tif D05_37_20026804_20141209.tif
LAZ format LiDAR files: LA_37_20026801_20141209.laz LA_37_20026803_20141209.laz LA_37_20026802_20141209.laz LA_37_20026804_20141209.laz
Data can be accessed online here