WinGRASS 6 Current Status
This page describes the current status of winGRASS development. Precompiled native winGRASS packages are available here.
Known problems
- Zooming and panning do not work.
- Have to add c:\mingw\bin to PATH on some systems.
- Shouldn't the MinGW installer add c:\mingw\bin to PATH?
- Cannot create a new mapset.
- TclTk -permissions option is specific to UNIX like systems.
- Cannot change map formatting (colors, type, etc.).
- Cannot display a thematic layer.
- can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole,4,donecmd)": no such element in array error
- Aqua TclTk solution:
- Need a decent prompt.
What is missing?
- Display drivers: socket
- Use gis.m instead of monitors.
- Make gis.m Output window more like xterm. No need to hit Run.
- Is there any way that the Map Display in gis.m can interact with console commands? IPC? File Alteration Monitor?
- wait()
- wait()
- i.points: wait()
- i.vpoints: wait()
- r.terraflow: getrusage()