Talk:GRASS GIS Community Sprint Berlin 2019
Participants and Reports
Summarizing press release: TODO
![GRASS GIS community sprinters at DIW Berlin, 2019](/w/images/Grassgis_2019_berlin_sprint_group_photo.jpg)
Peter Loewe
- Discussion about Zenodo / GitHub integration
- Working on Wikipage about the Zenodo-GitHuB integration
- Investigating for social sciences and economic research.
Markus Neteler
- creation of all new Github repos
- GRASS GIS core: (GRASS GIS >= 7.x)
- GRASS GIS legacy: (GRASS GIS 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x - 1987 - 1999)
- GRASS GIS addons:
- GRASS GIS promotional material:
- Upcoming new web site:
- Testing of new Github repo at:
- Github teams created - different roles for read/write/admin access
- grass-committers: GRASS GIS developers team (read/write)
- grass-admin: GRASS GIS GitHub admin team (all)
- grass-docker-homebrew-users: users for automated dockerhub and homebrew builds (read-only)
- New Github users added upon email communication
- Draft version of
- (briefly) discussed image collections in GRASS GIS (needed for H2020
- First PR :-) GH-PR #8
- aftermath cleanup: tracked in
Nicolas Bozon
- Presentation via video call of a first glance at the upcoming new GRASS GIS web site based on Hugo
Martin Landa
- Working on GitHub migration
- finalize source code migration to GitHub (trac #3722)
- Update/Fix WinGRASS build procedure to work with Git
- GH-PR #9
Ondřej Pešek
- g.gui.gmodeler: Working on PyWPS export (see github commits overview)
- Research and discussions about ANN-fueled semantic segmentation modules for GRASS GIS
- Watching Sören's screenings of Mandelbrot's fractals
Anna Petrasova and Vaclav Petras
- video call from sprint to sprint: Minneapolis OSGeo sprint <--> Berlin GRASS GIS community sprint
- discussing GitHub migration and HowToGit document
Veronica Andreo
- video call from Argentina
- learning and testing with HowToGit document
- discussion about progress of the new website