Export for GpsDrive
About this page
GpsDrive's wiki is down so in addition to information about how to use the d.out.gpsdrive module, this page will temporarily include some GDAL and datasource tips not directly related to GRASS. Once the page is fully (re)composed the GpsDrive specific content will move from here into a README file in the GpsDrive SVN. Sorry for any inconvinence, --HB
Try and extract content from the old wiki using the Internet Archive project's Wayback Machine:
About GpsDrive
"GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your GPS receiver on a zoomable map. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending of your position and can be downloaded from the Internet. Speech output is supported if the "festival" software is running. All GPS receivers supported by gpsd should be usable.
GpsDrive is written in C with use of the GTK+ toolkit under the GPL license, and runs with Linux, Mac OSX, and FreeBSD."
- GpsDrive homepage
- Gpsd homepage
- GRASS's d.out.gpsdrive module
Creating maps
Data sources
Online MapServers
- gpsfetchmap.pl:
- Google Maps
- source2...
- source3...
- source4...
- GDAL homepage
- gdal_slice.sh - script to chop up a georeferenced raster image in any supported GDAL format to GpsDrive tiles
- OGR vector data will need to be processed through GRASS
- NOAA ENC and BSB data
Using gpsfetchmap.pl
Using gdal_slice.sh
- Get the gdal_slice.sh script
- Make sure that GDAL can read the format,
gdalinfo filename.ext
Check installed GDAL supported formats:
gdalinfo --formats
If the GDAL webpage says that the format is supported but you can't seem to access it, check that your copy of GDAL was built with support for it. You may have to rebuild GDAL yourself with the switch for that format enabled.
- If GDAL can read the format, but it is not georeferenced, you will have to take care of that first. You should see some information about the coordinate system used and the lat/lon coordinates of the four corners of the map. See the #Georefencing section of this page.