Marine Science

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Revision as of 11:53, 24 April 2008 by ⚠️HamishBowman (talk | contribs) (→‎Bathymetric data: still trying to get proj right)
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Tools for marine scientists

Bathymetry processing

  • Basic DEM creation: +
  • for processing multibeam sonar swaths
  • add-on script for creating bathymetic DEMs from input x,y,z data
  • Multibeam sonar swath transect planning script

Bathymetric data

  • Smith and Sandwell 1-minute global elevation, v9.1, August 21, 2007 (712mb)

global_topo_1min/README_V9.1.txt file:

Version 9.1 has a very different FORMAT than V8.2
The main differences are that the grid spacing in 
longitude is now 1 minute rather than 2 minutes.
In addition, the latitude range is increased to 
+/- 80.738.  Like the old versions, the elevation(+)
and depth(-) are stored as 2-byte integers to the nearest meter.
An odd depth of say -2001m signifies that this pixel was constrained
by a real depth sounding while an even depth of say -2000m is
a predicted depth.

Here are the parameters for the old and new versions:
param    V8.2     V9.2
nlon     10800    21600
nlat     12672    17280
rlt0   -72.006  -80.738
rltf    72.006   80.738

The binary format of the integers is bigendian so the bytes need to be 
swapped if you are running on an Intel processor.
Here is a typical command for swapping bytes:
dd if=topo_9.1.img of=topo_9.1.img.swab bs=21600 conv=swab.

To load it into GRASS lat/lon location (spherical):

Location setup:
 # (untested)
 # offset n,s,e,w by 1/2 a grid cell? input=topo_9.1b.img output=topo_9.1b \
      title="1' worldwide relief (1.852 km-sq)" \
      -b -s bytes=2 rows=17280 cols=21600 \
      n=80.738 s=-80.738 w=0 e=360
 # offset n,s,e,w by 1/2 a grid cell?
  r.colors output=topo_9.1b color=etopo2

Sidescan sonar processing

  • i.gdalwarp script for georectifying and mosaicking scanned paper rolls into a GeoTIFF

Wave exposure

  • Using GRASS to prepare and process data for the SWAN Wave Model
    • preparing input DEM
    • and r.out.mat

Circulation models

  • Preparing input grids
    • and r.out.mat


Remote Sensing

  • Importing MODIS Aqua SST and Chlorophyll-a data

Mapping and Cartography