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== GUI vector digitizer ==
GRASS digitizing tool should be
* written in '''wxPython''' Programming language or Tcl
* it should extend functionality of map display just like new Georeferencing tool does:
** (like ArcGIS does) only new "Digitizing Toolbox" would appear, after digitizing tool is started
** Vector file editing will happen in current map display, with all it's functions for zooming, quering and so on
* There should be graphical tool for database management, at least for adding (?and removing?) columns, adding new features and editing existing ones.

While digitising, edited vector file would be drawed to map display. ''Only currently edited or selected features would be stored in memory.'' This should spead up digitising and redrawing process significantly.
* TCL/TK-based old fashioned [ v.digit] module
* [[wxGUI#Vector digizer|Vector digitizer]] in [[wxGUI]]


Revision as of 22:14, 27 April 2008

GUI vector digitizer


GRASS graphical digitising tool should be graphical front-end for new v.edit module. v.edit should be CML tool for

  • creating new vector file, eventualy overwrite existing ones create
  • adding new features (points, lines, polylines, centroids) add
  • removenig old features (with database record) delete
  • moving whole feature move
  • moving specified vertex vertex
  • adding new vertext to line/boundary break
  • spliting line/boundary completely split
  • removing vertex straight
  • selecting features select
  • merging two lines/boundaries together merge
  • IMHO funtionality for adding 'z' values to vector contour lines should be back too

v.edit should accept feature selection by:

  • bbox bbox
  • catlist cats
  • single coordinates coords

Examples of actions

(see also v.edit manual page)

  • Create new vector file
v.edit tool=create map=vectfile

creates new vector map, eventualy will read data from standard inputs in default format (standard/point)

v.edit tool=create map=vectfile input=file.txt

creates new vector map and reads data from file file.txt in default format

  • Add new feature to existing vector

cat points | v.edit tool=add map=vectfile Read data from standard inputs in standard format

  • Remove feature from vector file
v.edit tool=delete map=vectfile cat=34,24

Remove features with category 34 and 24 from file vectfile

v.edit tool=delete map=vectfile coords=344556.23,23445.2345 

Remove feature located on coordinates 344556.23,23445.2345

v.edit tool=delete map=vectfile bbox=344556.23,234455.2345,567566.34,456455.34

Remove features defined by bounding box 344556.23,234455.2345,567566.34,456455.34

  • Move feature
v.edit tool=move map=vectfile coords=344556.23,23445.2345 move=100000,-100000

Move feature located on coordinates 344556.23,23445.2345 to coordinates 644556.23,43445.2345

v.edit tool=move map=vectfile cat=45 move=1000,-1000

Move all points of feature of category 45 to coordinates about 1000 map units to the west and 1000 map units to the south

v.edit tool=move map=vectfile bbox=344556.23,234455.2345,567566.34,456455.34 to=1000,-1000

Move all points of features defined by bounding box 344556.23,234455.2345,567566.34,456455.34 about 1000 map units to the west and 1000 map units to the south

  • Moving vertex
v.edit tool=vertex map=vectfile coords=344556.23,23445.2345 move=1000,-1000

Move vertex on coordinates 344556.23,23445.2345 to 545556.23,22445.2345

  • Breaking line
v.edit tool=break map=vectfile coords=344556.23,23445.2345

Break line on coordinates 344556.23,23445.2345 at coords 345433.3,34567.32

v.edit tool=break map=vectfile cat=45 coords=345433.3,34567.32

Break line of category 45 at coords 345433.3,34567.32

  • Remove vertex -- straight line
v.edit tool=straight map=vectfile coords=344556.23,23445.2345

Remove vertex at coordinates 344556.23,23445.2345

  • Splitting line
v.edit tool=split map=vectfile coords=344556.23,23445.2345

Split line on coordinates 344556.23,23445.2345 at coords 345433.3,34567.32

v.edit tool=split map=vectfile cat=45 coords=345433.3,34567.32

Split line of category 45 at coords 345433.3,34567.32

  • Merging two lines
v.edit tool=merge map=vectfile coords=606853.875,4921332,603216.75,4922763 

Merge first line defined by coordinates 606853.875,4921332 with second line, defined by coordinates 603216.75,4922763. Define nearest distance between line first and last points and move first (last) point of second line to first line -- First line will remain untached.

v.edit tool=merge map=vectfile bbox=344556.23,23445.2345

Merge two lines defined by bounding box

v.edit tool=merge map=vectfile cat=43,45

Merge two lines defined by category

  • Selecting features

Print line id's selected by coords, bbox or cat. Example:

v.edit map=soils@PERMANENT tool=select bbox=595733.8125,4919781.75,598536.1875,4917396.75

Example with d.vect:

d.vect col=red width=2 -i cat="`v.edit map=soils@PERMANENT tool=select bbox=595733.8125,4919781.75,598536.1875,4917396.75`" map=soils


v.edit --help


Edits a vector map - allows adding, deleting and modifying objects in a vector map.


vector, editing, geometry


v.edit [-tin] map=name [layer=value] [type=string[,string,...]]
  tool=string [input=name] [move=x,y] [thresh=value] [cats=range]
  [ids=range] [coords=x,y[,x,y,...]] [bbox=x1,y1,x2,y2]
  [polygon=x,y[,x,y,...]] [where=sql_query] [--verbose] [--quiet]


 -t   Do not build topology
 -i   Print ID's of edited features
 -n   Do not expect header of input data
--v   Verbose module output
--q   Quiet module output


     map   Name of input vector map
   layer   Layer number
            A single vector map can be connected to multiple database tables. This number determines which table to use.
           default: 1
    type   Type
            Feature type(s)
           options: point,line,boundary,centroid
           default: point,line,boundary,centroid
    tool   Editing tool
           options: create,add,delete,copy,move,flip,catadd,catdel,merge,
            create: Create new (empty) vector map
            add: Add new feature(s) to existing vector map
            delete: Delete selected feature(s) from vector map
            copy: Copy selected features
            move: Move selected feature(s) in vector map
            flip: Flip direction of selected vector lines
            catadd: Set new category(ies) to selected vector feature(s) for defined layer
            catdel: Delete category(ies) from selected vector feature(s) for defined layer
            merge: Merge selected vector lines
            break: Break (split) vector line into two separate lines
            snap: Snap one vector line to another
            vertexadd: Add new vertex to selected vector lines
            vertexdel: Remove vertex from selected vector lines
            vertexmove: Move vertex of selected vector lines
            select: Select lines and print their ID's
   input   ASCII file to be converted to binary vector map, if not given (or "-") reads from standard input
    move   Difference in x,y direction for moving feature or vertex
  thresh   Threshold distance
           default: 0
    cats   Category values
            Example: 1,3,7-9,13
     ids   ID values
            Example: 1,3,7-9,13
  coords   List of point coordinates
    bbox   Bounding box for selecting features
 polygon   Polygon for selecting features
   where   WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword
            Example: income < 1000 and inhab >= 10000


The ascii format is almost the same as the standard vector ascii format. So the new digitizer should be able to output for both, and then we have a replacement for r.digit too!