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Strike-and-dip symbols

See the IconSymbols wiki page

  • geology/strike_line,box,triangle,circle:
  • can take rotation angle from an attribute column for each site with the vpoints rotatecolumn instruction; for d.graph you can prepare a command file with a custom rotation for each point using v.out.ascii,, or the v.out.ascii.db addon script. Note that GRASS uses the Cartesian convention for rotation angles, i.e. CCW from east. Convert from compass angles (CW from north) with:
    theta = 90 - degrees_true
You could possibly write a small db.execute script to populate a new column with this conversion by way of a SQL query. (and post it here :)
  • to make open symbols set the fill color to 'none'.
  • to make a double sided dip symbol draw the same symbol twice with 180 rotation the second time.

Modules of interest


  • ...