Stereo anaglyphs

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How to create stereo anaglyphs with NVIZ


Step by step

This is a quick and dirty recipe to produce red-green anaglyphs on the fly in NVIZ.


  • You will need a pair of red-green glasses to properly watch the anaglyph image.
  • Both ppmtorgb3 and rgb3toppm are required.

Note: It shouldn't be too difficult to add the core functionality as a script into NVIZ. Then we could also have animated anaglyph movies, creature-of-the-black-lagoon-style !


Please remember that anaglyps trade color information for depth. Consider it as a black & white image, fancy surface colors will not show.

  1. Load the DEM of choice into NVIZ and find a convenient viewing angle.
  2. Assuming your position is not tilted, move the puck a tiny bit to the left and create a PPM image (for example "left.ppm").
  3. Shift a bit to the right and repeat. Create another ppm image there: "right.ppm"
    [It takes practice to judge the necessary distance between the viewing angles. If the completed product doesn't exactly "jump out of the screen", try again with a larger distance. Otherwise, if the final product gives you a splitting headache when looking at it, opt for a reduced distance (or something nicer to watch).]
  4. ppmtorgb3 left.ppm -> Creates from left.ppm the files,,
  5. ppmtorgb3 right.ppm -> Creates from right.ppm the files,,
  6. rgb3toppm > myfirstanaglyph.ppm
  7. Put on the red-green glasses and watch myfirstanagly.ppm with your favourite image viewer.

Voila !

  • If I understand correctly, Paraview is capable to render anaglyphs on the fly (use [v|r|r3].out.vtk to export GRASS data to use with Paraview).