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This page shows how to use Vagrant_(software) together with GRASS GIS. The GRASS source code contains customized Vagrantfile. This highly simplifies the vagrant usage.


apt-get install vagrant virtualbox

Note: '$' shows commands to be entered from local machine, '#' from vagrant's virtual machine

First of all we download GRASS source code from SVN:

$ svn checkout grass_trunk_vagrant
$ cd grass_trunk_vagrant

We start new vagrant instance by:

$ vagrant up

The command creates new vagrant virtual machines, downloads all dependecies, and compiles GRASS on this machine. You can connect to this machine by:

$ vagrant ssh



The common usage may be:

1) get data to your virtual machine, first we create empty directory for grassdata on virtual machine

$ vagrant ssh -c "mkdir grassdata"

You have several options:

1a) link your grassdata from local to virtual machine:

$ vagrant ssh-config > ssh-config
$ sshfs -F ssh-config vagrant@grass-gis-vagrant:~/grassdata /opt/grassdata

1b) copy your grassdata from local to virtual machine:

$ vagrant ssh-config > ssh-config
$ scp -r -F ssh-config /opt/grassdata/gismentors grass-gis-vagrant:grassdata

1c) download sample grassdata from Internet

$ vagrant ssh
# mkdir grassdata 
# wget
# tar xzf nc_spm_08_grass7.tar.gz

3) start GRASS from virtual machine

# grass71

To halt running virtual machine type:

vagrant halt

How to update GRASS installation

To update your GRASS installation in vagrant (make && make install):

$ svn up
$ vagrant provision

If you want to re-compile GRASS from scratch (make distclean && configure && make && make install):

$ svn up
$ vagrant destroy -f
$ vagrant up