Promotional material

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Revision as of 15:03, 23 July 2013 by Neteler (talk | contribs) (+GRASS T-shirts)
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Collection of material to promote the GRASS project

Technical background, history

GRASS GIS History:

Web site history:



GRASS T-shirts

The community_sprints logos are available for download here.

GRASS Flyers

This flyer gives a short introduction in GRASS:

General GRASS GIS Poster

The current poster was designed for the German FOSSGIS Conference and then translated into English, Italian, Polish and Czech. It might be useful at other conferences and fairs, as well. The grass-addons repository contains the poster in PDF- and ODP (OpenOffice Impress)-Format. Translations are best stored again in the svn.

Specific GRASS GIS Posters

 -> 2013_EGU_G7 + 2013_EGU_G7_Landscape


  • GRASS GIS source code evolution:
GRASS GIS 6.4 development visualization from 1999 to 2011 with Gource
(download high resolution version - 550MB)

How to create an own screencast? See here

OSGeo Foundation material

Communication & Support

Project statistics

Project Metrics provided by Ohloh.

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LiveDVD of

See also

Category:Promotion (GRASS Promotion Team)