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'''Q:''' How do I enjoy high quality statistic analysis in GRASS?

'''A:''' Well, GRASS has got an interface to the most powerful statistics analysis package around: '''''R''''' (http://www.r-project.org)
=== Overview ===
: The [http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/spgrass6/ '''spgrass6'''] R addon toolbox provides the R ←→ GRASS interface.

=== Quick start ===
High quality statistical analyses in GRASS GIS are possible thanks to an interface to one of the most powerful statistical analysis packages around: '''''R''''' ([http://www.r-project.org/ https://www.r-project.org]). This R ←→ GRASS GIS interface is provided by the [https://cran.r-project.org/package=rgrass rgrass] ''R''  package. The possibility to directly interact with R strongly increases the statistical and geospatial analysis capabilities of GRASS GIS. See [https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Spatial.html CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data] for an overview of the R packages and functions that can be used for reading, visualizing, and analyzing spatial data. 
For the impatient just start it:

  > R
R can be used in combination with GRASS GIS in different ways:
  #and install packages directly from the net
  pkgs <- c('akima', 'spgrass6', 'RODBC', 'VR', 'gstat')
  install.packages(pkgs, dependencies=TRUE, type='source')

* ''Running R 'on top of' GRASS'': which involves transferring GRASS data to R to run statistical functions on the imported data, and possibly write the results back to GRASS. GRASS raster and vector data can be imported in R using the [https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/rgrass/html/readVECT.html read_VECT()] and [https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/rgrass/html/readRAST.html read_RAST()] functions provided by [http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rgrass/ rgrass]. Similarly, results can be written back using the [https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/rgrass/html/readRAST.html write_RAST()] and [https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/rgrass/html/readVECT.html write_VECT()] functions. When we read GRASS maps into R, they become R objects stored in memory, more specifically terra objects, i.e., SpatRaster and SpatVector objects that can then be coerced to other types of R spatial objects.
* ''Using R as a scripting language in GRASS'': GRASS functions can be run from R using the [https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/rgrass/html/execGRASS.html execGRASS()] function in the ''rgrass'' package. R scripting tools, such as powerful string-processing tools, can be used to 'glue' different functions and tools together.
* ''Using GRASS GIS as a geospatial library in R'': GRASS GIS can be used to extend the geospatial capabilities of R by: (1) offering an extensive and robust set of geospatial tools, and (2) providing a way to work with very large (larger-than-memory) spatial data sets. See Using 'GRASS GIS functionality within an R session' below for more information.

Once you have '''''R''''' in your system, take a look at http://grass.osgeo.org/statsgrass/grass6_r_install.html .
In practice, one will often combine different approaches, with scripts running GRASS functions, reading resulting maps into R for further analysis, modeling and visualization, and creating new layers in R that are imported back into GRASS.

=== Installation ===
=== Current State ===

First of all you need to add '''''R''''' to your system, the '''''R''''' version must be >= 1.9.1.
R Windows binary packages distributed by the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) using OSGeo software (chiefly PROJ, GDAL and GEOS) use custom built binaries compatible with the build train used by R and are static linked; at present both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are deployed. CRAN packages for macOS are also static linked to custom built binaries, again using the build train used by R. Static linkage is used to avoid having to deploy a package manager for external software on which R packages depend, since CRAN as a package manager already supports over 15000 packages with three binary versions (devel, release, old release) for Windows and macOS.

R and many of its addon packages are pre-built and distributed through the CRAN network of mirrors. In addition many Linux distributions prepackage R and a number of the most popular addon toolboxes.
=== Installation ===
All the necessary functions for the GRASS 6 interface are now in packages on CRAN, so that on Linux/Unix (or Mac OSX) installing '''rgdal''' from source with PROJ4 and GDAL installed, or Windows installing from binary, the required packages are: '''sp'''; '''maptools''' (now includes spmaptools); '''rgdal''' (now includes spGDAL, spproj); '''spgrass6''' - now all on CRAN.
==== Source packages ====
From the R console first pick a local mirror:
you can then see what it picked with
To permanently save the mirror site add it to <tt>~/.Rprofile</tt>. For example:
and then run <tt>install.packages()</tt> as in the Quick Start section above.
For more information see http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-admin.html

==== Linux ====
==== Installation of R core software ====

===== Debian and Ubuntu =====
(see also [[R statistics/Installation]])

''R'' and a number of pre-build cran packages are already present in the main repositories. Start with:
''Note: the ...-devel packages are needed if you want to install extra packages incl. '''rgrass''' on your computer.''

# apt-get install r-base r-cran-vr r-cran-rodbc r-cran-xml
  sudo dnf install R
  # further packages needed in order to locally compile "rgrass"
  sudo dnf install proj-devel proj-data gdal-devel sqlite-devel xml2 libxml2-devel udunits2-devel

Once those are installed start "<tt>R</tt>" at the command prompt and install the non-pre-packaged libraries:
  sudo apt-get install r-base
  # further packages needed in order to locally compile "rgrass"
  sudo apt-get install proj-bin proj-data libproj-dev libgdal-dev libsqlite3-dev libxml2-dev r-base-dev

==== Installation of the rgrass package ====
To install the R package '''rgrass''' on newer versions of R, you simply start R and install the package directly with:

Debian/Lenny ships with ''R'' 2.7.1 which is too old for the modern ''rgdal'' package. So we have to fetch one from the archive and build it from the Linux command line:
<source lang="rsplus">
$ wget http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/rgdal/rgdal_0.6-24.tar.gz
install.packages("rgrass", dependencies = TRUE)
$ R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/local/lib/R/site-library rgdal_0.6-24.tar.gz

And finally, back inside the ''R'' session:
This will install '''''rgrass''''' and all its dependencies. To use the package, you first need to load it:

<source lang="rsplus">

* [http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/README Debian] and [http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README Ubuntu] specific help is also available from the R-project website.
If you are using Rstudio, you can install the rgrass package in the usual way (tool → packages). For further instructions and for troubleshooting, see [[R_statistics/Installation]].

You can also use the CRAN Debian package repository: (pick one; adjust distribution as needed [here "Debian/testing"])
=== How to use ===
deb http://debian.cran.r-project.org/cran2deb/debian-i386 testing/
deb http://debian.cran.r-project.org/cran2deb/debian-amd64 testing/

===== RPM based =====
==== Using R within a GRASS GIS session ====

* '''RedHat, Suse, Mandrake''' and similar distros: take the latest '''''R''''' RPM and install it
If you are primarily a GIS user who wants to run e.g., some statistical tests not available in GRASS, you probably want to run R from within a GRASS GIS session. To do so, first start GRASS GIS and then start R (or RStudio) from the GRASS GIS command line. For more information and examples, see [[R_statistics/rgrass]].

==== Mac OSX ====
==== Using GRASS GIS functionality within an R session ====

* for install.packages() you might have to rely on building packages from source code. try:
If you are primarily an R user who wants to take advantage of the geospatial functions in GRASS, you probably want to use GRASS GIS within an R session. To connect to a GRASS GIS database from within R (or Rstudio), see the instructions on [[R_statistics/rgrass]]. If you are a first time GRASS GIS user, you may want to check out the information for [https://grass.osgeo.org/learn/newcomers/ first time users].
install.packages(''pkgname'', type="source", dependencies = TRUE)

==== MS Windows ====
=== Examples ===

* -
* [https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Temporal_data_processing/GRASS_R_raster_time_series_processing Temporal data processing wiki]; a tutorial about time series processing with GRASS GIS and R.
* A short guide on how to [https://tutorials.ecodiv.earth/toc/from_grass_to_r.html get a GRASS function output in R].
* [https://tutorials.ecodiv.earth/toc/grass-import-glcf.html Importing GLCF MODIS woody plant cover] in a GRASS GIS database using an R script.
* [https://tutorials.ecodiv.earth/toc/grass-r-gbif.html Use R to obtain gbif data] and import it in a GRASS GIS database.
* [https://veroandreo.github.io/grass_ncsu_2023/studio_index.html Using Satellite Data for Species Distribution Modeling with GRASS GIS and R]: Workshop at NCSU, April 2023.

=== Getting Help ===
=== Getting help ===

* Primary support for ''R'' + GRASS and the ''spgrass6'' package is through the [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-stats grass-stats] mailing list.
==== Manual pages ====
If you are in R and have loaded the rgrass package, you can get help by typing:

=== GRASS Modules ===
<source lang="rsplus">

* {{cmd|v.krige|version=65}}: Perform kriging operations in the GRASS environment, using R software functions in background.
Similarly, to get help for a specific function, e.g., for the function ''read_RAST()'', you type:
: Special requirements: '''python-rpy2''' (not ''python-rpy''!)

(merge info from man page here)
<source lang="rsplus">

=== See also ===
You can also start the ''R'' help page in your browser:

* http://grass.ibiblio.org/statsgrass/index.php#grassR
<source lang="rsplus">

* Using GRASS and R: http://grass.osgeo.org/statsgrass/grass6_r_interface.html
Now, to get the information about the package, select the '''Packages''' entry and then '''rgrass'''.  

* Connecting R to RDBMS: http://grass.osgeo.org/statsgrass/r_and_dbms.html
==== Support from the community ====

* [http://www.r-project.org R-Statistics homepage]
Primary support for ''R'' + GRASS and the ''rgrass'' package is through the [https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-stats grass-stats] mailing list.

* [http://r-spatial.sourceforge.net/ R-spatial main web page] (mini '''[http://r-spatial.sourceforge.net/xtra/xtra.RHnw.html#spgrass6 spgrass6 tutorial]''')
=== Useful links ===

* [http://geodacenter.asu.edu/r-spatial-projects R Spatial Projects at ASU]
==== R ====

* Neural Networks with GRASS and R (posted by Markus Neteler on the grass-user mailing list) http://www.uam.es/proyectosinv/Mclim/pdf/MBenito_EcoMod.pdf
* [https://r-spatial.org/ R][https://r-spatial.org/ r-spatial main web page]
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Spatial.html CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data]
* [https://cengel.github.io/rspatial/2_spDataTypes.nb.html Introduction to Spatial Data Types in R]
* [https://blog.dominodatalab.com/applied-spatial-data-science-with-r/ Applied Spatial Data Science with R] (blog post with examples)
* [https://rsbivand.github.io/rgrass/articles/coerce.html Coercion between object formats] (rgrass vignette)
* [https://rsbivand.github.io/rgrass/articles/use.html Use of GRASS interface] (rgrass vignette)
* [https://rsbivand.github.io/foss4g_2022/modernizing_220822.html Modernizing the R-GRASS interface: confronting barn-raised OSGeo libraries and the evolving R.*spatial package ecosystem] (Workshop at FOSS4G 2022, Florence)

* A detailed example on the use of GRASS and R, with spearfish data: http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/drupal/node/438
==== Related ====

* Using R and GRASS with cygwin: It is possible to use Rterm inside the GRASS shell in cygwin, just as in Unix/Linux or OSX. You should not, however, start Rterm from a cygwin xterm, because Rterm is not expecting to be run in an xterm under Windows, and loses its input. If you use the regular cygwin bash shell, but need to start display windows, start X from within GRASS with startx &, and then start Rterm in the same cygwin shell, not in the xterm.
* [https://rpy2.bitbucket.io/ Python interface to the R Programming Language]: can be used to run R in GRASS Python scripts.

* [http://r-spatial.sourceforge.net/ Spatial data in R] (<code>sp</code>) is a '''''R''''' library that provides classes and methods for spatial data (points, lines, polygons, grids), and to new or existing spatial statistics '''''R''''' packages that use sp, depend on sp, or will become dependent on <code>sp</code>, such as <code>maptools</code>, <code>rgdal</code>, <code>splancs</code>, '''<code>spgrass6</code>''', <code>gstat</code>, <code>spgwr</code> and many others.
==== Articles & books ====

* [http://rpy.sourceforge.net/ RPy] - Python interface to the R Programming Language
* Neural Networks with GRASS and R [https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2006.03.015 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2006.03.015]
* [http://www.asdar-book.org/ Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R]. Roger S. Bivand, Edzer Pebesma and V. Gómez-Rubio. UseR! Series, Springer. 2nd ed. 2013, xviii+405 pp., Softcover. ISBN: 978-1-4614-7617-7
* [https://www.grassbook.org/ GRASS Book], see last chapter
* [https://www.osgeo.org/journal OSGeo Journal] vol. 1 May 2007 (R. Bivand. Using the R— GRASS interface. ''OSGeo Journal'', 1:31-33, May 2007. ISSN 1614-8746).
* [https://grass.osgeo.org/newsletter/grassnews3.html GRASS News vol.3], June 2005 (R. Bivand. Interfacing GRASS 6 and R. ''GRASS Newsletter'', 3:11-16, June 2005. ISSN 1614-8746)

=== Articles ===
==== Older (but still useful) links ====

* [http://grass.osgeo.org/newsletter/grassnews3.html GRASS News vol.3], June 2005 (R. Bivand. Interfacing GRASS 6 and R. ''GRASS Newsletter'', 3:11-16, June 2005. ISSN 1614-8746).
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090623093535/http://grass.osgeo.org/statsgrass/grass_geostats.html Using GRASS GIS 6 and R]
* [http://www.osgeo.org/journal OSGeo Journal] vol. 1 May 2007 (R. Bivand. Using the R— GRASS interface. ''OSGeo Journal'', 1:31-33, May 2007. ISSN 1614-8746).
* [http://grassold.osgeo.org/statsgrass/r_and_dbms.html Connecting R to RDBMS]
* [http://www.grassbook.org GRASS Book, last chapter]
* R. Bivand, 2007: [http://spatial.nhh.no/R/etc/FBK07 Interfacing R and OSGeo projects: status and perspectives]: Presentation with slides and scripts.
* M. Neteler and M. Metz, 2011: ''Introduction to GRASS GIS''. GEOSTAT 2011 Landau. [http://geostat-course.org/Topic_NetelerMetz_2011 Download workshop material] (includes a R session)

[[Category:Linking to other languages]]

Latest revision as of 19:58, 19 April 2023


High quality statistical analyses in GRASS GIS are possible thanks to an interface to one of the most powerful statistical analysis packages around: R (https://www.r-project.org). This R ←→ GRASS GIS interface is provided by the rgrass R package. The possibility to directly interact with R strongly increases the statistical and geospatial analysis capabilities of GRASS GIS. See CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data for an overview of the R packages and functions that can be used for reading, visualizing, and analyzing spatial data.

R can be used in combination with GRASS GIS in different ways:

  • Running R 'on top of' GRASS: which involves transferring GRASS data to R to run statistical functions on the imported data, and possibly write the results back to GRASS. GRASS raster and vector data can be imported in R using the read_VECT() and read_RAST() functions provided by rgrass. Similarly, results can be written back using the write_RAST() and write_VECT() functions. When we read GRASS maps into R, they become R objects stored in memory, more specifically terra objects, i.e., SpatRaster and SpatVector objects that can then be coerced to other types of R spatial objects.
  • Using R as a scripting language in GRASS: GRASS functions can be run from R using the execGRASS() function in the rgrass package. R scripting tools, such as powerful string-processing tools, can be used to 'glue' different functions and tools together.
  • Using GRASS GIS as a geospatial library in R: GRASS GIS can be used to extend the geospatial capabilities of R by: (1) offering an extensive and robust set of geospatial tools, and (2) providing a way to work with very large (larger-than-memory) spatial data sets. See Using 'GRASS GIS functionality within an R session' below for more information.

In practice, one will often combine different approaches, with scripts running GRASS functions, reading resulting maps into R for further analysis, modeling and visualization, and creating new layers in R that are imported back into GRASS.

Current State

R Windows binary packages distributed by the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) using OSGeo software (chiefly PROJ, GDAL and GEOS) use custom built binaries compatible with the build train used by R and are static linked; at present both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are deployed. CRAN packages for macOS are also static linked to custom built binaries, again using the build train used by R. Static linkage is used to avoid having to deploy a package manager for external software on which R packages depend, since CRAN as a package manager already supports over 15000 packages with three binary versions (devel, release, old release) for Windows and macOS.


Installation of R core software

(see also R statistics/Installation)

Note: the ...-devel packages are needed if you want to install extra packages incl. rgrass on your computer.


 sudo dnf install R
 # further packages needed in order to locally compile "rgrass"
 sudo dnf install proj-devel proj-data gdal-devel sqlite-devel xml2 libxml2-devel udunits2-devel


 sudo apt-get install r-base
 # further packages needed in order to locally compile "rgrass"
 sudo apt-get install proj-bin proj-data libproj-dev libgdal-dev libsqlite3-dev libxml2-dev r-base-dev

Installation of the rgrass package

To install the R package rgrass on newer versions of R, you simply start R and install the package directly with:

install.packages("rgrass", dependencies = TRUE)

This will install rgrass and all its dependencies. To use the package, you first need to load it:


If you are using Rstudio, you can install the rgrass package in the usual way (tool → packages). For further instructions and for troubleshooting, see R_statistics/Installation.

How to use

Using R within a GRASS GIS session

If you are primarily a GIS user who wants to run e.g., some statistical tests not available in GRASS, you probably want to run R from within a GRASS GIS session. To do so, first start GRASS GIS and then start R (or RStudio) from the GRASS GIS command line. For more information and examples, see R_statistics/rgrass.

Using GRASS GIS functionality within an R session

If you are primarily an R user who wants to take advantage of the geospatial functions in GRASS, you probably want to use GRASS GIS within an R session. To connect to a GRASS GIS database from within R (or Rstudio), see the instructions on R_statistics/rgrass. If you are a first time GRASS GIS user, you may want to check out the information for first time users.


Getting help

Manual pages

If you are in R and have loaded the rgrass package, you can get help by typing:


Similarly, to get help for a specific function, e.g., for the function read_RAST(), you type:


You can also start the R help page in your browser:


Now, to get the information about the package, select the Packages entry and then rgrass.

Support from the community

Primary support for R + GRASS and the rgrass package is through the grass-stats mailing list.

Useful links



Articles & books

Older (but still useful) links