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(Tutorial on atmospheric correction of Landsat images in the North Carolina dataset)
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See also the [[LANDSAT]] wiki page.
'''Aim of this tutorial:'''
'''Aim of this tutorial:'''

* Transforming a Landsat ETM+ image from DN values to radiance values
* Transforming a Landsat ETM+ image from DN values to radiance values
* Conducting an atmospheric correction of a Landsat image using the i.atcorr module in Grass GIS 6.3.0
* Conducting an atmospheric correction of a Landsat image using the {{cmd|i.atcorr}} module in GRASS GIS and convert radiance to reflectance values
== Introduction ==
Standard steps for pre-processing satellite images are:

# Converting '''Digital Numbers''' (DN) to '''Top-of-Atmosphere Radiances''' (ToAR)
#* DNs -- which are actually the pixel values -- are the result of the quantified amount of energy observed and measured at the sensor
#* for '''Landsat''' imagery, apply the equation below or use the {{cmd|i.landsat.toar}} module
#* the {{cmd|i.landsat.toar}} module supports all Landsat sensors including MSS, TM and ETM+
#* for '''WorldView''' imagery, apply this equation with {{cmd|r.mapcalc}}:<br> <tt>L = Gain * DN * (abscalfactor/effective bandwidth) + Offset</tt><br> with the band specific "abscalfactor" and "effectiveBandwidth" being delivered with the imagery in the metadata file and the Gain and Offset are the absolute radiometric calibration band-dependent adjustment factors that are given in e.g. [ this DigitalGlobe document]. Note that these are not necessarily stagnant values and they are revisited annually.
# Converting '''ToA Radiances''' to '''Top-of-Canopy Reflectances''' (ToCR) → use the {{cmd|i.atcorr}} module
#* the conversion to ''Reflectances'' attempts to assess for and remove atmospheric effects, a process known as ''atmospheric correction''
#* the ''atmospheric correction'' step is quite a common topic of discussion in Remote Sensing. However, depending on the quality of the acquisition(s), it can be a complex process that does not always offer a great benefit, in terms of accuracy for subsequent processing steps (e.g. image segmentation and classification).

'''Required elements:'''
'''Remember''' to check if water areas are represented by values <code>>0</code>, since reflectance is always positive. If you encounter negative reflectance values, you have a "cornichon" (pickle in English ;-0). This means that the transformation equations used, do not correspond to the image processed.

* Grass 6.3.0 or higher
* North Carolina sample dataset:

An overview of options to get "corrected" Spectral Reflectances:

After downloading of the North Carolina dataset, it must be unzipped into your GIS database. When starting Grass GIS, select this GIS database, open the ‘nc_spm_08’ dataset as LOCATION, and ‘PERMANENT’ as MAPSET.  
|                                                                              |
| Digital Numbers                                                              |
|        |                                                                    |
|  +-----v-----+                                                              |
|  |  i.*.toar | ---> Reflectance                                              |
|  +-----+-----+    (uncorrected)~~~(DOS methods)--+                          |
|        |                +                        |                          |
|    (-r flag)        (-r flag)                    +--> "Corrected"          |
|        |                |                        |    Reflectance          |
|        v          +-----v----+                  |                          |
|    Radiance ------> i.atcorr +-------------------+                          |
|                    +----------+                                              |
|                                                                              |

== Requirements ==
* GRASS 6.4.0 or higher
* North Carolina sample dataset (location):
After downloading of the North Carolina dataset, it must be unzipped into your GIS database. When starting GRASS GIS, select this GIS database, open the ‘nc_spm_08’ dataset as LOCATION, and ‘PERMANENT’ as MAPSET.
== Calculating radiance values ==
The NC data set mapset contains, amongst others, a Landsat ETM+ image of 24th of May 2002. Every pixel of this image contains a DN or grey value. In order to be able to make calculations with satellite imagery, or compare values amongst different sensors, these values have to be converted to radiances or reflectances. The formulas to do this conversion are described here for Landsat images (or use {{cmd|i.landsat.toar}}).

= Calculating radiance values =

This mapset contains, amongst others, a Landsat ETM+ image of 24th of May 2002. Every pixel of this image contains a DN or grey value. In order to be able to make calculations with satellite imagery, or compare values amongst different sensors, these values have to be converted to radiances or reflectances. The formulas to do this conversion are described here for Landsat images.
The conversion from DN values to top-of-atmosphere radiances is done as follows:
The conversion from DN values to top-of-atmosphere radiances is done as follows:

<math>L\lambda = \frac{L_{MAX}λ - L_{MIN}λ}{QCAL_{MAX} - QCAL_{MIN}} * (QCAL - QCAL_{MIN}) + L_{MIN}\lambda</math>


* Lλ = Spectral Radiance at the sensor's aperture in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm)
* QCAL = the quantized calibrated pixel value in DN
* LMINλ = the spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALMIN in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm)
* <math></math> - spectral Radiance at the sensor's aperture in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm), the apparent radiance as seen by the satellite sensor ;
* LMAXλ = the spectral radiance that is scaled to QCALMAX in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm)
* <math>QCAL</math> - the quantized calibrated pixel value in <math>DN</math> ;
* QCALMIN = the minimum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to LMINλ) in DN  
* <math>LMINλ</math> - the spectral radiance that is scaled to <math>QCALMIN</math> in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm) ;
* QCALMAX = the maximum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to LMAXλ) in DN =255
* <math>LMAXλ</math> - the spectral radiance that is scaled to <math>QCALMAX</math> in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm) ;
* Lλ is the apparent radiance as seen by the satellite sensor.
* <math>QCALMINM</math> - the minimum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to <math>LMINλ</math>) in <math>DN</math> ;
* <math>QCALMAX</math> - the maximum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to <math>LMAXλ</math>) in <math>DN=255</math>.

LMINλ and LMAXλ are the radiances related to the minimal and maximal DN value, and are reported in the metadata file for each image, or in the table 1. High gain or low gain is also reported in the metadata file of each Landsat image. The minimal DN value (QCALMIN) is 1 for Landsat ETM+ images (1), and the maximal DN value (QCALMAX) is 255. QCAL is the DN value for every separate pixel in the Landsat image.  
<math>LMINλ</math> and <math>LMAXλ</math> are the radiances related to the minimal and maximal <math>DN</math> value, and are reported in the metadata file for each image, or in the table 1. High gain or low gain is also reported in the metadata file of each Landsat image. The minimal <math>DN</math> value (<math>QCALMIN</math>) is 1 for Landsat ETM+ images (1), and the maximal <math>DN</math> value (<math>QCALMAX</math>) is 255. <math>QCAL</math> is the <math>DN</math> value for every separate pixel in the Landsat image.

Accessing the metadata:
Accessing the metadata:

    $ lsat7_2002_xx
{{cmd|}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>lsat7_2002_xx</source>
Under ‘comments’, the maximal and minimal radiance (LMAX and LMIN) for each band are given.
Power users may use this for nicely readable output (example for channel 1):
<source lang="bash" enclose=none>CHAN=1</source>
{{cmd|}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>lsat7_2002_${CHAN}0 -h | tr '\n' ' '  | sed 's+ ++g' | tr ':' '\n' | grep "LMIN_BAND${CHAN}\|LMAX_BAND${CHAN}"
Conversion to radiance (this calculation is done for band 1, for the other bands, the numbers in italics need to be replaced with their correct values):
{{cmd|g.region}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>rast=lsat7_2002_10 -p</source>
{{cmd|r.mapcalc}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>"lsat7_2002_10_rad=((''191.6'' - (''-6.2'')) / (255.0 - 1.0)) * (lsat7_2002_10 - 1.0) + (''-6.2'')"</source>
For faster computations, use an integer DEM:
  {{cmd|r.mapcalc}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>"elev_int = round(elevation)"</source>
Find mean elevation to initialize computations (needed in 'icnd' file below)
{{cmd|r.univar}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>elev_int</source>
== Estimating the overpass time ==
This value is needed for the control file. For details, refer to Wikipedia's entry on [ Scientific decimal time].
In case this parameter is not reported in the metadata file, we have two ways to obtain it.
=== From sun position ===
The satellite overpass time can be estimated rather precisely from the sun position reported in metadata using {{cmd|r.sunmask}}.
The [ metadata file] for the following example contains: <source lang="bash" enclose="none">SUN_AZIMUTH = 120.8810347, SUN_ELEVATION = 64.7730999</source>.
# iteratively change hour and minutes to obtain a good result, timezone needs to be correct of course
{{cmd|r.sunmask}}  <source lang="bash" enclose=none>-s elev=elevation out=dummy year=2002 month=5 day=24 hour=10 min=42 sec=7 timezone=-5</source>
The above command reports:
Solar position: sun azimuth: 121.342461, sun angle above horz.(refraction corrected): 65.396652
The resulting overpass local time <code>10:42:07</code> corresponds to <code>15:42</code> in GMT which corresponds to <code>15.70</code> in decimal GMT hours (decimal minutes: <math>42 * 100 / 60</math>).
=== From NASA web tool ===
The [ NASA LaRC Satellite Overpass Predictor] can compute satellite overpass time from d''ate of acquisition'' and ''scene center coordinates''. The [ metadata file] for the following example contains: <source lang="bash" enclose="none">ACQUISITION_DATE = 2002-05-24, SCENE_CENTER_LAT = +36.0512847, SCENE_CENTER_LON = -79.3280820</source>.
# Select the World zone in the bottom-right side of the page and click <code>Go >></code>
# Insert Lat/Long coordinates (decimal degrees, without ''plus'' sign but with ''minus'' sign)
# Select the proper satellite
# Insert the date of acquisition
# ''Optional:'' select "Day" or "Night" to restrict computation to (local) day/night overpass of the satellite
''Example:'' Calculation for NC Landsat scenes: see [ here]

--- For LANDSAT only ---

Under ‘comments’, the maximal and minimal radiance (LMAX and LMIN) for each band are given. Conversion to radiance (this calculation is done for band 1, for the other bands, the numbers in italics need to be replaced with their correct values):
USGS provide the [ Landsat Bulk Metadata Service] web page where is possible to extract metadata (included overpass time) for all the Landsat missions.

    $ r.mapcalc “lsat7_2002_10_rad=((''191.6'' - (''-6.2'')) / (255 - 1)) * (lsat7_2002_10 - 1) + (''-6.2'')”
== Atmospheric correction ==

= Atmospheric correction =
Radiance values can be converted to reflectance values in undergoing an atmospheric correction by applying the <math>6S</math> algorithm available in {{cmd|i.atcorr}}. The algorithm will transform the Top-of-Atmosphere radiance values to Top-of-Canopy reflectance values using predefined information on the aerosol content and atmospheric composition of the time the image was taken. What follows describes the method to use this algorithm in GRASS GIS. Again, only calculations for band 1 are demonstrated here, and the number(s) to be changed for indicating other spectral bands, are <span style="color:#FF0000">red</span>. The <code>icnd_lsat1.txt</code> control file consists of the following parameters, and is written with a text editor:

This radiance image can be used for the atmospheric correction with the 6S algorithm. The algorithm will transform the top-of-the-atmosphere radiance values to top-of-canopy reflectance values using predefined information on the aerosol content and atmospheric composition of the time the image was taken. What follows describes the method to use this algorithm in Grass GIS. Again, only the calculations for band 1 are shown, and the numbers to be changed for the other bands are indicated in red.The icnd file consists of the following parameters, and can be made in Notepad:
8                          # indicates that it is an ETM+ image
05 24 15.67 -78.691 35.749 # image taken on the 24th of May, at 15:42 GMT in decimals; the center of the image lies at 78.691°W and 35.749°N
2                          # the midlatitude summer atmospheric model
1                         # the continental aerosol model
50                        # the visibility for the aerosol model [km]
-0.110                    # the terrain lies 110 meters above sea level [km] * -1
-1000                      # image taken of a satellite sensor (1000)
<span style="color:#FF0000">61</span>                        # spectral band, here 1: blue

* 8                          ''- indicates that it is an ETM+ image''
Alternatively, in case visibility maps are not available, an Aerosol Optical Depth estimation at 550nm can be used. The control file should be altered accordingly by entering 0 for the visibility and, in a following line, entering the aerosol optical depth. The control file should be structured as follows:
* 05 24 14.30 -78.691 35.749 ''- image taken on the 24th of May, at 14.30; the center of the image lies at 78.691°W and 35.749°N ''
* 2                          ''- the midlatitude summer atmospheric model''
* 1                          ''- the continental aerosol model''
* 50                        ''- the visibility for the aerosol model''
* -0.600                    ''- the area lies 600 meters above sea level''
* -1000                      ''- image taken of a satellite sensor''
* 61                        ''- spectral band''

8                          # indicates that it is an ETM+ image
05 24 15.67 -78.691 35.749 # image taken on the 24th of May, at 15:42 GMT in decimals; the center of the image lies at 78.691°W and 35.749°N
2                          # the midlatitude summer atmospheric model
1                          # the continental aerosol model
0                          # set visibility = 0
0.112                      # e.g. aerosol optical depth
-0.110                    # the terrain lies 110 meters above sea level [km] * -1
-1000                      # image taken of a satellite sensor (1000)
<span style="color:#FF0000">61</span>                        # spectral band, here 1: blue

This file is than used in the i.atcorr module:

    $ i.atcorr –a iimg=lsat7_2002_10_rad ialt=elevation icnd=icdn.txt oimg=lsat7_2002_10_atcorr
This file is then used in the {{cmd|i.atcorr}} module:
{{cmd|i.atcorr}} <source lang="bash" enclose=none>-a input=lsat7_2002_10_rad elevation=elev_int parameters=icdn_lsat1.txt output=lsat7_2002_10_atcorr</source>

* -a refers to a Landsat image taken after July 2000
* <tt>'''-a'''</tt>  refers to a Landsat image taken after July 2000
* iimg is the image to be corrected
* <tt>'''input'''</tt> is the image to be corrected
* ialt is the altitude map
* <tt>'''elevation'''</tt> is the altitude map which overrides the initialization value of 110 meters
* icnd is the path to the icnd.txt file
* <tt>'''parameters'''</tt> is the path to the icnd.txt file
* oimg is the name of the output image
* <tt>'''output'''</tt> is the name of the output image
Detailed information can be found in {{cmd|i.atcorr}}'s manual.
'''Note,''' {{cmd|i.atcorr}} wont complain if the defined elevation model (parameter <code>elevation=</code>) does not cover the extent of the Landsat scene that is the subject of the process -- it will result in NaN's. ''[Maybe this can be requested as an enhancement?]''
== Atmospheric correction for multiple bands ==
To run {{cmd|i.atcorr}} in GRASS GIS on multiple bands, you will need to execute the module for each band individually since i.atcorr is designed to handle a single band at a time. However, you can automate this process using a script (Bash, or Python) to apply the atmospheric correction to multiple bands sequentially. Here's an example of how to run {{cmd|i.atcorr}} for multiple bands using a Bash script:
<source lang=bash>
# List of bands to process
bands=("10" "20" "30" "40" "50")
# Loop through each band and apply i.atcorr
for band in "${bands[@]}"
    echo "Processing $band..."
    # Run i.atcorr for each band, modify parameters as needed
    g.region raster=$band
    i.atcorr -a input=lsat7_2002_${band}_rad elevation=elev_int parameters=icdn_lsat1.txt output=lsat7_2002_${band}_atcorr
echo "Atmospheric correction done for all bands!"
== Sources for aerosol optical depth (AOD) estimations ==
* [ AERONET] - provides globally distributed observations of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD), inversion products, and precipitable water in diverse aerosol regimes.
* MODIS MOD08 product [ MOD08 - Gridded Atmospheric Product].
** Daily MOD08 products can be downloaded directly from NASA's FTP server: [ ''''''].
** File and layer specifications are available, for example, at [ MODIS HDF File Specification MOD08_D3: MODIS Level 3 Daily Atmosphere Gridded Product]
** The layer '''Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean''', described as ''Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.55 microns for both Ocean (best) and Land (corrected): Mean'', can be probably used as an input for {{cmd|i.atcorr}}. '''Note,''' the layer's values have to be scaled by using the scaling factor ''Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean:scale_factor ='' '''0.001d''' as reported in the specifications.
* [ How to estimate Aerosol Optical Thickness]
=== TοDο ===
* Cross-check with [  Landsat Atmospheric Correction Parameter Calculator]
* understand if the [ MODIS Aerosol Product (MOD04)] could be useful to estimate the visibility for the aerosol model.
* provide an example on using [ MODIS Gridded Atmospheric Product (MOD08)].
* explain if it is possible and how to use ''Rayleigh Optical Depths estimated at 0km altitude for six different atmosphere models'' from the paper [  Rayleigh-scattering calculations for the terrestrial atmosphere] by Anthony Buchholz, table 4, page 2270
== References ==

More information on the use of i.atcorr for other images can be found at .
=== 6S algorithm ===

= References =
* [ 6S Web site]
* [ Land Surface Reflectance Science Computing Facility website - 6S]

=== Spectral radiance/reflectance ===
* [ How is radiance calculated?], question on USGS' [ Landsat Missions - Frequently Asked Questions]
* (1)
* (1)
* (2)
* (2)
* WorldView:
=== Whitepapers ===
* Various [ Whitepapers] about conversion and atmospheric correction of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
*  Song, C., Woodcock, C.E., Seto, K.C., Lenney, M.P., Macomber, S.A., 2001. Classification and Change Detection Using Landsat TM Data: When and How to Correct Atmospheric Effects? Remote Sensing of Environment 75, 230-244. [ PDF]
=== Related on-line tools ===
* [ NASA LaRC Satellite Overpass Predictor]
* [ Landsat Bulk Metadata Service]
* NASA's [ Atmospheric Correction Parameter Calculator]
=== How to add new sensors to i.atcorr ===
How to add new sensors to {{cmd|i.atcorr}}:
* see
[[Category: Documentation]]
[[Category: Tutorial]]
[[Category: Image processing]]
== See also ==
* Terrain correction: {{cmd|i.topo.corr}}

Latest revision as of 21:11, 25 September 2024

See also the LANDSAT wiki page.

Aim of this tutorial:

  • Transforming a Landsat ETM+ image from DN values to radiance values
  • Conducting an atmospheric correction of a Landsat image using the i.atcorr module in GRASS GIS and convert radiance to reflectance values


Standard steps for pre-processing satellite images are:

  1. Converting Digital Numbers (DN) to Top-of-Atmosphere Radiances (ToAR)
    • DNs -- which are actually the pixel values -- are the result of the quantified amount of energy observed and measured at the sensor
    • for Landsat imagery, apply the equation below or use the i.landsat.toar module
    • the i.landsat.toar module supports all Landsat sensors including MSS, TM and ETM+
    • for WorldView imagery, apply this equation with r.mapcalc:
      L = Gain * DN * (abscalfactor/effective bandwidth) + Offset
      with the band specific "abscalfactor" and "effectiveBandwidth" being delivered with the imagery in the metadata file and the Gain and Offset are the absolute radiometric calibration band-dependent adjustment factors that are given in e.g. this DigitalGlobe document. Note that these are not necessarily stagnant values and they are revisited annually.
  2. Converting ToA Radiances to Top-of-Canopy Reflectances (ToCR) → use the i.atcorr module
    • the conversion to Reflectances attempts to assess for and remove atmospheric effects, a process known as atmospheric correction
    • the atmospheric correction step is quite a common topic of discussion in Remote Sensing. However, depending on the quality of the acquisition(s), it can be a complex process that does not always offer a great benefit, in terms of accuracy for subsequent processing steps (e.g. image segmentation and classification).

Remember to check if water areas are represented by values >0, since reflectance is always positive. If you encounter negative reflectance values, you have a "cornichon" (pickle in English ;-0). This means that the transformation equations used, do not correspond to the image processed.

An overview of options to get "corrected" Spectral Reflectances:

 |                                                                              |
 | Digital Numbers                                                              |
 |        |                                                                     |
 |  +-----v-----+                                                               |
 |  |  i.*.toar | ---> Reflectance                                              |
 |  +-----+-----+     (uncorrected)~~~(DOS methods)--+                          |
 |        |                 +                        |                          |
 |    (-r flag)         (-r flag)                    +--> "Corrected"           |
 |        |                 |                        |     Reflectance          |
 |        v           +-----v----+                   |                          |
 |     Radiance ------> i.atcorr +-------------------+                          |
 |                    +----------+                                              |
 |                                                                              |


After downloading of the North Carolina dataset, it must be unzipped into your GIS database. When starting GRASS GIS, select this GIS database, open the ‘nc_spm_08’ dataset as LOCATION, and ‘PERMANENT’ as MAPSET.

Calculating radiance values

The NC data set mapset contains, amongst others, a Landsat ETM+ image of 24th of May 2002. Every pixel of this image contains a DN or grey value. In order to be able to make calculations with satellite imagery, or compare values amongst different sensors, these values have to be converted to radiances or reflectances. The formulas to do this conversion are described here for Landsat images (or use i.landsat.toar).

The conversion from DN values to top-of-atmosphere radiances is done as follows:

Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle L\lambda = \frac{L_{MAX}λ - L_{MIN}λ}{QCAL_{MAX} - QCAL_{MIN}} * (QCAL - QCAL_{MIN}) + L_{MIN}\lambda}

    • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle Lλ} - spectral Radiance at the sensor's aperture in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm), the apparent radiance as seen by the satellite sensor ;
    • - the quantized calibrated pixel value in  ;
    • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle LMINλ} - the spectral radiance that is scaled to in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm) ;
    • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle LMAXλ} - the spectral radiance that is scaled to in watts/(meter squared * ster * μm) ;
    • - the minimum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle LMINλ} ) in  ;
    • - the maximum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle LMAXλ} ) in .

Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle LMINλ} and Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle LMAXλ} are the radiances related to the minimal and maximal value, and are reported in the metadata file for each image, or in the table 1. High gain or low gain is also reported in the metadata file of each Landsat image. The minimal value () is 1 for Landsat ETM+ images (1), and the maximal value () is 255. is the value for every separate pixel in the Landsat image.

Accessing the metadata: lsat7_2002_xx

Under ‘comments’, the maximal and minimal radiance (LMAX and LMIN) for each band are given.

Power users may use this for nicely readable output (example for channel 1):

CHAN=1 lsat7_2002_${CHAN}0 -h | tr '\n' ' '  | sed 's+ ++g' | tr ':' '\n' | grep "LMIN_BAND${CHAN}\|LMAX_BAND${CHAN}"

Conversion to radiance (this calculation is done for band 1, for the other bands, the numbers in italics need to be replaced with their correct values):

g.region rast=lsat7_2002_10 -p
r.mapcalc "lsat7_2002_10_rad=((''191.6'' - (''-6.2'')) / (255.0 - 1.0)) * (lsat7_2002_10 - 1.0) + (''-6.2'')"

For faster computations, use an integer DEM:

 r.mapcalc "elev_int = round(elevation)"

Find mean elevation to initialize computations (needed in 'icnd' file below)

r.univar elev_int

Estimating the overpass time

This value is needed for the control file. For details, refer to Wikipedia's entry on Scientific decimal time. In case this parameter is not reported in the metadata file, we have two ways to obtain it.

From sun position

The satellite overpass time can be estimated rather precisely from the sun position reported in metadata using r.sunmask. The metadata file for the following example contains: SUN_AZIMUTH = 120.8810347, SUN_ELEVATION = 64.7730999.

# iteratively change hour and minutes to obtain a good result, timezone needs to be correct of course
r.sunmask  -s elev=elevation out=dummy year=2002 month=5 day=24 hour=10 min=42 sec=7 timezone=-5

The above command reports:

Solar position: sun azimuth: 121.342461, sun angle above horz.(refraction corrected): 65.396652

The resulting overpass local time 10:42:07 corresponds to 15:42 in GMT which corresponds to 15.70 in decimal GMT hours (decimal minutes: ).

From NASA web tool

The NASA LaRC Satellite Overpass Predictor can compute satellite overpass time from date of acquisition and scene center coordinates. The metadata file for the following example contains: ACQUISITION_DATE = 2002-05-24, SCENE_CENTER_LAT = +36.0512847, SCENE_CENTER_LON = -79.3280820.

  1. Select the World zone in the bottom-right side of the page and click Go >>
  2. Insert Lat/Long coordinates (decimal degrees, without plus sign but with minus sign)
  3. Select the proper satellite
  4. Insert the date of acquisition
  5. Optional: select "Day" or "Night" to restrict computation to (local) day/night overpass of the satellite

Example: Calculation for NC Landsat scenes: see here

--- For LANDSAT only ---

USGS provide the Landsat Bulk Metadata Service web page where is possible to extract metadata (included overpass time) for all the Landsat missions.

Atmospheric correction

Radiance values can be converted to reflectance values in undergoing an atmospheric correction by applying the algorithm available in i.atcorr. The algorithm will transform the Top-of-Atmosphere radiance values to Top-of-Canopy reflectance values using predefined information on the aerosol content and atmospheric composition of the time the image was taken. What follows describes the method to use this algorithm in GRASS GIS. Again, only calculations for band 1 are demonstrated here, and the number(s) to be changed for indicating other spectral bands, are red. The icnd_lsat1.txt control file consists of the following parameters, and is written with a text editor:

8                          # indicates that it is an ETM+ image
05 24 15.67 -78.691 35.749 # image taken on the 24th of May, at 15:42 GMT in decimals; the center of the image lies at 78.691°W and 35.749°N 
2                          # the midlatitude summer atmospheric model
1                          # the continental aerosol model
50                         # the visibility for the aerosol model [km]
-0.110                     # the terrain lies 110 meters above sea level [km] * -1
-1000                      # image taken of a satellite sensor (1000)
61                         # spectral band, here 1: blue

Alternatively, in case visibility maps are not available, an Aerosol Optical Depth estimation at 550nm can be used. The control file should be altered accordingly by entering 0 for the visibility and, in a following line, entering the aerosol optical depth. The control file should be structured as follows:

8                          # indicates that it is an ETM+ image
05 24 15.67 -78.691 35.749 # image taken on the 24th of May, at 15:42 GMT in decimals; the center of the image lies at 78.691°W and 35.749°N 
2                          # the midlatitude summer atmospheric model
1                          # the continental aerosol model
0                          # set visibility = 0
0.112                      # e.g. aerosol optical depth
-0.110                     # the terrain lies 110 meters above sea level [km] * -1
-1000                      # image taken of a satellite sensor (1000)
61                         # spectral band, here 1: blue

This file is then used in the i.atcorr module:

i.atcorr -a input=lsat7_2002_10_rad elevation=elev_int parameters=icdn_lsat1.txt output=lsat7_2002_10_atcorr


  • -a refers to a Landsat image taken after July 2000
  • input is the image to be corrected
  • elevation is the altitude map which overrides the initialization value of 110 meters
  • parameters is the path to the icnd.txt file
  • output is the name of the output image

Detailed information can be found in i.atcorr's manual.

Note, i.atcorr wont complain if the defined elevation model (parameter elevation=) does not cover the extent of the Landsat scene that is the subject of the process -- it will result in NaN's. [Maybe this can be requested as an enhancement?]

Atmospheric correction for multiple bands

To run i.atcorr in GRASS GIS on multiple bands, you will need to execute the module for each band individually since i.atcorr is designed to handle a single band at a time. However, you can automate this process using a script (Bash, or Python) to apply the atmospheric correction to multiple bands sequentially. Here's an example of how to run i.atcorr for multiple bands using a Bash script:


# List of bands to process
bands=("10" "20" "30" "40" "50")

# Loop through each band and apply i.atcorr
for band in "${bands[@]}"
    echo "Processing $band..."
    # Run i.atcorr for each band, modify parameters as needed
    g.region raster=$band
    i.atcorr -a input=lsat7_2002_${band}_rad elevation=elev_int parameters=icdn_lsat1.txt output=lsat7_2002_${band}_atcorr

echo "Atmospheric correction done for all bands!"

Sources for aerosol optical depth (AOD) estimations



6S algorithm

Spectral radiance/reflectance


  • Various Whitepapers about conversion and atmospheric correction of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
  • Song, C., Woodcock, C.E., Seto, K.C., Lenney, M.P., Macomber, S.A., 2001. Classification and Change Detection Using Landsat TM Data: When and How to Correct Atmospheric Effects? Remote Sensing of Environment 75, 230-244. PDF

Related on-line tools

How to add new sensors to i.atcorr

How to add new sensors to i.atcorr:

See also