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=== scale ===
=== scale ===

Simple command to define the scale of the map (default adjust map to the paper dimensions).
Scale of the map.

Simple line command to define the scale of the map. The default is adjust map to the paper dimensions. If the remaining dimensions of the paper not permit the scale, ''ps.out'' adjust the scale to a new value that it fit in the paper.

; scale 1<tt>:</tt>(number) : Scale of map, if possible.<br>For example, ''scale 1:500000'' to rescale maparea dimensions.
; scale 1<tt>:</tt>(number) : Scale of map.<br>For example, ''scale 1:500000'' to rescale maparea dimensions.

=== maparea ===
=== maparea ===

Revision as of 16:07, 28 October 2010

The ps.out try to update the standard postscript output of Grass adding new features to design borders, graticules, categorized legends, etc

This is in progress and not all features are yet uploaded in addons.

Command line flags

-d : Draw a 1x1 cm grid on paper to help the placement of the elements of the map.

-e: Make an output file without the postscript header. Useful when is embebed into other ps.out map.

-g: Use the extended PostScript of Ghostscript (for transparent colors only)

-s: Draw the small digit in the coordinate numbers to lower instead upper possition.

Generic Instructions



Define a dimension. Accepted units are:

  • unitless
    e.g. 123. The dimension is the number by 1/72".
  • inch
    e.g. 1.2inch.
  • milimeters
    e.g. 2.3mm.
  • centimeters
    e.g. 1.4cm.
  • percentage
    e.g. 50%.
    The position is relative to the size and position of the map in the paper being 0% the left or bottom corner.


Define a color. Accepted formats are:

  • standard GRASS name
    e.g. indigo.
  • R:G:B
    e.g. 200:123:90
  • user name
    e.g. red5.
    Defined in palette block

All formats can add '$(0-1)' to define the opacity of the color (alpha channel); e.g., indigo$.75 or 200:120:120$.2



Blocks of instructions

A block begin with the keywords and finish with keyword end


Define the characteristic of a font.

name (text)
Name of font.
size (dimen)
Size of font.
extend (dimen)
Expand the width of font.
color (color)
Color of font.


Define the characteristic of a line.

width (dimen)
Width of line.
color (color)
COlor of line.
style solid|dashed|dotted|dashdotted|(n1n2...)
Style of line.
cap butt|round|extended_butt


Define the characteristic of a frame.

where (dimen.1 dimen.2)
Position of frame.
offset (number.1 number.2)
Fine x and y adjust of the position of frame.
ref right|left|center upper|lower|center
Position is relative to the ref.
border (dimen)
Width of the border line
color (color)
Color of the border line.
fcolor (color)
Fillcolor of the frame.
rotate (dimen)


lpos (number)
Position in legend
Codes: -1, no show in legend; 0 automatic position; > 0 horizontal position.
cols (number.1 [number.2])
Organize legend in number.1 cols with a optional span of number.2
interline (dimen)
Set partial legend interline

Map paper


Size of paper.

paper [A0-6|B0-6|Legal|Ledger|Tabloid|Executive|Folio]
Type of paper (default A4).

color (color)
Paper color.
width (dimen), height (dimen)
Custom size of paper.
left (dimen), right (dimen), top (dimen), bottom (dimen)
Custom margins (default 0.5" left and right, and 1" top and bottom).
landscape yes|no
Paper orientation (default no).
Block font. Set the default font of the map.
Block draw. Free draw as watermarks, before any feature of the map is drawn (see draw).


Scale of the map.

Simple line command to define the scale of the map. The default is adjust map to the paper dimensions. If the remaining dimensions of the paper not permit the scale, ps.out adjust the scale to a new value that it fit in the paper.

scale 1:(number)
Scale of map.
For example, scale 1:500000 to rescale maparea dimensions.


Define specific dimensions of the map (default defined by command scale)

Define characteristics of the map area.

border (dimen)
Width of the border map.
Usefull with in and out formats of the grid and geogrid, ignored in iho and can formats.
color (color)
Border color-
fcolor (color)
Fillcolor of the map area.
width (dimen), height (dimen)
Dimensions of the map.
top (dimen), bottom (dimen)
Position of the top-left corner of the map.




wheel (number text)
monochrome (color number text)
complementary (color number text)
analogous (color number text)
gradient (color.1 color.2 number text)
diverging (color.1 color.2 number text)

Common elements

grid and geogrid

Draw a border around the map.


format in|out|+out|can|iho
Type of border (see examples).
major (number|angle)
Block line. Usually, number is merters and angle only in geogrid.
minor (number|angle)
Block line. Usually, number is merters and angle only in geogrid.
subminor (number)
number of subdivisons of the minor divisions.
trim (number)
Cut trailing zeros.
Block font.
fcolor (color)
Color of the border.
cross (number)
Replace lines by cross


Set a scalebar on the map.
Maximun 5 scalebars in each map.

scalebar I|s|S|f|F
Define the type of scalebar (I: inner, s/S: simple, f/F: fill).

length (number)
Length of the scale.
units meters|m|kilometers|km|feet|ft|miles|mil|nautical_miles|nm ([text])
Unit of the length and text' to label the units.
major (number.1 [number.2])
Define the number.1 of subdivisions and each number.2 set the labels.
minor (number.1 [number.2])
Define the number.1 of subdivisions and each number.2 set the labels.
Block frame
Block font
fcolor (color)
height (dimen)
Height of the bar or ticks.
zero yes|no
Set position relative to zero value of the scalebar.


Write special text or free text on any place of the paper with frame (also draw permit write free-text in paper).

Maximun 20 notes by map.

note :file|:maplimits|:dimen|:scale (text)|(text)
Type of note and text to show.
When free text, use '|' to break lines and '.' as first character to center line.

Block frame.
Block font.
width (dimen)
Width of note.
angle (number)
number of degrees to rotate (do not work fine).


Draw predefined postscript code.

draw [paper|free]
paper: run before any map feature is drawn (equivalent to place inside paper block); and free: run after all map features are drawn then it's draw over map but not clipped.


Raster maps


Draw one or two raster maps on the maparea.

raster (raster|raster.1 raster.2|raster.R raster.G raster.B|:group)
The raster value is the raster mapname, two raster maps raster.1 or color and raster.2 or shade to draw as relief map, three maps raster.R, raster.G and raster.B to draw as RGB, or a groupname (leader by ':') with tree RGB maps.

The next commands are optionals:

grey yes|no
Store and draw the rasters in grey scale (small size of file).
The conversion follows the NTSC video standard.
maskcell (raster.1 [raster.2])
Set the raster.1 map to use as mask (independent of the mask set in GRASS with r.mask) and, optionally, the raster.2 map uses as background.
The background raster.2 is painted in grey scale (NTSC) and tinted with maskcolor.
maskcolor (color|none)
Set the color of the mask area.
If a raster map as background is set then it's drawn with a scale white-maskcolor.
Block line. Outline of categories.
setcolor null|default|(number) (color)
Replace the color of the cat number area with a new color.
Multiple setcolor are possibles.

The following gallery show the output of the commands inside the raster block (all mapnames are of type raster).

Vector maps

All vector map accept optionally the following commands:

layer (number)
Layer number used with cats/where option.
cats (n1,n2,...)
List of cats to show.
where (text)
Argument of the SQL where clausule to filter the areas to show.
masked yes|no
Masked or not by raster mask (default no).
label (text)
For description or title in vlegend.
legend [(number)]
Position in legend (-1, no legend) or enter in a block legend.


Draw areas on the map.
The areas always are drawn first, on the bottom of other type of maps.

vareas (vector)
vector is a vector of areas, except when lwidth is different to zero that vector is a vector of lines.

The next commands are optionals:

Block line to set the style of the border line of the areas.
pat (epsfile)
Pattern in a EPS file.
pscale (number)
Scale of pattern.
pwidth (dimen)
Width of the lines of pattern.
fcolor (color.1|column.1|color.2 column.2)
Static fill color.1, dynamic fill color in a column.1 of the database, or default color.2 with color data from column.2 of the database to apply the rules (color in setcolor).
setcolor (n1-n2[:color] text)
Make a item of a sublegend with label the text and title the text of the label. Also, the fillcolor of the areas of the map with column >= n1 and column < n2 (column from fcolor), is set to color.
setnorule (text)
Text label when default conditions.

Special commands:

island yes|no
Draw island as normal areas (fill as normal area then hide it).
lwidth (dimen)
Line map draws as an area with a width = lwidth.


Draw lines on the map.
The areas always are drawn second, after vareas and before vpoints.

vlines (vector)

vector is a vector of lines, except if type is boundary that vector is a vector of areas.

The next commands are optionals:

type boundary|line
Draw boundaries of a vector of areas or lines of a vector of lines (default line).
Block line. Normal line.
Block line. Highlight line.
offset (dimen)
Works with hline to offset from the center of line.
rgbcol (column.1 [column.2])
Define the database column.1 to take the lines colors and, optionally, a column.2 of database to apply color from the rules (setcolor).
setcolor (n1-n2[:color] text)
Make a item of a sublegend with text as label and title the text of the label. Also, the color of the normal line with column >= n1 and column < n2 (column from rgbcol), is set to color.
setnodata (text)
Label in legend when default values and setcolor rules.


Draw points on the map.
The points always are drawn last, after vareas and vlines.

vpoints (vector)

vector is a vector of points, except when type is centroid or boundary that it is a vector of areas, or when type is line that it is a vector of lines.

The next commands are optionals:

type centroid|line|boundary|point
Type of draw (default point).
symbol (epsfile)
Symbol to use (default: basic/circle).
Block line. Type of line in the symbol.
fcolor (color)
Static fillcolor of the symbol.
offset (dimen)
Offset of the symbol.
rotate (number|column)
Angle to rotate the symbol, static number or dynamic in a column of the database.
size (number|column [number])
Size of the symbol take from number or from a column of the database. In the last option, there is a optional number to define the static size of the symbol in the legend when the size of symbols are dynamic.
scale (dimen.1 [dimen.2])
Rescale the size of the symbol by the dimen.1 and, optionally, add a dimen.2. i.e., resize = dimen.1 * size + dimen.2.
setsize (n1-n2[:size] text)
Variable size of symbols from data in column of database set in size.

Special commands when type is line:

dist (dimen)
Define the distance in paper between symbol over the line.
Block line. Type of line that connect symbols.


in progress

vlabels none|(vector)

labelcol (column)
decimals (number)
circled yes|no
setrule (n1-n2 text)

Legend of the maps


Legend of the raster map.
The units meters in the gradient legend is set with

rlegend [text]
Text is the title of the legend.
raster (raster)
the raster map to take the data of legend.

The next commads are optionals:

Block font for the legend header.
Block font for the normal text.
Block frame.
swidth (dimen)
Width of the symbol area.

For category legends

cols (number) [(number)]
Number of columns with symbols and separation between columns (default 1).
nodata yes|no
Remove category no data.
order (n1,n2,...)
To reorder items.

For gradient legends

height (dimen), width (dimen)
Dimension of the frame with the legend.
vertical yes|no
Orientation of the gradient legend (default no).
range (n1 n2)
Manual set of the data range for legend.
gradient yes|no
Forze draw gradient legend with category data.
tick (dimen)
Length of the ticks.
whiteframe (dimen)
Width of the white frame around the bar color.


Legend of the vector maps.

vlegend [text]
Optional the title or head of the legend.

The next commands are optionals:

Block font for title of legend.
Block font for normal text of legend.
cols (number.1 [number.2])
Distribution of the items in number.1 cols. Optionaly, number.2 of span between columns.
swidth (dimen)
Symbol width.
interline (dimen)
Space between lines.