MODIS: Difference between revisions
m (MODIS Terra -> MODIS Land) |
m (MODIS Aqua -> MODIS Ocean) |
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* See (LST dataset download) | * See (LST dataset download) | ||
== MODIS | == MODIS Ocean == | ||
Sea surface color, temperature, and derivative images | Sea surface color, temperature, and derivative images |
Revision as of 20:27, 25 October 2016
There are two satellites, Aqua and Terra which carry the MODIS sensor as payload. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a 36-channel from visible to thermal-infrared sensor that was launched as part of the Terra satellite payload in December 1999 and Aqua satellite (May 2002). The Terra satellite passes twice a day (at about 10:30am, and 22:30pm local time), also the Aqua satellite passes twice a day (at about 01:30am, and 13:30pm local time).
Details about the sensor (compiled from various sources)
MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a whiskbroom multi-spectral sensor (across track scanner) on board the satellites Terra and Aqua that measures 36 spectral frequencies of light. Its swath is 2330 km (across track) by 10° of latitude (along track at nadir). Their circular, sun-synchronous, near polar orbit takes about 99 min. which means that the same region is acquired several times during daylight. However, at nadir observations of the same region are taken every 16 days. A complete earth scan is achieved every 1.2 days. Due to its large swath geometric distortions occur at the scan edges. The pixel size grows with the scan angle, by a factor of 8 at the edge of scan, making the shape of each scan-stripe look like a bow-tie. Successively, the scan-stripes being wider at the edges of the scan, overlap each other. This overlap creates a double-vision effect on the edges of the scan, as each point of the Earth’s surface appears in two adjacent scans. This distortion emphasises the line where scan-stripes meet and, thus, magnifies small differences between the sides of the scan mirror.
MODIS Sinusoidal Grid SHAPE files can be downloaded here
MODIS Land provides many data products including:
- Daily Surface Reflectance
- Snow coverage
- NDVI / EVI Vegetation index
- Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Atmosphere Daily Global Products
- many more
Most products are created separately for the different MODIS sensors onboard the TERRA (MOD products) and AQUA (MYD products) satellites. Many products are also available as a combined MODIS product (MCD products).
Advanced MODIS LST time series reconstruction
- See (LST dataset download)
Sea surface color, temperature, and derivative images
The following examples assume you want to import multiple images at once, and so use shell scripting loops. They also assume input files are SMI (Standard Mapped Image) format, as produced by the Ocean Color group (
SST (Level 3)
Get the data
- Get data in HDF4 format from
- You'll probably want the Standard Mapped Image (SMI) file version, not the Binned (BIN) one.
File names look like: A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4
- key:
* A: MODIS/Aqua * 2002: Year at start * 353: Julian day at start * 2002: Year at end * 360: Julian day at end * L3m: Level 3 data, mapped (Plate carrée) * 8D: 8 day ensemble * SST: Sea Surface Temperature product * 4: 4.6km pixel size (8640x4320 image, 2.5 minute resolution)
Run this command in the command line:
bzip2 -d A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4.bz2
Use GDAL's gdalinfo tool to view the HDF file's meta-data. Run this command in the command line:
gdalinfo A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4
Example of SST metadata from gdalinfo:
Parameter=Sea Surface Temperature Measure=Mean Units=deg-C Scaling Equation=(Slope*l3m_data) + Intercept = Parameter value Slope=0.000717185 Intercept=-2 Scaled Data Minimum=-2 Scaled Data Maximum=45 Data Minimum=-1.999999 Data Maximum=37.06 Subdatasets: SUBDATASET_1_NAME=HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4":0 SUBDATASET_1_DESC=[4320x8640] l3m_data (16-bit unsigned integer) SUBDATASET_2_NAME=HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4":1 SUBDATASET_2_DESC=[4320x8640] l3m_qual (8-bit unsigned integer)
GRASS can be quite strict about moving maps around between differing map projections. Because GDAL does not automatically georeference HDF4 images, we need to apply the georeferencing information manually. This is a slight chore, but means fewer errors due to projection mis-matches later on. Everything we need to know is given in the data file's meta-data, as seen with gdalinfo.
Method 0
The USGS/NASA's MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) support reprojection for Level 3 data or MODIS Swath Reprojection Tool for Level 1B or 2 data and can be used to create a GeoTiff. This requires the geolocation angles.
Method 1
Use GDAL tools to prepare the dataset and create a GeoTiff which can be directly imported into GRASS.
- Create a Lat/Lon GRASS location and mapset
- Plate carrée, or WGS84? -- Does it matter with data at the km scale?
- -- Encode with +ellps=sphere (?) or epsg:32662?, see or
- FIXME: gdalinfo: " Map Projection=Equidistant Cylindrical"
- Use "+nadgrids=@null" trick??
- Use gdal_translate to extract the desired data array from the HDF4 file and convert into a GeoTiff. While creating the GeoTiff specify the map projection, bounding box, and no-data information. Then import this GeoTiff using the module. In this example we set the projection to be lat/lon WGS84 (EPSG code 4326), even though this may not be entirely correct.
Note: this shell script is best stored in a text file and then executed:
for file in A*SST_4 ; do echo "map: $file" gdal_translate -a_srs "+init=epsg:4326" -a_nodata 65535 \ -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 -co "COMPRESS=PACKBITS" \ HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"$file":0 ${file}_prep.tif in=${file}_prep.tif out=$file done
Method 2
Import raw HDF4 data into a XY location, clean it up, then copy into a lat/lon location lat/lon location using the new -l flag in GRASS 6.5+. This is more work than method 1 but demonstrates using GRASS tools to do the manipulation instead of GDAL tools (the result should be the same).
Because the HDF4 data file contains multiple data arrays we need to extract the one we are interested in. In this example we extract the "data" layer but not the "quality" layer, and output a GeoTIFF file using GDAL's gdal_translate tool, using the appropriate SUBDATASET NAME:
for file in *SST_4 ; do gdal_translate HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"$file":0 ${file}_unproj.tif done
Update: in GRASS 6.5 and newer you can now use the `-l` flag to import unreferenced maps directly into a lat/lon location. You must then immediately run r.region to correct the map's region bounds.
- Create a
simple XYlat/lon GRASS location and mapset - Import the imagery and set image bounds and resolution:
for file in *unproj.tif ; do BASE=`basename $file _unproj.tif` echo "map: $file" -l in=$file out=$BASE r.region $BASE n=90 s=-90 w=-180 e=180 done
- Check:
g.list rast A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4
- Convert the simple XY location into a Lat/Lon location
- Plate carrée, or WGS84? -- Does it matter with data at the km scale?
- Modify the location's projection settings with g.setproj? (run that from the PERMANENT mapset)
Hack: after import move the mapset dir into a world_ll location, then edit the mapset's WIND file and change the proj: line from 0 to 3. (0 is unprojected, 3 is LL) You also have to edit each file header in the $MAPSET/cellhd/ directory.
- Remove NULLs
for map in `g.mlist rast pat=*SST_4` ; do r.null $map setnull=65535 done
Method 3
Like method 2 above, but using i.rectify instead of moving the mapset manually. See the more detailed explanation in the Chlorophyll section below.
- Convert to temperature in degrees C. Note slope and intercept are taken from the image's metadata using gdalinfo.
for map in `g.mlist rast pat=*SST_4` ; do echo "$map" g.region rast=$map -r $map Slope=0.000717185 Intercept=-2 r.mapcalc "${map}.degC = ($Slope * $map) + $Intercept" "${map}.degC" units="deg-C" #r.colors "${map}.degC" color=bcyr # fairly nice done
- Check: A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4.degC r.univar A20023532002360.L3m_8D_SST_4.degC
Set colors
Although the standard bcyr color map looks nice, for a very nice image we can use Goddard's OceanColor palettes from
Those are given in 0-255 range, the imported HDF4 data is 0-65535, and the converted temperatures are -2-45 deg C.
- Use the UNIX awk tool to convert each color rule with the same scaling function we used to convert the data, and save it to a rules file:
# scale 0-255 to 0-65535 and then convert to temperature values echo "# Color rules for MODIS SST" > palette_sst.gcolors Slope=0.000717185 Intercept=-2 cat palette_sst.txt | grep -v '^#' | \ awk -v Slope=$Slope -v Intercept=$Intercept \ '{ printf("%f %d:%d:%d\n", \ (Slope * (($1 +1)^2 -1) + Intercept), $2, $3, $4)}' \ >> palette_sst.gcolors echo "nv black" >> palette_sst.gcolors # better: edit last rule to be 45.000719 206:206:206
The processed color rules file is here: [1]
- Apply color rules to imported maps:
for map in `g.mlist rast pat=*SST_4` ; do r.colors "${map}.degC" rules=palette_sst.gcolors done
Apply a quality mask
If there is cloud cover, the satellite will show the temperature at the top of the cloud, not at the sea surface. The HDF data comes with a quality layer and we can use it to restrict the data only to areas with the highest confidence.
Select the file:
file=T2010235.L3m_DAY_SST_4km echo "map: $file"
Extract the quality layer from the HDF data file:
gdal_translate -a_srs "+init=epsg:4326" -a_nodata 65535 \ -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 -co "COMPRESS=PACKBITS" \ HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"$file":1 ${file}.qual_prep.tif
Import the extracted GeoTiff with in=${file}.qual_prep.tif out=$file.qual
Set up some color rules to cover the quality status categories using r.colors:
r.colors $file.qual col=rules << EOF 0 green 1 yellow 2 red 255 black EOF
Assign quality map category labels with r.category:
r.category $file.qual rules=- << EOF 0:best quality 1:not as good quality 2:rather bad quality 3:pretty bad quailty 4:254:really bad quality 255:unusable quality EOF
Setup a MASK map to only show the best quality data using a r.reclass virtual raster:
r.reclass in=$file.qual out=MASK --o << EOF 0 = 1 good quality * = NULL EOF
With the MASK map in place, redrawing the map display (or any other raster processing) will only occur for the good data cells.
Chlorophyll-a (Level 3)
Get the data
- Get data in HDF4 format from
File names look like: A20023352002365.L3m_MO_CHLO_4
- key:
* A: MODIS/Aqua * 2002: Year at start * 335: Julian day at start * 2002: Year at end * 365: Julian day at end * L3m: Level 3 data, mapped (Plate carrée) * MO: One month ensemble * CHLO: Chlorophyll a concentration product * 4: 4.6km pixel size (8640x4320 image, 2.5 minute resolution)
Run this command in the command line:
bzip2 -d A20023352002365.L3m_MO_CHLO_4.bz2
Use GDAL's gdalinfo tool to view the HDF file's meta-data. Run this command in the command line:
gdalinfo A20023352002365.L3m_MO_CHLO_4
Example of CHLO metadata from gdalinfo:
Parameter=Chlorophyll a concentration Measure=Mean Units=mg m^-3 Scaling=logarithmic Scaling Equation=Base**((Slope*l3m_data) + Intercept) = Parameter value Base=10 Slope=5.813776e-05 Intercept=-2 Scaled Data Minimum=0.01 Scaled Data Maximum=64.5654 Data Minimum=0.002637 Data Maximum=99.99774
Method 1
- Create a Lat/Lon GRASS location and mapset
- Plate carrée, or WGS84? -- Does it matter with data at the km scale?
- Use gdal_translate to convert the HDF4 data into a GeoTiff, and specify map projection, bounding box, and no-data information. Then import this GeoTiff using the module. In this example we set the projection to be lat/lon WGS84 (EPSG code 4326), even though this may not be entirely correct.
for file in A*_MO_CHLO_4 ; do echo "map: $file" gdal_translate -a_srs "+init=epsg:4326" -a_nodata 65535 \ -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 -co "COMPRESS=PACKBITS" \ $file ${file}_prep.tif in=${file}_prep.tif out=$file done
Method 2
Update: in GRASS 6.5 and newer you can now use the `-l` flag to import unreferenced maps directly into a lat/lon location. You must then immediately run r.region to correct the map's region bounds.
- Create a
simple XYlat/lon GRASS location and mapset - Import the imagery and set image bounds and resolution:
for file in A*_MO_CHLO_4 ; do echo "map: $file" -l in=$file out=$file r.region $file n=90 s=-90 w=-180 e=180 done
- Check:
g.list rast A20023352002365.L3m_MO_CHLO_4
- Convert the simple XY location into a Lat/Lon location
- Plate carrée, or WGS84? -- Does it matter with data at the km scale?
- Modify the location's projection settings with g.setproj? (run that from the PERMANENT mapset)
Hack:: after import move the mapset dir into a world_ll location, then edit the mapset's WIND file and change the proj: line from 0 to 3. (0 is unprojected, 3 is LL) You also have to edit each file header in the $MAPSET/cellhd/ directory.
- Remove NULLs
for map in `g.mlist rast pat=*MO_CHLO_4` ; do r.null $map setnull=65535 done
Method 3
Like method 2 above, but instead of moving the mapset directory in the file system use i.rectify to move the maps into the target Lat/Lon location. After importing the images, setting their bounds, and removing NULLs, add all images to an imagery group with the module. Run and select a lat/lon location. The idea here is to run i.rectify with a first-order transform, where the transform uses a scaling factor of 1.0 and rotation of 0.0, i.e. no change at all. The trick is to set those. Usually you would use i.points or the GUI georeferencing tool to set those, and here you can add a few points by hand if you like. But the POINTS file in the group's data directory should use identical coordinates for both source and destination. Hack: edit the POINTS file by hand to make it so, using the four corners and 0,0 at the center of the image. Finally run i.rectify to push the image into the target location.
- Convert to chlorophyll a concentration. Note slope and intercept are taken from the image's metadata using gdalinfo.
for map in `g.mlist rast pat=*MO_CHLO_4` ; do echo "$map" g.region rast=$map -r $map Slope=5.813776e-05 Intercept=-2 r.mapcalc "${map}.chlor_A = 10^(($Slope * $map) + $Intercept)" "${map}.chlor_A" units="mg m^-3" #r.colors -e "${map}.chlor_A" color=bcyr # :-( done
- Check: A20023352002365.L3m_MO_CHLO_4.chlor_A r.univar A20023352002365.L3m_MO_CHLO_4.chlor_A
Set colors
The chlorophyll maps are logarithmic which poses some challenges to rendering nice colors. (the unconverted import image displays nicely with a linear color map) We can use Goddard's OceanColor palettes from
Those are given in 0-255 range, the imported HDF4 data is 0-65535, and the converted chlorophyll a concentration is 0-65 mg/m^3.
- Use the UNIX awk tool to convert each color rule with the same exponential function we used to convert the data, and save it to a rules file:
# scale 0-255 to 0-65535 and then convert to chlor-a values echo "# Color rules for MODIS Chloropyll-a" > palette_chl_etc.gcolors Slope=5.813776e-05 Intercept=-2 cat palette_chl_etc.txt | grep -v '^#' | \ awk -v Slope=$Slope -v Intercept=$Intercept \ '{ printf("%f %d:%d:%d\n", \ 10^((Slope * (($1 +1)^2 -1)) + Intercept), $2, $3, $4)}' \ >> palette_chl_etc.gcolors echo "nv black" >> palette_chl_etc.gcolors # better: edit last rule to be 64.574061 100:0:0
The processed color rules file is here: [2]
- Apply color rules to imported maps:
for map in `g.mlist rast pat=*MO_CHLO_4` ; do r.colors "${map}.chlor_A" rules=palette_chl_etc.gcolors done
Removing holes
- If it's land cover classes, r.fillnulls will produce nonsense data: floating point. Rather use r.neighbors with a modal filter, r.patch the original with the filtered map. This will replace NULLs with the most common surrounding land cover type.
Rolling composite
Create a rolling 28 day composite:
Say you have weekly satellite data but there is a lot of NULL cells where there was cloud cover that day. You can fill these holes by looking for valid data in the previous week's image, and if again you find clouds, look in week prior to that, etc., up to 4 weeks have past, after which point if any holes remain give up and leave it unfilled. You can do this quite simply with r.patch:
r.patch input=newest,last_week,2weeks_ago,3weeks_ago
NULL data cells are filled using the maps in the given input= order.
Here an alternative to MODIS SWATH TOOL using GDAL:
See also
- SeaWiFS
- Decimal/Binary Conversion Tool for MODIS QA bitpatterns
- Alexandris, N. (2011). Burned area mapping via non-centered Principal Components Analysis using public domain data and free open source software. Department of Remote Sensing & Landscape Information Systems, Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Dissertation Entry at
- Carpi G., Cagnacci F., Neteler M., Rizzoli A, 2008: Tick infestation on roe deer in relation to geographic and remotely-sensed climatic variables in a tick-borne encephalitis endemic area. Epidemiology and Infection, 136, pp. 1416-1424. (PubMed)
- Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Neteler, M., 2014. Surface Temperatures at the Continental Scale: Tracking Changes with Remote Sensing at Unprecedented Detail. Remote Sensing 6, 3822–3840 (DOI, Abstract, PDF). Dataset download:
- Neteler, M., 2005: Time series processing of MODIS satellite data for landscape epidemiological applications. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 1(1), pp. 133-138 (PDF)
- Neteler, M., 2010: Estimating daily Land Surface Temperatures in mountainous environments by reconstructed MODIS LST data. Remote Sensing 2(1), 333-351. (DOI, Abstract, PDF)
- Neteler, M., Roiz, D., Rocchini, D., Castellani, C. and Rizzoli, A. (2011). Terra and Aqua satellites track tiger mosquito invasion: modeling the potential distribution of Aedes albopictus in north-eastern Italy. International Journal of Health Geographics, 10:49 (DOI | PDF)
- Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Rizzoli, A., Flacio, E., Engeler, L., Guidi, V., Lüthy, P., Tonolla, M. (2013): Is Switzerland suitable for the invasion of Aedes albopictus? PLoS ONE 8(12): e82090. [DOI | PDF]
- Roiz D., Neteler M., Castellani C., Arnoldi D., Rizzoli A., 2011: Climatic Factors Driving Invasion of the Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) into New Areas of Trentino, Northern Italy. PLoS ONE. 6(4): e14800. (DOI - PDF)
- Zorer, R., Rocchini, D., Metz, M., Delucchi, L., Zottele, F., Meggio, F., Neteler, M. (2013): Daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data for the Analysis of the Heat Requirements of Grapevine Varieties. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51, 2128–2135. (DOI)