Grassbrochure: Difference between revisions

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* Description of GRASS
* Description of GRASS
GRASS is a Free and Open Source Software for performing spatial analyses. It consists of more then 350 modules for processing vector (2D/3D), raster and voxel data. Many interfaces to other programs in related domains like geostatistics, databases, mapserver and even other GIS software exists.
* History and community
Originally developed in the beginning of the 80's by the US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USA-CERL), it was published as public domain software.  When the USA- CERL withdrew from the development of GRASS an international developer team overtook this work. Since 1999 GRASS is published as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.
* Platforms
GRASS runs on nearly all platforms. It supports GNU/Linux, posix compliant Unix Systems, MS-Windows and MacOS X.
* GRASS capabillites  
* GRASS capabillites  
* Supported file Formats
* Supported file Formats

Revision as of 13:02, 25 January 2007

GRASS Brochure


  • Description of GRASS

GRASS is a Free and Open Source Software for performing spatial analyses. It consists of more then 350 modules for processing vector (2D/3D), raster and voxel data. Many interfaces to other programs in related domains like geostatistics, databases, mapserver and even other GIS software exists.

  • History and community

Originally developed in the beginning of the 80's by the US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USA-CERL), it was published as public domain software. When the USA- CERL withdrew from the development of GRASS an international developer team overtook this work. Since 1999 GRASS is published as free software under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.

  • Platforms

GRASS runs on nearly all platforms. It supports GNU/Linux, posix compliant Unix Systems, MS-Windows and MacOS X.

  • GRASS capabillites
  • Supported file Formats
  • links