Ps.out Making maps
How make a map?
The header of file
Command line
First I define a variable to store the name of the output because when I want change it I modify only this value. Also, begin the ps.out command and the EOF block.
OUTPUT="OUT" ps.out -g out=$ << EOF
The layout
The paper
paper A4 left 1in landscape y font name Univers size 9 end draw color black ~ linewidth .8mm moveto 23cm 1.5cm ~ fcolor 220:220:220 ~ rect 29cm 19cm moveto 23cm 1.5cm ~ fcolor 100:100:100 ~ rect 29cm 4cm font Univers-Bold 14 extend 2 ~ color white moveto 26cm 2.25cm ~ text :Making|.maps with|ps.out end end
Placing the map area on the page
I prefer use the default values of the map area but to show anything I set the color of the border map.
maparea color white end
I request a fixed scale for the map.
scale 1:100000
Elements on the map
The border of the map is a usual elements to geographically locate the map. There is not a default border then if you want it you need define this stament.
grid format iho major 10000 width .1mm color indigo$.25 end minor 5000 color none end end
The scalebar is also an usual elements.
scalebar S units km Km length 5 major 5 1 minor 0 5 frame where 26cm 17cm ref center center border 0 fcolor none end height 3mm end
The numeric scale is also usefull. As you can see, I request a scale 1:100000 but with the actual margins and border the minimun scale is 1:110249.
note :scale escala frame where 26cm 17cm ref center upper border 0 margin 10 fcolor none end end
First output
At this moment this is the output:
Composing the map
The background of the map
The raster file is a frequent element and, for the moment, it is necessary to mask vector maps. Here I use a shaded raster to make the aspect of 3D in this simple how to.
raster bz_30m_shade end
The output in console show me that the equivalent quality is 93 ppi. Changing the resolution with g.region res=10 you can add pixels to slowup the printing quality (if you raster have the request resolution!).
The vector in the map
Now, I add the vector file. Here it is a vector with contour lines.
vlines test_contour@bierzo masked yes line width .1mm color OR8 end label Líneas de nivel rgbcol - level setcolor 600,1000:OR8|.3mm main contour lines end
In this code OR8 is a color defined in a palette block (do not shown in the code) but the most important is the extended form of the command setcolor to change the width of the specific contour lines with a level value of 600 or 1000.
Second output
Now the output is:
The legend is another usefull component but in this map is not necessary. After, when I change to a colored version the the legend is place.
The only decoration in this howto will be the north arrow and some free text using the draw commend with the option of free to can place the north arrow outside of the map area.
draw free color black font Univers 12 2 moveto 9cm 6cm ~ text .E l B i e r z o moveto 11cm 16cm ~ otext 12cm 90 Montes Aquilianos font Bitstream-Vera-Serif 10 1.2 moveto 697000 4714200 ~ text .Ponferrada font Univers 10 extend 1.5 ~ color 100:100:100 moveto 26cm 14cm ~ north # font Univers 8 extend 2 moveto 23cm 19.5cm ~ text UTM 29 : ellipsoid ETRS89 end
Well, also I add some of colour with a vector map of edifications-
vareas bz_edific line color none end fcolor red end
Third output
Now, I finish the EOF stament.
I prefer work with PDF than PS because I see the transparent colours and it compress the file resulting in a considerably smalles file size.
ps2pdf14 $
A colored final output
A colored version using the raster map bz_30m, runnig r.colors map=bz_30m color=haxby and adding rlegend and some changes of the colors.
raster bz_30m bz_30m_shade end rlegend raster bz_30m frame where 26cm 5cm ref center upper fcolor none border 0 end swidth .5cm tick 2mm height 8cm end
Maps with same layout
To make several maps with the same layout, we use three files: map_pre, map_post, and a master file. Also we need the map_# with the particular content of the map.
The master file, to repeat the creation of all maps with the same layout, is as:
function makemap()
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $MAP
cat map_pre >> $MAP
cat $1 >> $MAP
cat map_post >> $MAP
chmod +x $MAP
./$MAP $1
rm $MAP
makemap map_1
makemap map_2
The file map_pre include all code to execute ps.out and design the basic elements of the map: title, graticule, scalebar, north-arrow, etc. A example content is:
ps.out -g out=$ << EOF
paper A4
left 2cm
top 2cm
landscape y
color 70:70:70
linewidth .4mm
rect 22cm 2cm 28cm 19cm 240:240:240
color black
font OffensiveBold 10 .8
text 25cm 6cm "MAIN TITLE"
scale 1:500000
format iho
trim -1
major 50000
width .18mm
color none
minor 25000
width .18mm
color none
style 2
subminor 5
name Univers
size 10
color black
fcolor black
vlines bz_lim
type boundary
label Límite del Bierzo
lpos -1
width .3mm
color black
The file map_post include the final ending code, and perhaps the common legend style. For example,
vlegend Legend
where 25cm 12cm
ref center center
offset 0 0
border .3mm
fcolor white
margin 12
name Univers-Bold
size 10
extend 1.25
name Univers
size 9
echo "GO Go go: $OUTPUT.pdf"
ps2pdf14 $
The file map_# include the specific code to draw the particular maps. For example,
vareas risk_range
label Probabilidad de infección
legend 0
width .01mm
color none
style 1
fcolor GRASSRGB$.7 cat
masked y
setrule 1 Muy baja
setrule 2 Baja
setrule 3 Media
setrule 4 Alta
setrule 5 Muy alta
vpoint cs_parcela
label Intensidad de ataque
where ch_pr > 0
symbol basic/circle
width .1mm
color black
fcolor white$.3
size ch_prx 8
scale 5 2
masked y