Talk:GRASS Community Sprint Genova 2017
Participants and Reports
Martin Landa
- trac #3270
- trac #3266
- trac #2460
- trac #3224
- fix cs po file (plural forms)
- trac #3280
- fix broken table/column dependecies, see r70518
- trac #3244
- trac #2055
- See SVN logs overview
Elena Mezzini
- GRASS GUI Italian translation.
- update of Transifex Italian Glossary for GRASS project
- Hope to reach 500 untranslated strings (or less) [she did it but lucadelu broke some translations :-/ ]
Luca Delucchi
- apply Veronica Andreo patch for r.modis
- removed pyModis lib from r.modis, now it is using the system one r70528
- closed ticket trac #3268
- improve Transifex transition:
- create script to download po files from Transifex r70526
- added info in the wiki page
- added more translation files in Transifex
- added GRASS_Translation_Glossary to Transifex glossary
What is to be funded?
Food, drinks and transport
How many participants are expected?
3 participants
How to fund? (financially, with material resources, in-kind ...)
How much money is needed?
Community Sprint cost estimate | Euro |
Reimbursements for participants | 322 € |
Public Transport | 22.5 € |
Promo (T-Shirts + stickers) | 0.00 |
Office stuff | 0.00 |
Food + Drinks | 234 € |
TOTAL COST | 578.50 € |
More detailed budget here
What relationship has the proposed project to GRASS GIS?
The event is fully related to GRASS development.
Is the event additionally sponsored by others?
What are the consequences of funding / non-funding?
The participants would need to pay expenses out of their own pocket.
What kind of documentation / reporting will be delivered after the event?
Wiki report similar to last meeting.
Contact info
Mail to PSC mailing list sent?
Decision taken
Report after the event
Yes, it is above