PSC Meeting 2024-06-14

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This is a special PSC meeting during the Community Meeting in Prague.


  • Anna Petrasova
  • Vaclav Petras
  • Veronica Andreo
  • Helmut Kudrnovsky
  • Markus Neteler
  • Helena Mitasova
  • Huidae Cho
  • Michael Barton
  • Martin Landa


The topics proposed are:

  • Define PSC elections date-period
  • Define whose seats are up for election
  • Define voters and who creates the list


  • The nominations process to PSC elections will start by mid September and elections will take place around one month later. Specific dates will be defined by the CRO.
  • Voters will be recognized contributors. These will be timely specified before the elections.
  • Anyone from the broad community can be elected and we encourage self-nominations.