This page contains references to user contributions and add-ons (the original GRASS GIS software can be downloaded here).
AddOns source code repository
The source code for a number of AddOns is hosted in a SVN repository at ITC-irst.
Copyright and licensing information
Please be sure to include copyright and licensing information in the header comments of your code so that others may know how they can use, extend, modify, and redistribute your work.
e.g. at the top of a shell script:
#!/bin/sh ############################################################################ # # MODULE: # # AUTHOR(S): Markus Neteler, Otto Dassau # # PURPOSE: Import E00 data into a GRASS vector map # Imports single and split E00 files (.e00, .e01, .e02 ...) # # COPYRIGHT: (c) 2004, 2005 GDF Hannover bR, # # This program is free software under the GNU General Public # License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS # for details. # ############################################################################# # # REQUIREMENTS: # - avcimport: [script follows]
Shell script coding standards
Please have a look at our Shell script coding standards before submitting here.
Miscellaneous Add-ons
- is a shell script to determine UTM zone from Lat/Lon input. Requires Octave to be installed. A shell-only version is available which only requires awk.
Authors: Hamish Bowman (Octave part), Markus Neteler (shell script wrapper), Daniel Calvelo (sh+awk version)
- Perl scripts for converting data forth and back between Excel files and PostgreSQL: reads data from PostgreSQL and produces an excel workbook; reads excel files and outputs SQL statements to be fed into an RDBMS. Both scripts need modules from CPAN, especially Spreadsheet::ParseExcel for and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::FromDB and its dependencies for Check the source headers for more info.
Authors: Daniel Calvelo (, Markus Neteler (
- dbf2sql is a Perl script for translating dbf-tables into a sql-command. dbf-tables are read using dbfdump-command from dbd-xbase-perl module (dbd::xbase and getopt::long have to be installed from CPAN first). There are problems, if the last column of the table contains characters. Suggestions for improvements welcome!
Author:Wolfgang Qual
- azimuth2.c is a small C program to calculate the azimuth and length of vector lines exported by GRASS-GIS as ASCII files (like this: v.out.ascii input=vector output=ascii format=standard). It is useful for create rose diagrams of lineament maps. Improvements on the original code after suggestions by Örs Téglásy, Hungary.
Author: Carlos Henrique Grohmann
Vector add-ons for GRASS 5
- See here:
Raster add-ons for GRASS 5
- See here:
- r.gmtg The groundwater modelling tool for grass. A module to use MODFLOW within GRASS.
Author: Jaime Carrera
Vector add-ons
- v.out.gmt is a shell script that exports a polygon vector file into GMT xy file. psbasemap code was copied from Hamish's r.out.gmt.
Author: Huidae Cho, Hamish Bowman, Dylan Beaudette
- v.strahler is a module that calculates the Strahler Order for all lines of a given dendritic network.
Author: Florian Kindl. Available via SVN: svn co
- v.out.svg is a module that exports SVG notation along with optional attribute data directly from GRASS 6.x vector layers. Now part of grass63-cvs.
Author: Klaus Förster
- v.trees3d is a module for making 3D trees from input vector point file.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- v.lda is a shell script for calculating Ian Johnson's (U. Sidney) Local Density Analysis values to measure clustering of point data at different neighborhood radii. There is an option to create a simple line graph of the results. There have been reports of problems creating the line graph on Cygwin installations of GRASS.
Author: Michael Barton
- v.append is a shell script combining two vector files AND their associated attribute tables. The vector files should be of the same type and, for best results, should have identically formatted attribute tables.
Author: Michael Barton
- generates a new vector map with the same geometry as an existing map. The new map has categories and a table based on grouping by the values in certain columns of the existing map's table. The values in these columns are preserved in the table for the new map. It's like a v.reclass that preserves data.
Author: Cedric Shock
- v.out.ascii.db is a shell script for exporting vector point data coordinates and selected attribute columns to either a file or to the console.
Author: Hamish Bowman
- v.rasterbounds is a shell script for creating polygon-vector file of rasterfile boundaries. The best version of GRASS is 6.1+. If you are using GRASS < 6.1, you have to be in the same mapset as your raster maps are from.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- v.sample.buffer is a shell script that samples rasters in buffers of a specified size around features in a specified vector file. Sampling results are added as attributes to the vector file. This script was designed for sampling vegetation indices and DEM derived attributes for bird point counts. Sampling results can be one or more basic statistics such as mean, range, max, etc.
Author: Trevor Wiens
- v.variogram is a script that create an omnidirectional experimental semi-variogram. This scripts require R-statistics software installed on your machine. Now the script is updated to run on spgrass6 >= 0.3 and sp >= 0.9 reply.
Author: Ivan Marchesini, Pierluigi De Rosa.
- is a script that do a surface interpolation from vector point data by Kriging method. The interpolated value of a cell is determined by using an omnidirectional variogram model fitted starting from model parameter given by user shown from the experimental semi variogram produced by v.variogram. The script can perform also the Leave-One-out cross validation to test the variogram model "fitted by eye" and an automatic fitted variogram model. The cross validation helps the user to choose the best variogram model to interpolate own data.
Author: Pierluigi De Rosa.
- v.lmeasure and v.revlmeasure are two perl scripts that place equidistant vector points along a given arbitrary vector line starting from the beginning or end of the vector line, respectively. Resulting vector points are labeled with the distance from origin.
Author: Mats Schuh
- v.swathwidth creates a vector map representing the sea bottom coverage of a multibeam (swath) sonar survey.
Author: David Finlayson
- v.flip flips the direction of selected vector lines.
Author: Maciej Sieczka
- v.digatt (shell script) Interactively assign numeric table attributes to series of vector objects. It is meant to be effective by avoiding to type in the attribute value for all single objects again and again. The user is prompted for typing in an attribute value which is assigned to all objects selected by mouseclick afterwards. Next the display is redrawn after updating the table column. Zooming allows to change the region before the old value can be reused or a new one can be typed in (or copied by mouse from another object) in order to assign it to the next series of objects etc. It is tested not very extensively yet. Therefore better work with a copy of your map and consider using v.digit or d.what.vect -e alternatively. screenshot.
Author: Andreas Philipp
- v.breach creates vector maps of lines and points of continously lowering elevation down the input watercourses, based on the input raster DEM.
Author: Maciej Sieczka
- creates a points vector map with each point located in the middle of the length of one input vector line.
Author: Maciej Sieczka
Raster add-ons
- r.roughness is a shell script to calculate the surface roughness of a DEM, using and (for GRASS versions 6.1 and above)
- r.roughness60 - for GRASS versions 6.0.X
Author: Carlos Henrique Grohmann
- r.gauss is Gaussian and Laplacian of Gaussian filter for GRASS. It is written in C language.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- r.mlv is Mean of least variance filter for GRASS. It is an edge-preserving (or even edge-enhacing) filter, which should serve for removing additive noise from images. It is written in C language.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- r.bilateral Bilateral filter is an edge-preserving filter, which combines domain and range filtering. It is written in C language.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- Zero crossing is a simple Perl script, finds the ,,zero crossings`` from the Laplacian of Gaussian filter (see above). It is really very simple, the edges don't need to be really on that pixel, where they are detected, no interpolation is performed.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
Usage: -i input -o output |r.mapcalc
- Local maxima is a Perl script for
. It detects local maxima of the image.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
Usage: -i input -o output -s matrix_size|r.mapcalc
- r.out.gmt is a GRASS script for exporting a GRASS raster map into a [GMT] grid file. It also creates a GMT color table from the data and can generate some GMT commands for plotting a postscript file. (code is experimental, but functional)
see also
Authors: Hamish Bowman, Dylan Beaudette
- yet another r.out.gmt is a modified version of Hamish's r.out.gmt. Added options for title, xlabel, ylabel, comment, and map width. Removed any settings that can be changed by gmtset for more flexibility.
Author: Hamish Bowman, Huidae Cho, Dylan Beaudette
- r.pack and r.unpack are two GRASS scripts for transfering raster maps to another computer as a single file.
Author: Hamish Bowman
- dominant_dir.m and calc_terraflow_dir.m are two Matlab scripts for determining the dominant flow direction from a r.terraflow MFD map and converting into a GRASS aspect map for use with d.rast.arrow, etc.
Author: Hamish Bowman
- for download and import satellite images direct from the NASA onearth WMS server into GRASS.
Author: Soeren Gebbert
- for download and import maps direct from WMS servers into GRASS. This script is written in Python Programming language.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- r.tileset generates a list of tiles and sizes in a source projection that cover the region in the current database with appropriate resolution. The size of individual tiles can be constrained. Only tiles intersecting the current region are returned. These tilings are appropriate for requesting data from another projection to meet the specifications of the current region. For example, it could be used to generate tile requests to a latitude / longitude WMS server like this
r.tileset -w sourceproj="+init=epsg:4326"
Author: Cedric Shock
- r.csr integrates several Grass programs to produce colored, shaded-relief rasters in one step. Accepts single or multiple elevation/bathymetry maps as input; optionally will fill data holidays with 3x3 median filter, multiple times, if required; can apply color maps from a) input raster, b) another raster in MAPSET, or c) from a rules file; otherwise, rainbow colorbar is applied. Output colored, shaded-relief rasters can optionally be exported to tiff format and archived using tar with gzip/bzip2 compression if appropriate flags are given. Shading parameters can be modified, though useful defaults are given.
Author: Eric Patton
- r.fragment fragments a raster into a user-defined set of smaller tiles according to an input number of rows and columns. Optionally, a null value threshold can be set to filter out candidate tiles that would have a large percentage of null cells.
Author: Eric Patton
- r.eucdist creates a raster map estimating the euclidean distance from known cells.
Author: David Finlayson
- r.smoothpatch creates a composite of two rasters using a distance-weighted average across the transition to smooth the edges.
Author: David Finlayson
- is a more flexible and faster replacement of the old r.le. Moved into 6.3-CVS.
Authors: Claudio Porta, Davide Spano, Serena Pallecchi, Faunalia
- interpolates a surface from a raster input using the nn natural neighbor interpolation library. Provides triangulation, Sibson natural neighbor interpolation and non-Sibsonian interpolation.
Author: Maciej Sieczka
- The GRASS Image Processing Environment (GIPE) has USLE, Energy-balance and radiance-reflectance correction models.
Author: Yann Chemin (unless specified otherwise).
It is available by anonymous reading through this command (thanks Markus!):
svn co grassaddons/gipe
- r.usler creates USLE R factor (Rainfall erosivity) from annual precipitations. It has 4 methods, Morgan, Roose, Foster and El-Swaify to choose from. Authors: Natalia Medvedeva and Yann Chemin
- r.uslek creates USLE K factor (soil erodibility) from sand, clay, silt fractions and organic matter fraction. Based on USDA 1951 (p209) quoted in FAO World Soil CD, and from some generic [soil class+OM] to K conversion table.
- r.albedo creates Albedo. Albedo is the shortwave surface reflectance in the range of 0.3-3 micro-meters. This module takes Modis, Aster, Landsat or AVHRR individual surface reflectance bands to calculate Albedo. This module is a precursor to r.sun or any Energy-Balance related processing.
- r.eb.* are a set of 10+ GRASS modules that together perform the main functions of the SEBAL model (Bastiaanssen, 1995). Those functions include (but are not limited to) Soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, net radiation, evaporative fraction at satellite overpass, diurnal actual evapotranspiration, momentum roughness length, etc. These modules are also part of any Energy-Balance related processing.
- r.evapo.potrad creates diurnal Potential evapotranspiration assuming all net radiation becomes ET, according to SEBAL model (Bastiaanssen, 1995). This module also has a flag for diurnal net radiation as required by SEBAL in r.eb.eta.
- creates a given Vegetation index from a list of 13 of them, most of them only requiring Red and NIR. Updated to accept all types of input data. Authors: Baburao Kamble and Yann Chemin
- is the mpi verion for cluster GRASS GIS education (no speed up here!). Author: Shamim Akhter
- r.dn2ref.l7, r.dn2ref.ast create top of atmosphere reflectance for Landsat 7ETM+ and ASTER. These modules also have a flag for radiance output. Updated r.dn2ref.l7 to read .met calibration file.
- r.dn2full.l7 is an attempt to get all bands of Landsat7 calibrated and corrected to either reflectance or temperature, reads only the .met file.
- r.dn2potrad.l7] is an attempt to get ET potential from DN of Landsat 7 (Careful! No Atmospheric correction!).
- r.biomass creates biomass growth map from fPAR, lightuse efficiency, water availability (or evap.fraction), Lat, doy and tsw.
- r.boxcount and calculate the fractal dimension for a given map. These are versions for grass6 of Mark Lake's modules for grass43.
Authors: Mark Lake, grass6 port: Florian Kindl. Available via SVN: svn co
General add-ons
- is an interactive shell script to extract raster and vector data from current Location into a new one. Data can be copied or extracted in current or original resolution and region extend. This script was written to extract smaller parts of a GRASS location to be able to present them on a laptop without the necessity to transfer huge data. Maps do not have to be in the same mapset.
Author: Otto Dassau
- Readline completion for GRASS commands under the bash shell: grass-complete won't clutter the environment but needs to be installed; needs almost no installation but will pollute the environment. Grass-Complete currently requires Bash version 2.05 for proper install.
Author: Alexandre Sorokine (grass-complete), Daniel Calvelo (
Imagery add-ons
- i.atcorr: Atmospheric Correction using Christo Zietsman's implementation of 6s code in C/C++. Available in SVN:
svn co grassaddons/gipe
Author: Christo Zietsman
- i.warp61 is a shell script that will use gdalwarp to rectify a raw input image using thin plate splines. The map should be imported into GRASS with and GCPs set with i.points. Input is the raw image (GeoTIFF, JPEG, etc). Output is a GeoTIFF in the imagery group's target location's map projection. Requires a recent (early 2006) version of GRASS 6.1, or newer.
Author: Hamish Bowman
Display add-ons
- Symbols which can be used with d.vect, d.graph, and
- d.frame.quarter is a shell script that will split the display into four quadrants using d.frame. Individual frames are named uno, dos, tres, cuatro, and full_screen.
Author: Hamish Bowman
- d.hyperlink is an interactive shell script that allows the viewing of hyperlinked images from a vector's attribute table in an external image viewer. Queries can be made via SQL statements or interactive mouse-clicking. The attribute table must be pre-populated with a column containing the image to link the vector to; the user also specifies the image folder in the current MAPSET where the images are located. The script currently supports gimp, Eye of Gnome, gthumb, gpdf, and Inkscape image viewers.
Author: Eric Patton
- pd-GRASS: Parallel Display for GRASS GIS
Author: Alex Sorokine
- is a shell script that quickly displays a box around the current region.
Author: Hamish Bowman
- d.stations is a shell script that quickly displays vector points (or sites for GRASS 5.4 and below).
Author: Hamish Bowman
- d.varea is a shell script that quickly displays vector areas.
Author: Hamish Bowman
Postscript add-ons
- ps.atlas is a shell script that makes more maps on current region according to input *.psmap file. General map can be stored as vector file. The resulting *.eps maps can be automatically converted to *.pdf files.
Author: Jachym Cepicky
- Hatches for's vareas