GRASS Developer Summit Raleigh 2025

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Revision as of 14:27, 20 September 2024 by Annakrat (talk | contribs) (add headings)
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The main GRASS GIS community meeting for 2025 will be a 6-day GRASS Developer Summit held at North Carolina State University, Monday, May 19 - Saturday, May 24 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Each day will consist of a block of scheduled sessions (tentative topics below), a block of self-organized sessions (determined by the participants and organizers), two business meals (lunch and dinner), and time for individual contributions to the project.


  • U.S. National Science Foundation, award 2303651 (Planning, preparation, event venue, participant travel)
Logo of US NSF
U.S. National Science Foundation

Promised support:

Logo of Bohannan Huston, Inc.
Bohannan Huston, Inc.

Why you should become a sponsor? While this event is largely supported from the NSF POSE award acknowledged above, we

Use Open Collective: Community Meeting 2024 or contact event organizer




NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA