GRASS Developer Summit Raleigh 2025

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The main meeting of the GRASS Project in 2025 will be a 6-day GRASS Developer Summit to be held at North Carolina State University from Monday, May 19th through Saturday, May 24th in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

NCSU venue and organizers
NCSU venue and organizers
Group of smiling people in GRASS GIS t-shirts
Participants in 2024


  • U.S. National Science Foundation, award 2303651 (Planning, preparation, event venue, participant travel)
Logo of US NSF
U.S. National Science Foundation

Promised support:

Why should you become a sponsor? While all major parts of this event are supported by the NSF POSE award mentioned above, we welcome any additional support for ancillary costs associated with the event, as not everything can be covered, for good reasons, by the U.S. federal funding.

To sponsor the event, use Open Collective or contact Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail com> for additional options.


The purpose of this in-person Developer Summit is to identify challenges in the adoption of GRASS as a geoprocessing engine and to foster the growth of the contributor community by connecting new and experienced developers. Attendees will contribute their unique skills to GRASS, evaluate the progress of the project, and participate in long-term planning for GRASS. The goal of the event is to generate actionable feedback for future improvements and to prepare the ground for expanding the geoprocessing capabilities of GRASS.


Each day will consist of a block of scheduled sessions (tentative topics below), a block of self-organized sessions (determined by the attendees and organizers), three business meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and dedicated time for attendees to individually contribute to the project by coding, documenting, testing, or making other improvements.

Day-by-day agenda:

  • Day 1: What to expect from the event, contributing to GRASS using Git and GitHub, making your first contribution.
  • Day 2: Introduction to writing GRASS tools, interfacing with QGIS (gathering user feedback, testing, discussing with developers, developing action items).
  • Day 3: Introduction to non-coding contributions, deep dive into new documentation, natural language translation and internationalization (procedures, glossaries, code customization, translation).
  • Day 4: Project vision, computational engine (missing features, documentation, user groups), lightning talks for external audience followed by reception at the Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State.
  • Day 5: Project Steering Committee meeting, interfacing with R (gathering user feedback, testing, discussing with developers, developing action items).
  • Day 6: NSF POSE project evaluation, contributor community feedback, charting the project's future course.

General daily schedule:

  • Breakfast (8-9am): Start the day, meet people, and plan your personal agenda for the day.
  • Morning opening sessions (9-10am): Introductions to contributing, the project, and its vision, program for the day.
  • Self-organized feedback sessions (11-noon): Three impromptu 20-minute sessions to gather feedback on a topic (10-minute presentation and 10-minute discussion).
  • Lunch (noon-1pm): Eat, drink, and continue the discussion from the feedback sessions.
  • Focus time (10-11am and 1-5pm): Time to work on your laptop, whiteboard solutions with a group, or anything in between.
  • Dinner (evening): Evaluate the day's accomplishments, plan and prioritize for the next few days.

You don't have to participate in all discussions or contribute to all topics. You are welcome to pick and choose the ones that are more relevant to your interests and expertise. The rest of the time you are free to work on your own contributions to GRASS. While the main language of communication at the event will be English, participants are welcome to use other languages as they see fit. Currently, native speakers of eight languages other than English have confirmed their participation.


Elevation in the NC sample dataset

NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Raleigh in North Carolina is the home of the famous GRASS North Carolina sample dataset.

The developer summit is hosted on the NC State University campus, taking advantage of modern facilities including Talley Student Union, Hunt Library and the Center for Geospatial Analytics.


Registration is now open. Please, help us plan better by filling out the registration form as soon as you decide to come:

We are already expecting over 25 people!


  • How these events look like?
  • Is the meeting focused on coding?
    • The focus is contributing to the project. The project is build on contributions in the form of code, documentation, translations, promotion and more.
  • Is the meeting for developers only?
    • No, anybody can help, with testing, checking out bugs and fixes, documentation and more. The goal is to develop GRASS and make it easier to develop workflows and software on top of GRASS.
  • Do I have to be a contributor to come?
    • You don't make contributions prior to the meeting, but the goal is to improve the project, so we ask that you discuss and plan your contributions before coming to the meeting. If you are a committed newcomer, contact us and we will gladly find a way for you to meaningfully contribute.
  • Where can I get help and more information about the event?

Organizing Committee

  • Vaclav Petras, North Carolina State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics as a Chair
  • Anna Petrasova, North Carolina State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics as a Developer Representative
  • Corey White, North Carolina State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics as a Contributor Representative
  • Lois Utt, North Carolina State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics as a NC State University Liaison
  • Sarah White, North Carolina State University as a Program and Design Consultant
  • Doug Newcomb, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a User Representative
  • Huidae Cho, New Mexico State University as an Representative of US Participants
  • Veronica Andreo, CONICET, Argentina as a Representative of International Participants