This pages contains a growing list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Feel free to add text, "Edit" button for that.
- In a site map, how to select all the points that are at the edge? - Points Edge Selection
- How to create a buffer around polygons using v.buffer? - Vector Buffer
- What are LOCATIONs and MAPSETs? - Location and Mapsets
- Starting GRASS - Starting GRASS
- How to see if you can use GRASS for anything at all - Grass Assess
- ERROR: Default region not set - Error Region
- Nothing shows in monitor window - Region Map
- How to show labels, such as street labels on a vector map? - Labels Show
- What is a raster MASK? - GRASS Raster Mask
- What is an attribute? - GRASS Attributes
- Is is possible to switch from one LOCATION to another while running GRASS? - Switch Locations
- Changing region during operation? - Changing Region
- Point in polygon test: - Point in Polygon
- Georeferencing an image?
- How do I reproject a raster or vector map? - Map Reprojection
- How do I enjoy high quality statistic analysis in GRASS? GRASS and Rstat
- What is the difference between pseudo-topological and real topological vect formats? - Topo Issue
- How to to aggregate values from one polygon layer to another ? - Aggregate Values
- How to diplay a vector (polygon) map colored by the attributes in a particular column? Vector Attribute Display
- How to Convert vector types
- How to Dissolve polygons
- Can I map data from an arbitrary database model to work with GRASS without having to restructure or create a new database?
- How can I drop columns in a sqlite-database? - Sqlite Drop Column
- GRASS 6 symbols - [README]
- GRASS 5.7 vector architecture - Vector Faq GRASS57
- Does GRASS57 installation override my stable GRASS5x installation? GRASS5x and 57
- Are GRASS 5.0.x/5.3.x/5.4.x raster maps compatible with GRASS57? Yes!
- How do I compile/install GRASS57? Compile and Install
GRASS 6 compilation problems
- Can't find a library even after I've built and installed it: Make sure that /usr/local/lib (or where you installed it) is listed in your /etc/ file and (as root) run /sbin/ldconfig.
- grass 5.7 compilation problems: - GRASS57 Compilation
- grass 5.3, 5.4 compilation problems: - GRASS53 Compilation
- How do I install grass in windows 2000: - WinGRASS Installation
GRASS and Cygwin
- How do I find the Cygwin packages to install? - Cygwin Packages
- I can't find pq.dll: Make sure you installed the PostgreSQL package in the Cygwin [installer].
- I can't find pq.dll: try copy cygpq.dll to pq.dll
- In a Latitude-Longitude location I'm getting the error Illegal latitude for North when importing an unprojected raster image: Unprojected images are given a resolution of 1 pixel per line, and so any image with a height of more than 90 pixels will try and write data to an impossible latitude.
Solution: import the image into a simple XY location and georeference the image with either r.region (if bounds are simple and known) or i.points and i.rectify. An automated alternative to r.region is to create a "World File" to be used by See the GeoTIFF format help page at [[1]].