Psmap moldefjord example
On this page are the commands used to create this geology map of Moldefjord, Norway by Willem van Mierlo, as seen on the cartography screenshots page.
Geological map of the islands of Dryna, Midøya, and Otrøya, Moldefjord, Norway
PostScript does not support vector transparency directly, so the GIMP was used to combine three output maps by adding them as multiple layers in the same GIMP image and adjusting the opacity.
- Note for future development: PDF versions 1.4 and newer support vector transparency.
- These commands make use of some of Willem's custom display symbols and north arrow EPS decorations which are not yet part of the standard GRASS distribution.
vpoints Orientations color black fcolor black type point rotatecolumn antiOrient symbol Geology/Foliation size 16 end labels DipLabels end paper a3 end end
scalebar s where 15 10 length 2000 numbers 2 end eps 394000 6949000 epsfile noordpijl.eps scale 1 rotate -7 end raster MidoyOtroy paper a3 end end
vareas HSzones color 0:0:0 fcolor 150:150:150 pat /usr/local/grass-6.2.2RC1/etc/paint/patterns/horiz_line.eps width 0.1 scale 0.4 lpos 12 label High Strain Zones end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 1 fcolor 197:162:46 width 0.25 lpos 1 label Monzonitic to Granodioritic Augengneisses end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 2 fcolor 160:100:35 width 0.25 lpos 2 label Paragneisses end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 3 fcolor 80:10:105 width 0.25 lpos 3 label (Retro-)eclogites end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 4 fcolor 135:15:170 width 0.25 lpos 4 label (Garnet-spinel) Peridotites end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 5 fcolor 0:210:235 width 0.25 lpos 5 label Quartzofeldspathic paragneisses with garnet-bearing plagioclase amphibolites end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 6 fcolor 15:105:235 width 0.25 lpos 6 label Ky Micagneiss Unit end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 7 fcolor 220:80:235 width 0.25 lpos 7 label Coronitic Gabbroic Gneiss end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 8 fcolor 235:115:60 width 0.25 lpos 8 label (Garnet) Pegmatite Sheets end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 9 fcolor 235:135:135 width 0.25 lpos 9 label Quartzofeldspathic paragneisses with feldspathic amphibolite boudins and pods end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 10 fcolor 255:50:50 width 0.25 lpos 10 label Granatic Sheets and Dykes end vareas lithology color 0:0:0 where Lithology = 11 fcolor 255:200:200 width 0.25 lpos 11 label Granitic Gneiss with locally Augen Textures end vlegend where 0.75 1 end scalebar s where 15 10 length 2000 numbers 2 end eps 394000 6949000 epsfile noordpijl.eps scale 1 rotate -7 end paper a3 end end