webGRASS currently allows to:
- upload a mapset/location
- select existing mapset and location
- load a vector map
- display vector/raster data
- do basic commands such as v.buffer
Need to be done
- link webGRASS with grass libraries and avoid process communication. If a process got break at some point its a mess
- imporve the command view interface
- allow user to import their own raster data(atleast any gdal supported)
- add suggestion popup for input map(raster and vector)
- read GRASS GIS data from a user through HTML5 File API
- allow user to download data in GRASS Format
- a lot more :)
- Anyone intersted in development please do contact
- Dr. K.S.Rajan(Project Guide) rajan [*] iiit.ac.in
- Rashad (Developer) rashadkm [*] gmail (dot) com