GRASS migration hints
Migrating to GRASS
Welcome! There is a lot of help on the web and a wealth of expertise available on the mailing lists and via IRC.
Tips for recent migrants
- Tips for ArcGIS users
- Watershed Analysis with GRASS (when you know ESRI)
- Whatever-GIS-Software to GRASS command translation table and discussion
- GRASS 4 and 5 users: GRASS Module Porting List (check here if you don't find a certain command in GRASS 6)
- GRASS 7 users: List of new features in GRASS 7 (new names, options, etc.; check here if you don't find a certain command or module parameter)
GIS "The GRASS way"
Collaboration with external software is highly encouraged.
- GDAL/OGR for Import/Export
- R statistics: GRASS/R interface
- DXF:, v.out.dxf
- Matlab/Octave:, r.out.mat,,, v.out.ascii
- POV-Ray rendering: r.out.pov, v.out.pov - see also POV-Ray
- VMRL: r.out.vrml (3D virtual reality)
- GMT - Generic Mapping Tools for cartography:, r.out.bin
- Google Earth/KML: v.out.ogr
- VTK (Paraview, etc): r3.out.vtk, r.out.vtk, v.out.vtk - see also GRASS and Paraview
- V5D:, r3.out.v5d
- All code POSIX C and generic UNIX compatible
- Most code MinGW compatible for native MS-Windows
- GRASS GIS is made up of modular tools specifically designed for easy scriptability in any number of common scripting languages, see GRASS and Shell
- Interface for direct hooks into higher scripting languages (esp. Python), see GRASS and Python and
- if "GRASS_BATCH_JOB=/path/to/" is set GRASS 6+ will run the script as a batch job and exit when it is complete. Start GRASS with the full path to the mapset to avoid the startup menus. See also GRASS and Shell.
- How the Open Source software development model works
- Rocchini, D., Neteler, M., 2012. Let the four freedoms paradigm apply to ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27, 310–311., (full text)
GRASS GIS Concepts
Software Comparisons & Thesis
- Matrix of OSGeo and COTS software functionality (2010)
- Feature Comparison of Open Source Desktop GIS Software (several tables, 2007)
- MSc thesis 2006 (English), Comparison of geographic information system software (ARCGIS 9.0 and GRASS 6.0): implementation and case study by T.R. Buchanan
- An Exploration Of Free And Open Source Software For Geomatics (thesis, 2008)
- See also links in