Vector remove small lines
Q: How to remove small vector lines? I want only delete spurious lines.
A: You may choose from the following approach (please read all of them before starting):
Approach 1:
To delete isolated lines which are not connected to the main "network", use: in={your input vector} out={output vector} ... (TBD)
Approach 2:
To globally delete short vector segments, considering them as dangles, use:
v.clean in={your input vector} tool=rmdangle thresh={your threshold} out={output vector}
Approach 3:
- use to join broken vector segments into longer segments
- then use with option=length (line length) to upload the vector segment lengths to the attribute table
v.db.addcol mypolyline column="length_km double precision" mypolyline type=line option=length units=k column=length_km
- now use v.extract to extract the longer vector segments into a new map according to a threshold you need. Example: Extract line features longer than 5km (cleans out the noise):
v.extract in=mypolyline out=mypolyline_over5km type=line where="length_km > 5.0"
Approach 4:
To remove all lines with a length shorter than 50 map units (thresh: threshold distance (coords,snap,query)) globally:
v.edit mymap tool=delete query=length thresh=-1,0,-50 type=line
You can also define a bounding box in v.edit to limit the operation to a subset of the map.