Common Tasks
Mini-tutorials showcasing some common GIS taks
Import/Export and Display
- Import and display SRTM elevation data
- GRASS Newsletter, 3, June 2005. -
- Import and display VMap0 Digital Chart of the World
- GRASS Newsletter, 3, June 2005. -
- Import and display ETOPO2 world elevation and bathymetry dataset
- Global dataset of bathymetry and topography. GRASS Newsletter, 1:8-11, August 2004.
GIS Tasks
- Georectify a scanned raster image
- into XY location
- GUI georectifier
- i.points + i.rectify (alternate method)
- Create a DEM from contour lines and trig points
- Create a DEM from x,y,z point data
- Create vector contour lines from a raster DEM
- r.contour
3D Visualization
- Use NVIZ to render a 3D image
nviz elevation.dem
- Use NVIZ to make a fly through movie
- see nviz keyframe animation panel help page
- Encoding Movies
- Use Paraview to render a 3D image
- r.out.vtk, v.out.vtk
Raster operations
- Create a shaded relief map
- r.shaded relief
- drape semi-transparent land use map over shaded relief map
- d.his
Vector operations
- Disolve interior lines
- v.dissolve
Hardcopy and Presention Graphics Creation
- Create a high quality hardcopy plot
- Creating PostScript with
- export to GMT