Bug tracking
GForge is a feature-rich system for collaborating on a software project (GForge homepage). Under the GForge setup by Intevation company, there is a set of trackers for the GRASS project, including 9 items:
- code feature requests
- code issues
- code patches
- doc feature requests
- doc issues
- doc patches
- website feature requests
- website issues
- website patches
These are 3 groups of 3 kinds of trackers, each group dedicated to GRASS code, documentation and website matters, respectively. The kinds of trackers include:
- feature requests tracker
- For new functionality wishes.
- issues tracker
- For bugs, and "bad features", aka "defects".
- patches tracker
- For user submitted patches, if the user doesn't have CVS write access but wants to share his fix/improvement, and for patches which shouldn't go into CVS for a reason, but we want to keep the track of them for later.
The trackers are available for public view, but in order to be able to post (including creating a new report), and to use all the features of the trackers, you need to setup an account at GForge and join the GRASS project at GForge.
How it works
All trackers' new submissions are automatically forwarded to the GRASS development mailing list. The followup traffic is stored in the tracker, and forwarded only to parties discussing the ticket. However, any project member can "monitor" a ticket, or a whole tracker, in order to receive all the related traffic (see GForge manuals).
- general admin and cleaner
- Maciej Sieczka
- backup admin
- Bernhard Reiter
- code patches
- Jachym Cepicky
- website patches
- Scott Mitchell
- doc patches
- Martin Landa
There are 3 project member roles: admin, developer and user.
- admin
- Manages requests to join the project and maintains the GRASS project's setup at GForge.
- developer
- Can do most of the things that admin can. Only that he doesn't have his duties and he can't remove the whole GRASS project. But he still can add/modify/delete trackers as well as delete tickets for good. It was neccessary to provide that much power to developers so that they could move tickets between the trackers. Developers - please use your power wisely and let the admin know before doing something more intrusive you are not sure about :).
- user
- Can open new tickets in the trackers, reply to other tickets and monitor, participate in surveys (admin and developer can too, of course).
Buggy bugtracker?
When you spot something wrong or a possible enhacement in the setup of GRASS trackers at GForge, please drop admin a line. If it's a bug or a missing feature in the GForge software itself, please report it to wald.intevation.org GForge site maintainers, preferably using their bugtracker. If unsure whether the issue is in the GRASS trackers setup, or in the GForge itself, contact admin first, or ask on GRASS dev ML.
Current top issues with GForge from the point of view of GRASS team, which hamper info flow and productivity:
- can't CC an email from GForge
whole discussion included in the email notification = noisefixed by Sascha Wilde on 18.07.2007- mail reply doesn't work
email notifications sent from GForge to GRASS dev ML should also have it's address to reply tofixed by Sascha Wilde on 30.07.2007
GForge: beyond the trackers
GForge provides many functionalities. Currently we use only the trackers, as all the other functionalities are implemented in the current GRASS infrastructure (besides surveys; maybe there will be some use for them - let's keep them in mind :) ). However, it is worth rembering that GForge can provide things like discussion forums, mailing lists, ftp space, SVN server and some more.
NOTE, 2007.04.07: according to discussion on GRASS dev ML, migration to SVN is planned soon.
The former GRASS Request Tracker can be used to examine the previously resolved issues, and those that were still in progress as the new system was released. It would be good to move all the tickets from the former tracker to the new one, but nodody has volunteered yet. If you are the one, please contact the admin to arrange it.
More info
- GForge manuals
- bugtracking page on the GRASS website
- New ideas about GRASS 7 SVN hosting