Project jobs/id
Lowongan pekerjaan di proyek GRASS
Infrastruktur yang terus berkembang dan penambahan dukungan pengguna membutuhkan beberapa usaha untuk mengintegrasikan kontribusi dari pengguna dan agar tetap dapat menjaga segala sesuatunya berjalan dengan lancar. Halaman ini berisi tentang daftar pekerjaan yang membutuhkan sukarelawan. Deskripsi pekerjaan-pekerjaan ini mungkin terlihat sedikit formal tetapi dapat menggambarkan kebutuhannya.
Kontributor Web site (lowong)
Dibutuhkan beberapa orang sebagai kontributor Web site untuk melakukan perbaruan halaman dan meningkatkan struktur yang ada saat ini. Kami berharap bahwa di masa datang, website akan dipindahkan ke dalam sebuah sistem CMS seperti Drupal, yang tentunya membutuhkan usaha yang besar. Wolf Bergenheim saat ini bekerja dalam persiapan sebuah server berbasis Drupal untuk GRASS di OSGeo.
Keterampilan yang diperlukan:
- pemahaman tentang HTML standar (sebuah fungsi PHP tunggal akan digunakan untuk membuat menu)
- keinginan untuk menggunakan editor teks untuk membuat halaman (untuk menghindari HTML cruft creeps in)
- terbiasa dengan (atau memiliki keinginan untuk belajar menggunakan) GRASS Web site CVS (lihat instruksi)
- tidak dibutuhkan kemampuan pemrograman
- memperbaharui halaman-halaman yang sudah kadaluarsa
- memikirkan dan mengimplementasikan "user stories" untuk membuat situs semakin atraktif
- memikirkan dan mengimplementasikan translasi dari halaman-halaman yang penting
- menyederhanakan struktur
- menambahkan skrinsut baru dengan credits/CC license)
- melakukan pemeriksaan secara rutin apakah situs mirror berfungsi atau tidak
Perkiraan beban kerja:
- rata-rata: 1-x jam per minggu
Kontak: Markus Neteler
Wiki manager (lowong)
The GRASS wiki (you are using it at the moment) requires continuous monitoring.
- basic knowledge of mediawiki usage
- no programming skills required
- update outdated pages
- simplify structure where needed (merge pages)
- clean up Orphaned pages (link, merge or remove)
- keep Categories up to date (add at bottom of pages where needed)
- keep an eye on spammers
Estimated workload:
- in average: 1h per week
Contact: Markus Neteler, Martin Landa
Graphic design lead (open)
We need someone with good graphic design skills to maintain the artwork used in the various GUIs and the web site. The initial priority is to rework the icons used in the various GUIs and clean up the screenshot gallery.
- Graphic design, graphic design software
- Artistic
- A sufficient level of familiarity with the GIS in order to capture the precise meaning of a button's task in a simple picture.
- No programming experience needed, but it would be helpful if willing to learn a little Tcl in the short term and more wxPython in the long term. (present and future GUI frameworks)
- Manage binary files in CVS. (fairly simple to learn)
- Create new icons for the various GUIs
- Work with website manager to create, solicit, and maintain screenshot gallery
- Work with the GUI team to perfect GUI layout and menu presentation.
- Help promotion and newsletter teams in preparing logo banners, layout ideas, etc.
Estimated workload:
- After initial work on icons: 1hr per week
Accepted positions (which were advertised here)
Documentation manager
NEWS: Kindly accepted by Eric Patton
GRASS documentation (HTML/MAN pages) need to be frequently revisited and updated. Some pages are still lacking examples or clarity.
- knowledge of standard HTML (ASCII editor is preferred over HTML editor)
- willingness to use plain text editors to write pages (to avoid that HTML cruft creeps in)
- familiarity (or willingness to learn use) with GRASS Web site CVS (see instructions)
- no programming skills required
- excellent knowledge of English language (native speaker preferred)
- update outdated manual pages
- homogenize style and layout
- add relevant graphics/screenshots with credits/CC license into page
- receive and merge contributions from external contributors; remove offensive HTML tags not understood by g.html2man (say: reduce to simple HTML - see instructions)
Estimated workload:
- in average: 1-x h per week
Translations manager
NEWS: Kindly accepted by Carlos Dávila
The translations manager is responsible for maintaining the translation of GRASS messages (translation page; [ mailing list)
- knowledge (or willingness to learn use) of translation tools (kbabel, poEDIT)
- familiarity (or willingness to learn use) with CVS (see instructions)
- no programming skills required
- work with GRASS CVS-Head (latest GRASS)
- merging translation contributions (with 'msgmerge' of .po files or simply use
- invite translators to contribute (ask regularly, find new), make them use recent GRASS
- create template files for new languages ('make pot')
- update existing translations after having received latest submissions from translators ('make update-po')
- keep headers of .po files intact and up-to-date
- add new translators to AUTHORS file in source code
Estimated workload:
- in average: 1-2h per week or less
Public relations manager
NEWS: Kindly accepted by Malte Halbey-Martin
Despite the continuous growth of the user community, we seek "GRASS GIS awareness" especially for public administration and companies. A multi-language brochure is needed to promote GRASS in a more effective way. Funding for a high quality print is to be defined.
- communication and design skills
- find like-minded people to form a GRASS promotion group
- communicate the existence of the GRASS project
- design of a multi-language brochure (both PDF and printed) in collaboration with the OSGeo-VisCom team
- create material to illustrate the GRASS functionality
- contact public administration and professionals in a non-spammy way
- collect success stories and render them usable for the Web site
Interested people
While we have to figure out the process, here a list of interested people. Please add yourself:
- Dylan Beaudette: Web site contributor (familiar with Drupal CMS)
- Scott Mitchell: Web site contributor, could possibly do the translation job, if nobody with translation tool experience volunteers
- Brad Douglas: Public Relations contributor (co-maintainer)
Existing jobs
- Documentation Manager
- Eric Patton
- OSGeo Trac maintainers
- Markus Neteler, Martin Landa
- Newsletter editor-in-chief
- Martin Wegmann (+ Paul Kelly and MN) - for OSGeo: Tyler Mitchell
- OSGeo SVN code repository
- Markus Neteler, Martin Landa, Howard Butler
- Main Web site/Infrastructure manager
- Markus Neteler
- Mailing list manager
- Markus Neteler
- Translations manager
- Carlos Dávila
- Wiki manager
- Markus Neteler, Martin Landa (see above for open position)
- Public relations manager
- Malte Halbey-Martin
- Binaries packager
- Fedora RPMs: Brad Douglas (still?)
- Mandriva RPMs: Buchan Milne
- Debian: Francesco Lovergine and the Debian GIS Project
- winGRASS native: Marco Pasetti, Moritz Lennert, Benjamin Ducke, Huidae Cho, Paul Kelly, Tim Sutton (QGIS/GRASS bundle)
- MacOSX: William Kyngesburye, Lorenzo Moretti (still?)