WinGRASS errors

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Due to the varieties of MS-Windows versions existing, a series of problems with the WinGRASS Installation have been identified (and solved):

Q: Error message "The ordinal 63 could not be located in the dynamic link libexpat.dll."

A: You have likely an old "libexpat.dll" in your directory %WINDIR%\system32 (or %WINDIR%\sysWOW64). Try to rename that file (or delete after backup). Then winGRASS should work.

Q: The winGRASS user interface shows up in the wrong language for me!

A: MSys users should be setting the LANG, LC_MESSAGES etc. variables in ~/.bash_profile (etc) if they want it set to a specific locale other than the default locale of the system.

Q: This and that is not functioning in my winGRASS installation!

A: May happen, we are working on it :) Please visit the Errata page and the WinGRASS Current Status page

Q: Error message "This application has failed to start because libintl3.dll was not found". (or libiconv2.dll and/or regex2.dll)

A: Reinstalling of the "msys" package in the OSGeo4W installer will bring it back.