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''(Back to [[WxPython-based GUI for GRASS|wxGUI]] page.)''
'''wxNviz''' is a [[wxGUI]] extension which allows users to realistically render multiple surfaces (raster data) in a 3D space, optionally using thematic coloring, draping 2D vector data over the surfaces, displaying 3D vector data in the space, and visualization of volume data (3D raster data).
For usage instructions, see also the {{cmd|wxGUI.nviz|desc=manual page}}.
== Screenshots ==
<gallery perrow=3 widths=200>
Image:Wxnviz-alpha-0.png|2008-06-27: Display raster map from layer tree in 2.5D (surface)
Image:Wxnviz-alpha-1.png|2008-07-05: Support for vector data (2D lines) added
Image:Wxnviz-alpha-2.png|2008-07-26: Support for vector point data
Image:Wxnviz-alpha-3.png|2008-08-02: 3D vector data support
Image:Wxnviz-alpha-4.png|2008-08-09: Initial support for volumetric data
Image:Wxnviz-lmgr.png|2010-05-31: 3D view tools window integrated into Layer Manager
Image:Wxnviz-light.png|Lighting control panel in Layer Manager (2010-06-17)
Image:Wxnviz-fringe.png|Fringe control panel in Layer Manager (2010-06-23)
Image:Wxnviz-redirect.png|Redirect messages to wxGUI (2010-08-08)
Image:Wxnviz-volumes.png|Displaying raster (surface), 2D vector and 3D raster (volume) in the 3D space (2010-08-16)
Image:WxNviz surface page.png|Surface page of WxNviz modified (2011-06-02)
Image:WxNviz_constant_surface_page.png|Constant surface page added (2011-06-02)
Image:WxNviz_lighting.png|Lighting fixed (2011-05-02)
Image:WxNviz_cutting_planes_1.png|Cutting planes (shading blend) (2011-06-10)
Image:WxNviz_cutting_planes_2.png|Cutting planes (shading top color) (2011-06-10)
Image:WxNviz_view_page.png|View page modified (2011-06-10)
Image:Nviz_cmd_cutting_planes.png‎|Picture of surfaces cut by two planes (generated by nviz_cmd) (2011-06-30)
Image:WxNviz_generate_command.png‎|Command for nviz_cmd generated by wxNviz (2011-07-01)
Image:WxNviz_north_arrow.png‎|North Arrow implemented (2011-07-08)
Image:WxNviz_volumes.png‎|Colored isosurfaces with transparency (2011-07-08)
Image:WxNviz_volume_slices_1.png‎|Partially transparent slice (2011-07-14)
Image:WxNviz_volume_slices_2.png‎|Combination of slices and isosurface (2011-07-14)
Image:WxNviz_overlays.png‎|Raster legend, text label and north arrow (2011-07-22)
Image:WxNviz_thematic_points_colors‎.png|Thematic mapping (colors) for points (2011-08-05)
Image:WxNviz_colorrules_dialog.png|Dialog for {{cmd|v.colors}} opened from 3D view (2011-08-05)
== Animations ==
{{YouTube|AByFPKHvgu4|desc=Using fly-through mode for creating animation}}
== Video tutorials ==

Back to [[WxPython-based GUI for GRASS|wxGUI]] page.
{{YouTube|ib1-mBbWkv4|desc=Loading data, settings layer properties}}
{{YouTube|ZLDstyumxv0|desc=Visualizing fringes and north arrow}}
{{YouTube|CmK-fEyf2SY|desc=3D raster maps (volumes) in the space (isosurface and slice mode)}}
{{YouTube|13wj5KWEweE|desc=Color thematic mapping}}

[http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/SoCProjects#a3.53DvisualizationtoolforwxPythonGRASSGUI Accepted Google Summer of Code 2008 project]
=== Older tutorials (2010) ===

* http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-February/035792.html
{{YouTube|Ej_rBc9sgvE|desc=Loading data, settings layer properties}}
{{YouTube|iWyaBL2Krto|desc=Visualizing fringes}}
{{YouTube|ioE_hHMHqKg|desc=3D raster maps (volumes) in the space}}

== Roadmap / Progress ==
== Ideas ==

=== Done ===
* Fog support (see [http://gpwiki.org/index.php/OpenGL:Tutorials:Tutorial_Framework:Light_and_Fog], [http://www.swiftless.com/tutorials/opengl/fog.html], [http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=16])
* Vertical labels (take from geonames.org point data): like in http://tev.fbk.eu/marmota/blog/?p=82
* Second interactive light source for isosurface visualization
* Tick marks and coordinate values to x,y,z axis when drawing fringe

* Initial cleaning underlying [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk/lib/ogsf GRASS OpenGL gsurf OGSF Library]
** Doxygenization, code documentation
** Eliminate <tt>fprintf()</tt>, changed to <tt>G_*_message()</tt>, <tt>G_warning()</tt>, <tt>G_fatal_error()</tt>, and <tt>G_debug()</tt>

==== wxGUI Nviz extension ====
== Troubleshooting  ==

* Integration with Layer Manager, (un)loading data when map layer is (un)/checked
* Nothing is rendered at all:
* Integration with Map Display, auto-rendering functional
: Please note that with wxGTK port of wxPython (Linux systems), a problem might appear during wxNviz initialization (nothing is rendered at all) or when rendering vectors (bad order of rendering surfaces and vectors). If you encounter such problems, try to change a depth buffer number in wxGUI Menu > Settings > Preferences > Map Display > Advanced (possible numbers are 0, 16, 24, 32). It is currently not possible to automatically find out the right number which is working for your computer.
* View settings (position, height, perspective, twist, z-exag), perspective can be changed by mouse wheel
* Surface settings (attributes, draw mode)
* Vector 2D/3D points and lines (including boundaries, areas, faces, volumes)
* Saving layer properties in workspace file

What should work:
== Known issues  ==

* Start GRASS with NC dataset
#List of [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&keywords=~wxNviz open] and [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/query?status=assigned&status=closed&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&keywords=~wxNviz closed] tickets
* Add raster map "elevation" and vector map "roadsmajor"
#<strike>Adding vector data crashes wxGUI on Mac</strike>
* Start Nviz from Map display toolbar
#<strike>Viewing height sometimes sets to 1 after switching to 2D and back to 3D View (or with the simultaneous 2D view - very nice feature) and even after View is reset, it keeps getting back at 1 each time the slider is touched</strike>
* Change view, surface attributes, draw mode (try also auto-rendering)
#:Fixed in {{rev|46208}}
* Enable/disable data layer from Layer Manager
#Adding draw, draw current and clear button may be useful
#Thematic mapping is available in GRASS 7 only
#Display region in 3D does not change accordingly to display region in 2D in version &lt;= 6.5
##&nbsp;I&nbsp;<strike>need to click View tab to get the arrow draw, same for the scale bar </strike>
##add legend &gt; OK: nothing gets drawn in 3D but the legend shows up when I switch to 2D but when I clicked delete scalebar (which was not drawn), my surface disapeared but the legend showed up along with white and black background (which I assume was supposed to be transparent, because when I moved the legend the surface was under it - we already discussed this, it may be my problem, because it works for Michael).
##<strike>when I go from 3D view to 2D and then back to 3D I lose most of my settings&nbsp;</strike>
##<strike>similarly, when I add volume to Map layers I lose my view settings and the 3D view goes back to default </strike>
##change of region by g.region seems to be ignored (or I missed something), I had to restart GRASS with the new region to get the 3D region for volumes right. Given that the default top, botom is 1,0, if GRASS starts with the default 3D region settings volumes do not work because there is just one level.
##<strike>isosurfaces work with my terrestrial lidar data but the slices don't, it seems that it is due my resolution being 0.3m, when I change it to 1m I get at least some limited slicing
###this may be in ogsf becuase slices in nviz do not work with this data either </strike>
#<strike>changing color to constant did not change the color of the isosurface</strike>

=== In progress ===
== Comparison of Tcl/Tk nviz and wxNviz functionality ==
What is missing in wxNviz:
* scaled difference
* lighting - follow surface viewpoint
* keyframe animation
* text rendering (in OpenGl)

* Update OGSF Library documentation
What is working only partially:
* Experimental prototype of CLI version of NVIZ (just very simple functionality)
* legend, labels
* thematic mapping - nviz allows to choose also icon and multiple classification
* Design experimental <tt>nvizlib</tt> used by CLI and wxPython NVIZ prototype
* basic support of animations
* Experimental prototype of NVIZ toolbox for wxGUI (based on NVIZ CLI functionality)

==== wxGUI Nviz extension ====
What is new in wxNviz:
* it is possible to change view more interactively using mouse

* Support for volumes
* Scripting functionality is replaced by m.nviz.image module
* wxNviz state is saved in workspace

==== Nviz CLI ====

* To be updated (based on wxGUI Nviz functionality)
== Google Summer of Code ==

== Screenshots ==
=== [[wxNviz GSoC 2008|2008]] ===

=== Alpha prototype ===
* [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/SoCProjects#wxNvizdevelopmentforenhanced34Dvisualizationandanalysis Accepted Google Summer of Code 2008 project]

=== [[wxNviz GSoC 2010|2010]] ===
| [[Image:Wxnviz-alpha-0.png|250px|thumb|2008-06-27: Display raster map from layer tree in 2.5D (surface)]] ||
[[Image:Wxnviz-alpha-1.png|250px|thumb|2008-07-05: Support for vector data (2D lines) added]]
| [[Image:Wxnviz-alpha-2.png|250px|thumb|2008-07-26: Support for vector point data]] ||
[[Image:Wxnviz-alpha-3.png|250px|thumb|2008-08-02: 3D vector data support]]
| [[Image:Wxnviz-alpha-4.png|250px|thumb|2008-08-09: Initial support for volumetric data]] ||

== Ideas ==
* [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/SoCProjects#wxNvizdevelopmentforenhanced34Dvisualizationandanalysis Accepted Google Summer of Code 2010 project]

* Fog support (see [http://gpwiki.org/index.php/OpenGL:Tutorials:Tutorial_Framework:Light_and_Fog], [http://www.swiftless.com/tutorials/opengl/fog.html], [http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=16])
=== [[wxNviz GSoC 2011|2011]] ===

== Google SoC Reports ==
* [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/SoCProjects#CompletionofwxGUINvizextensionfor3DdatavisualizationinGRASSGIS Accepted Google Summer of Code 2011 project]

# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-June/038194.html 2008-06-06]
== See also ==
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-June/038266.html 2008-06-13]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-June/038353.html 2008-06-20]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-June/038472.html 2008-06-27]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-July/038625.html 2008-07-04]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-July/038753.html 2008-07-11]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-July/038824.html 2008-07-18]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-July/039007.html 2008-07-25]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-August/039181.html 2008-08-01]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-August/039305.html 2008-08-08]
# [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-August/039503.html 2008-08-15]

=== Final reports ===
* http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-February/035792.html

* Changes in OGSF library, diff [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032321&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4031313 before] and [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032757&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032585 after] indentation relevant diffs:
** [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032658&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032652 diff1]
** [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032321&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4032034 diff2]
** [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4031684&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4031335 diff3]
** [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset?new=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4031323&old=grass%2Ftrunk%2Flib%2Fogsf%4031313 diff4]


Latest revision as of 10:56, 4 December 2018

(Back to wxGUI page.)

wxNviz is a wxGUI extension which allows users to realistically render multiple surfaces (raster data) in a 3D space, optionally using thematic coloring, draping 2D vector data over the surfaces, displaying 3D vector data in the space, and visualization of volume data (3D raster data).

For usage instructions, see also the manual page.



Using fly-through mode for creating animation

Video tutorials

Loading data, settings layer properties
Visualizing fringes and north arrow
3D raster maps (volumes) in the space (isosurface and slice mode)
Color thematic mapping

Older tutorials (2010)

Loading data, settings layer properties
Visualizing fringes
3D raster maps (volumes) in the space


  • Fog support (see [1], [2], [3])
  • Vertical labels (take from geonames.org point data): like in http://tev.fbk.eu/marmota/blog/?p=82
  • Second interactive light source for isosurface visualization
  • Tick marks and coordinate values to x,y,z axis when drawing fringe


  • Nothing is rendered at all:
Please note that with wxGTK port of wxPython (Linux systems), a problem might appear during wxNviz initialization (nothing is rendered at all) or when rendering vectors (bad order of rendering surfaces and vectors). If you encounter such problems, try to change a depth buffer number in wxGUI Menu > Settings > Preferences > Map Display > Advanced (possible numbers are 0, 16, 24, 32). It is currently not possible to automatically find out the right number which is working for your computer.

Known issues

  1. List of open and closed tickets
  2. Adding vector data crashes wxGUI on Mac
  3. Viewing height sometimes sets to 1 after switching to 2D and back to 3D View (or with the simultaneous 2D view - very nice feature) and even after View is reset, it keeps getting back at 1 each time the slider is touched
    Fixed in r46208
  4. Adding draw, draw current and clear button may be useful
  5. Thematic mapping is available in GRASS 7 only
  6. Display region in 3D does not change accordingly to display region in 2D in version <= 6.5
  7. Appearance:
    1.  I need to click View tab to get the arrow draw, same for the scale bar
    2. add legend > OK: nothing gets drawn in 3D but the legend shows up when I switch to 2D but when I clicked delete scalebar (which was not drawn), my surface disapeared but the legend showed up along with white and black background (which I assume was supposed to be transparent, because when I moved the legend the surface was under it - we already discussed this, it may be my problem, because it works for Michael).
  8. General
    1. when I go from 3D view to 2D and then back to 3D I lose most of my settings 
    2. similarly, when I add volume to Map layers I lose my view settings and the 3D view goes back to default
  9. Volumes:
    1. change of region by g.region seems to be ignored (or I missed something), I had to restart GRASS with the new region to get the 3D region for volumes right. Given that the default top, botom is 1,0, if GRASS starts with the default 3D region settings volumes do not work because there is just one level.
    2. isosurfaces work with my terrestrial lidar data but the slices don't, it seems that it is due my resolution being 0.3m, when I change it to 1m I get at least some limited slicing
      1. this may be in ogsf becuase slices in nviz do not work with this data either
  10. changing color to constant did not change the color of the isosurface

Comparison of Tcl/Tk nviz and wxNviz functionality

What is missing in wxNviz:

  • scaled difference
  • lighting - follow surface viewpoint
  • keyframe animation
  • text rendering (in OpenGl)

What is working only partially:

  • legend, labels
  • thematic mapping - nviz allows to choose also icon and multiple classification
  • basic support of animations

What is new in wxNviz:

  • it is possible to change view more interactively using mouse


  • Scripting functionality is replaced by m.nviz.image module
  • wxNviz state is saved in workspace

Google Summer of Code




See also