Talk:GRASS GIS contributors meetings in Solany/February 2016
(Redirected from Talk:GRASS GIS contributors meetings in Solany/January 2016)
Project Title: GRASS GIS contributors meeting in Solany Feb 5-8 2016
What is to be funded?
Food and drinks
How many participants are expected?
4-5 participants
How to fund? (financially, with material resources, in-kind ...)
How much money is needed?
Community Sprint cost estimate | Euro |
Reimbursements for participants | 0.00 |
Public Transport | 5.00 |
Promo (T-Shirts + stickers) | 0.00 |
Office stuff | 0.00 |
Small food + Drinks | 70.00 |
TOTAL COST | 75.00 |
What relationship has the proposed project to GRASS GIS?
The event is fully related to GRASS development.
Is the event additionally sponsored by others?
What are the consequences of funding / non-funding?
The participants would need to pay expenses out of their own pocket.
What kind of documentation / reporting will be delivered after the event?
Wiki report similar to last meeting.
Contact info
Mail to PSC mailing list sent?
Decision taken
Report after the event
Comments from community