Massimiliano Lorenzini Senior Consultant da empresa Cooperazione Italiana
Senior Consultant at Cooperazione Italiana setembro de 2013 - até o momento (2 meses)
Senior Consultant at Ministero de Agricultura - DNTF - DIRN julho de 2012 - até o momento (1 ano 4 meses)
2012-2013 Responsible for the upgrade/expansion of the original AIFM Geodatabase (GDB). The new Information System includes, so far: • A general purpose “Base Nacional” GDB • A “wildfire spots”GDB • A ‘burned areas” GDB • The Sofala Forest Inventory GDB Data are organized in enterprise (SQL Server 2012 + ArcGIS SDE 10.1 back-end) geodatabases. Data are shared/disseminated/published via different techniques: • FTP file sharing with provinces (upload/download) • ArcGIS for Server 10.1 Map Services for data publication on the web
Lecturer at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
outubro de 2011 - novembro de 2011 (2 meses)
Short course (30 hours) on wildfire detection/mapping: mostly lab activities (on-the-job training style) using MODIS Active Fires data & ArcGIS 10
GIS & Internet Expert at Agriconsulting Roma junho de 2005 - maio de 2008 (3 anos)
Main Consultant engaged in the analysis of forestry resources and human activities in terms of environmental sustainability of forestry management. Design and implementation of the AIFM project's IS centre to support the ongoing forest inventory. The system adopts a client/server architecture based on RDBMS-driven with ArcSDE technology (LAN) and Internet map services (WAN). Expert’s responsibilities: • Coordinating the work of the GIS technicians (3) of the “Unidade de Inventario Florestal”. Expert’s activities: • Streamlining data processing via AML and Python scripting for office automation. • on-the-job training of local staff • • Customization of web pages using ASP and Javascript languages. • Training of provincial staff, in the process of decentralization (data processing handover to Provincial offices), in using software other than ArcGIS, namely Mapinfo.
GIS/Internet Consultant at INYPSA fevereiro de 2004 - novembro de 2006 (2 anos 10 meses)
3 missions (totaling 7 months) Design of the project's GIS centre with a client/server architecture based on RDBMS-driven ArcSDE technology (LAN) and with Internet map services (WAN). On-the-job training of local staff. Visit to national and regional (Paraguay, Argentina) institutions to promote the “Pilcomayo Network”. Collaboration with local experts and international consultants in the implementation of hydrological models for studies related to water quality monitoring, soil erosion, etc. Expert’s responsibilities: • Evaluation of the LBAyS (Linea Base Ambiental y Socio-economica) 0.5M € sub-contract. Expert’s activities: • development of “model builder” macros for automated data processing.
GIS/Internet Consultant at Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare
abril de 2002 - outubro de 2005 (3 anos 7 meses)
Several missions (totaling almost 1 year) at the “ Projet de Formation en Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et Sécurité Alimentaire “ to design and setup an Information System to manage remote sensing, GIS and socio-economic data in the framework of the agricultural campaign monitoring. Final objective is the integration of back-end components (databases) for data management and front-end (Internet web site) for data dissemination ( Expert’s responsibilities: • Training local staff and monitoring periodically performances of the resources (both financial and human) involved in the project. Expert’s activities: • VB + AML and MapObjects (ESRI) were used to build up user oriented GIS applications.
GIS Consultant at Agriconsulting Roma
maio de 2003 - dezembro de 2003 (8 meses)
Two missions (May-July 2003, October-December 2003) in Pakistan (Abbottabad, Islamabad) to draft guidelines for setting up a GIS and train local staff in support to project activities in natural resources management with special reference to watershed management and land use planning. On-the-job training was carried out using both ArcGIS and Mapinfo packages.
Information System Analyst at Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare
dezembro de 1999 - outubro de 2000 (11 meses)
As the main consultant, I assisted IGAD Secretariat Professional Staff in implementing a project funded by USAID and the Italian Technical Cooperation called "Regional Integrated Information System - Phase I".
This Formulation Phase will end up with a project document outlining the Phase II - Implementation. In consultation with IGAD Secretariat officers and member countries representatives I assessed viable strategies for implementing a network aimed at facilitating information flow among countries in the region. This involved the evaluation of "to what extent" technologies like Internet, mechanisms like Clearinghouse and concepts like metadata could be progressively introduced in the region. I produced prototypes, like a gateway IGAD website as a portal to more than 160 institutions in the region, to educate people to a new data/information sharing culture. My duties included participation to regional workshops. Main outputs were a RIIS web-site ( and a Needs Assessment Report.
GIS Expert at FAO abril de 1990 - outubro de 1999 (9 anos 7 meses)
Under the supervision of the Coordinator of the Forest Resources Assessment Project, I am responsible for all the GIS activities related to the global forest resources assessment. I participate in research activities related to environmental impact of deforestation. Within the framework of the Global Forest Resources assessment 2000, Expert’s duties: • planning and coordinating activities related to the acquisition and integration of spatial and statistical databases. This involves cost/benefit analysis in the choice of data acquisition techniques; evaluating alternative methodologies in the data analysis process; defining alternative packaging of processed data in an end-user suitable format; • providing technical assistance in harmonizing GIS data of different agencies participating to the Project; • preparing periodical reports on findings and methodological developments about GIS techniques used in the Project; • providing training on GIS to Project staff. • Development of VB + AML + Map-Objects applications
Remote Sensing Expert at FAO
julho de 1987 - junho de 1989 (2 anos)
In charge of operational activities in the UNDP-Funded Project ARG/81/002, that is, crop area estimates using satellite data in digital format. My duties included: • Management of the laboratory staff for the statistics production (five technicians); • Implementation of software to optimize both satellite and field data processing; • Training of local staff in remote sensing and digital image processing; • Lectures at national and regional training courses on remote sensing and geographic information systems; • Technical Support to national organizations on geo-referenced data processing topics. • Fortran programming
Remote Sensing Data Analyst at FAO
janeiro de 1980 - maio de 1987 (7 anos 5 meses)
In charge for operating a Digital PDP 11/23 microcomputer based Image Processing system named ARIES (produced by DIPIX)
Português (Fluente ou nativo) Italiano (Fluente ou nativo) Inglês (Nível avançado) Espanhol (Nível avançado) Francês (Nível básico)
International Geospatial Society membro setembro de 2013 até até o momento
Competências e especialidades
Remote Sensing Geographic Information Science WEBGIS ArcGIS ERDAS Imagine Quantum GIS Microsoft SQL Server PostgreSQL Fortran Java Visual Basic Python ModelBuilder Wildfire Land Cover Land Use Land Use Planning
Reconhecimentos e prêmios
FAO Expert Italian Government outubro de 2007 On the 25th of October 2007 I have been awarded by the Italian Government for my contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Nobel Peace Prize 2007.
See page 4 of the acknowledgments (Chapter 5: Land-use Change and Forestry) in the “Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” -
Formação acadêmica
Universitá La Sapienza - Roma Laurea (M.Sc.) em Geologia e Ciências da Terra/Geociências, 1978 - 1986 CR: Graduado com honra (110 cum laude)
Massimiliano Lorenzini Senior Consultant da empresa Cooperazione Italiana
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