PSC Election 2024: Difference between revisions

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| Nicklas Larsson || Hungary || Anna Petrášová || By Anna Petrášová: [ Link to nomination announcement] || [ Link to statement]
| Nicklas Larsson || Hungary || Anna Petrášová || By Anna Petrášová: [ Link to nomination announcement] || [ Link to statement]
| Caitlin Haedrich || USA || Anna Petrášová || By Anna Petrášová: [ Link to nomination announcement] || [ Link to statement]   
| Caitlin Haedrich || USA || Anna Petrášová || By Anna Petrášová: [ Link to nomination announcement] || [ Link to statement]   
| Helmut Kudrnovsky || Austria || Caitlin Haedrich || By Caitlin Haedrich: [ Link to nomination announcement] || [ Link to statement]  
| Helmut Kudrnovsky || Austria || Caitlin Haedrich || By Caitlin Haedrich: [ Link to nomination announcement] || [ Link to statement]  

Revision as of 14:45, 13 October 2024

Call for election

The Project Steering Committee (PSC) election 2024 starts on 2024-09-16 and ends on 2024-11-02.

The new committee will be formed by 9 members, of which 5 are current members and 4 will be newly elected on this election. The seats open for election are those currently held by:

  • Helena Mitasova,
  • Helmut Kudrnovsky,
  • Martin Landa, and
  • Michael Barton.

This is in accordance with the current PSC and the planning decided in light of the experiences in previous elections (See PSC meeting minutes from June 2024).

The process

The election process is essentially split in two phases: 1) Nomination and 2) Voting. After this, the results are announced and the new PSC is officially formed.


During the Nomination phase, any member of the GRASS GIS community, can nominate any community member for being a candidate for the PSC.

Current PSC members can be nominated for re-election in the same way by the community as possible new candidates.

To set a nomination in motion, an e-mail should be directed to the Chief Return Officer (CRO - cro.grass at including name, contact e-mail and shortly why a person is recommended as a PSC member.

The CRO will then contact the recommended person asking for confirmation. The nominated person has to accept the candidacy and will be asked to write a few lines stating what she/he wants to achieve as part of it.

A nomination and its acceptance are required to be sent directly to the CRO in private. Following confirmation, it is CRO's task to officially announce a nomination.


The CRO will ensure to invite all eligible voters.

Eligible voters are all people who:

  • have one or more merged pull requests in any of grass, grass-addons, grass-website, grass-promo repositories,
  • participated of GRASS PSC and community events,
  • have one or more merged pull requests in qgis/QGIS related to GRASS integration,
  • have one or more merged pull requests in rsbivand/rgrass, or
  • are registered and have translated for GRASS GIS in Weblate

A list of eligible voters has already been compiled on the basis of the criteria given above. The list can be found here.

If you believe you meet the criteria but do not find your name in the list, please contact the CRO (cro.grass at or make a pull request before 15 September 2024.

During the Voting period, eligible voters can vote their preferred candidate(s) via an on-line tool which will protect privacy.

Each voter can vote one time. However, there is no limit as to how many, among the candidates, a voter can select.

Time frame

  • announcement of elections: 2024-08-22 (incl. CRO)
  • nomination period: 2024-09-16 to 2024-10-07
  • presentation of the candidates: 2024-10-07 to 2024-10-14
  • elections: 2024-10-21 to 2024-10-28
  • announcement of the newly elected PSC: 2024-11-02 at latest

Nomination Period

The nomination starts on 2024-09-16 at 12:00 UTC, runs strictly for 3 weeks and ends on 2024-10-07 at 12:00 UTC. Following this period, there will be a one week of no-action to have time to reflect and decide.

You are kindly asked to refrain from canceling an already announced nomination or support and request for a new nomination. Unless there are serious reasons to cancel a nomination, modification of the list of nominees will not be possible after the end of the 3rd week.

Presentation of the candidates

The presentation of the candidates will run from 2024-10-07 to 2024-10-14. The nominated candidates will be asked to write a few lines stating what she/he wants to achieve or work for as part of the PSC.

Voting Period

The voting period will run from 2024-10-21 at 12:00 UTC up until 2024-10-28 at 12:00 UTC.


Votes will be counted and the top 4 voted candidates will fill the seats to form the new PSC. In case of a vote tie, the CRO will randomize the selection between the tied candidates for a PSC seat.

Results to be announced, at latest, on 2024-11-02.


Nomination (I)

  • from 2024-09-16 to 2024-10-07
  • e-mails directed to the CRO by:
    • a community member to nominate a candidate
    • the nominee to confirm acceptance of candidacy

Nomination (II)

  • from 2024-10-07 to 2024-10-14
  • re-think, evaluate, decide for candidate(s)
  • e-mail from the candidate directed to the community with a statement of her/his aims as part of the PSC
  • email directed to the CRO by a candidate for canceling candidacy (possible only for important reasons)

Voting: from 2024-10-21 to 2024-10-28

Eligible voters are all people who:

  • have one or more merged pull requests in any of grass, grass-addons, grass-website, grass-promo repositories,
  • participated of GRASS PSC and community events,
  • have one or more merged pull requests in qgis/QGIS related to GRASS integration,
  • have one or more merged pull requests in rsbivand/rgrass, or
  • are registered and have translated for GRASS GIS in Weblate
  • privacy/anonymity guaranteed by using OSGeo LimeSurvey, OSGeo's on-line voting system
  • voters will be invited via email


The new PSC will be presented at latest on 2024-11-02.

Preparation of the list of nominees for the PSC election 2024

Any community member is eligible to propose a new PSC member candidate. A motivation must be added why the proposed candidate may be a good choice for the PSC.

To submit a PSC member nomination:

  • Confirm with the nominated person first.
  • Send the nomination email to the CRO.
  • The CRO will contact the nominated person.
  • In case of acceptance, the CRO will forward the nomination to the PSC mailing list along with a copy to the GRASS dev list and the GRASS user list so that the community remains informed.
  • The CRO will update the table of nominations below.

Deadline: Monday, 7 October 2024, 12:00 UTC

List of nominees
Candidate's name Country Nominated by Link to announcement Link to candidate statement
Eric Hutton USA Michael Barton By Michael Barton: Link to nomination announcement To be published later
Isaac Ullah USA Michael Barton By Michael Barton: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Nicklas Larsson Hungary Anna Petrášová By Anna Petrášová: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Caitlin Haedrich USA Anna Petrášová By Anna Petrášová: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Helmut Kudrnovsky Austria Caitlin Haedrich By Caitlin Haedrich: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Corey White USA Vaclav Petras By Vaclav Petras: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Paulo van Breugel Netherlands Verónica Andreo By Verónica Andreo: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Edouard Choinière Canada Paulo van Breugel By Paulo van Breugel: Link to nomination announcement To be published later
Brendan Harmon USA Vaclav Petras By Vaclav Petras: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement
Linda Karlovska Czechia Markus Neteler By Markus Neteler: Link to nomination announcement Link to statement


Voting result (ranking, name, number of votes):


1. NNNN        	 XX


The new GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee (PSC) is composed of 9 members, of which 4 are newly elected (ranking, name, number of votes):


1. NNNN        	 XX



  • Number of eligible voters: XXX
  • Cast votes: YY

OSGeo !LimeSurvey voting system

This is going to be updated soon

  • Uploaded eligible voters file xxx bytes, at DD MM YYYY: done processing: NNN voters loaded
  • Trustee fingerprint and Audit information


The entire election process is encrypted. The CRO, being the administrator of this "private" election, can only verify which of the invited members did vote.

  • The election URL: [*** coming soon ***]


More information at: OSGeo LimeSurvey -- to be published when election is finished

Election tally

More information at: OSGeo LimeSurvey - to be published when election is finished


Notes for the next election (2028)