GRASS Metadata Management

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Metadata support

See ISO/INSPIRE Metadata Support and related GSoC project (g.gui.metadata)



Comments on a vector map can be added manually by editing $MAPSET/vector/$MAPNAME/hist.

Metadata management ideas for future versions of GRASS

Unified XML-based approach for raster/vector/imagery

  • store relevant metadata in an XML-based format, along with creation/modification history
  • a new directory '$maspset/metadata/' could house this information
  • would probably require major re-write of the raster/vector history mechanism
  • generic reading/writing of XML data (don't we already have this functionality somewhere...)

Creating an INSPIRE compliant version of {v,r}.support

One idea would be to develop an INSPIRE compliant version of {v,r}.support. The module would ensure that all fields required for INSPIRE would be completed. It should be possible to write the Metadata out as XML (see above section). The European Union Open Source Metadata Editor (EUOSME) is a Web-based INSPIRE module that is published under the European Union Public Licence [1,2].


[2] Required Fields


The GRASS module could call the validator's API and return the check result.

INSPIRE Metadata structure

In order to be INSPIRE compliant, a metadata for spatial data sets or spatial data set series should include at least the information provided in the table reported in the INSPIRE metadata regulation (those are intended as required fields; the user should be able to add more fields).

Reference Metadata elements Multiplicity Condition Notes
1.1 Resource title 1 title
1.2 Resource abstract 1 (+ optional: abstract_URL)
1.3 Resource type 1 Spatial data set (dataset) | Spatial data services (services)
1.4 Resource locator 0..* Mandatory if a URL is available to obtain more information on the resource, and/or access related services
1.5 Unique resource identifier 1..*
1.7 Resource language 0..* Mandatory if the resource include textual information
2.1 Topic category 1..* Topic categories in accordance with ISO 19115
3 Keyword 1..*
4.1 Geographic bounding box 1..*
5 Temporal reference 1..*
6.1 Lineage 1
6.2 Spatial resolution 0..* Mandatory for data sets and data set series if an equivalent scale or a resolution distance can be specified
7 Conformity 1..*
8.1 Conditions for access and use 1..*
8.2 Limitations on public access 1..*
9 Responsible organisation 1..*
10.1 Metadata point of contact 1..*
10.2 Metadata date 1
10.3 Metadata language 1
