PSC Meeting 2024-08-09

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Revision as of 18:22, 9 August 2024 by Veroandreo (talk | contribs)
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  • Anna Petrasova
  • Vaclav Petras
  • Veronica Andreo
  • Markus Neteler
  • Helena Mitasova
  • Huidae Cho
  • Michael Barton


The proposed topics to be discussed are:


  • Action points from previous meetings:
    • Document GitHub teams and how to move people between teams. VP will take care of this.
    • Comments on Release procedure and Release policy RFCs: VP, AP and VA will un-draft the PRs, MN will review.
  • Voters list:
    • Since the criteria on which we agreed does not yielded the expected results, we will extend the period further back to 2016, i.e., contributors from 2 PSC mandates, and also to contributors that have participated in community meetings or PSC.
    • Write the announcement about the elections with a call to contribute to get on the voters list.
    • Vero will take care of these 2 items.
  • GSoC projects status:
    • All students doing well, final evaluation is by the end of August.
  • Participation in upcoming events:
    • FOSS4G NA: VP, HC and Corey White.
    • AGU: VP, AP, HC, MB, Caitlin Haedrich.
    • FOSS4G international: VA.