О Пројекту
GRASS ГИС пројект се развија под условима ГНУ Опште јавне дозволе јавно од добровољаца из цјелог свијета.
GRASS се разликује од многих других ГИС програмских пакета кориштених међу пословним корисницима у томе што развијен и дијељен од корисника, корисницима; углавноим на добровољној основи, јавно, и дјељен је бесплатно. Нагласак је стављен на међуфункционалност и неограничен приступ подацима као и на прилагодивост и брзину развоја програма (обоје, додавање могућности и уклањање грешака).
GRASS Заједница и Развојни тим
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (ОСГео)
- The new Open Source Geospatial Foundation ( was established in Chicago. GRASS was proposed as founding project.
- Potential tasks and responsibilities (earlier proposal)
- GRASS Project Steering Commitee for the OSGeo Foundation
- GRASS Project Incubation at the OSGeo Foundation
Other Free GIS projects
Getting Help
Mailing lists
- The primary point of contact for GRASS user help and development coordination is on the mailing lists. The answers to many questions you may have will probably already have been addressed and will be waiting for you in the mailing list archives.
- Because the mailing lists are so critical to the project's success, and support comes entirely from time-strapped volunteers and colleagues, we request some mailing list etiquette be followed.
IRC communication
IRC is live Internet Relay Chat. The GRASS project maintains a "chatroom" and if you are lucky there may be someone logged on who can give you a quick answer.
- How to participate in IRC communication (#grass, #osgeo, #gdal, #qgis, #mapserver and other channels)
- You've already discovered the wiki. Go forth and explore!
Community resources
GRASS education (Free GIS education)
The GRASS education (Free GIS education) wiki site offers a start to collect links, text documents and small images. Furthermore it provides a discussion platform to develop and collect approaches, techniques, exercises and course structures for people giving GRASS and/or other Free GIS courses.
Promoting GRASS GIS
- FOSS4G2007 - Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 2007 Victoria, Canada September 24-27, 2007
- FOSS4G2006 - Open Source Geospatial Communities Joint Conference 12-15 September 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland with GRASS workshops...
- GRASS related workshops and presentations
GRASS Add-on modules
- GRASS AddOns software contributed by the community.