Newsletter citations Vol2
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%this is the trick to get an institution as author without abbreviation: %from TUGboat, Volume 19 (1998), No. 4 @Preamble{"\newcommand\oneletter[1]{#1}"} @ARTICLE{WegmannLennert2005, AUTHOR = {M. Wegmann and M. Lennert}, TITLE = {{GRASS} {U}ser {S}urvey 2004}, JOURNAL = {GRASS Newsletter}, YEAR = {2005}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {2-16}, NOTE = {ISSN 1614-8746}, MONTH = {January}, LINK = {} } @ARTICLE{GRASSDevelopmentTeam600_2005, AUTHOR = {\oneletter{GRASS Development Team}}, TITLE = {{GRASS} 6.0.0beta1 release}, JOURNAL = {GRASS Newsletter}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {17-18}, NOTE = {ISSN 1614-8746}, MONTH = {January}, LINK = {} }