PSC Meeting 2024-11-08
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- Anna Petrasova
- Helena Mitasova
- Helmut Kudrnovsky
- Huidae Cho
- Linda Karlovska
- Markus Neteler
- Martin Landa
- Michael Barton
- Nicklas Larsson
- Paulo van Breugel
- Vaclav Petras
- Vero Andreo
The proposed topics to be discussed are:
- Welcome new PSC members! :)
- PSC Election 2024 debriefing
- Procedure for switching from old to new PSC
- update
- update, we need portrait photos
- Release 8.4.1 (Anticipated release date was September 18 - GitHub Milestones)
- Redbubble access and restart of the setup procedure
- Action points from the previous meeting: PSC_Meeting_2024-08-09
- Documentation of GitHub teams
- RFCs about releases
- New RFC about C/C++ standards
- Upcoming events:
- FOSS4G Brazil:
- Anyone planning on attending FOSDEM (1+2 Feb 2025) or FOSS Backstage (10-11 Mar 2025)?
- Documentation updates
- Publer Business subscription?
- Budget 2025:
- News post for GRASS website
- Discourse transition - close grass-dev mailing list
- Labels or projects for "funding needed", "funded work", "funded by..." etc. (OSGeo/gdal, OSGeo/PROJ)
- Consider writing a laudation for Roger Bivand
- New PSC members welcoming!
- PSC debriefing:
- For the next elections, we all agree that we should remove the reflection period and start immediately with the voting period after candidates provide their statements.
- √ AP will update pictures on the website, the PSC list on the wiki was already updated.
- Schedule a meeting for all (new and old) members after the next elections
- Release 8.4.1 status:
- see
- Action: All, get the open issues to a minimum, i.e., review, merge, close, or move to 8.4.2 or 8.5
- changes to docs about setting autodetect to import csv files → √ MB will provide the sentence to modify (
- HC open PRs
- r.univar bug #4284 and [#4443]
- Action: MN proposes to sit together with VP while doing the release and check if the procedure is in good shape (as time permits)
- seems not to be feasible? MN will go ahead on his own
- Milestones vs backport labels:
- Milestone: We want to have it in the given version
- Backport label: Needs to be backported regardless of the milestone (milestone may target micro release or future release)
- Redbubble:
- Still not open to the public.
- Action: VP (?) will contact support and ask what’s happening.
- We are signed up there with grass.devteam account
- someone is using GRASS logo already, see: (that was also part of the original motivation to create the shop)
- Numfocus (
- GDAL, GeoPandas, and Numpy use it
- Industry partners need an invoice, OSGeo is not willing to handle that
- NumFocus can apply to US funding
- Deadline for application?
- Cost: 15% from donations
- Is there a fee/base cost to pay? Apparently not
- We would keep opencollective open for donations and NumFocus for industry because of the invoices
- Action: LK suggests to create a list of industry partners. Volunteers??
- Action: AP and VP will fill out the application, we need at least 5 people in the application
- GSoC 2025
- Google sent money for mentors, OSGeo asked mentors what they we wanted to do
- GRASS mentor’s money —> goes to GRASS project but sits with OSGeo
- Ideas:
- Upcoming events:
- √ AGU: talks accepted
- √ FOSS4G Brazil: GRASS talk and workshop accepted + keynote
- FOSDEM: Paulo potentially, willing to present something about GRASS. Action: PVB will inform the others if he will go. Deadline for abstracts is Dec 1st
- √ FOSS4G Asia: MN will deliver a keynote. See:
- Documentation - moving to md
- √ Merge:
- Finish & merge docs: script to convert HTML manual pages to markdown #4620
- Convert Addons documentation to Markdown → MN has fixed HTML and tested, 95% ready
- √ Remove HTML-related rules from the build system and HTML files
- Action: Waiting for VP and MN review to merge 3849 and move on
- Do we create md docs already for new tools?? Yes
- √ How to save the history of html files once they are removed?
- Publer:
- Motion: pay business plan for one year 3 accounts and test - Motion passed
- Action: VP will contact OSGeo about the money
- Action: VA will ping PVB and create a shared doc to track posts, draft ideas, etc.
- Budget:
- We need a meeting for this topic only: Nov 22, PSC meeting time slot
- √ VA creates the calendar event
- Action: VP will draft a new budget based on 2024’s
- Deadline to submit is Dec 23, 2024
- was it submitted to the board?
- We need a meeting for this topic only: Nov 22, PSC meeting time slot
- Discourse:
- Action: AP will send an email requesting the de-activation of the grass-dev mailing list
- We all agree to move grass-user and to discourse too
- Open ticket: Migrate grass-user mailing list to discourse:
- grass-psc request todo
- In a next step, we delete grass-web (say: we put it into archive mode and remove URL from and elsewhere, pointing to discourse instead)
- RFC about standards
- √ NL sends out the motion
- Note for Roger:
- MN has drafted a posting, reviewed by VA and AP
- published √
- MN has drafted a posting, reviewed by VA and AP