Data formats
Please help create this page! <- what is the scope of this page? You name it!
General formats
Supported raster formats with and r.out.gdal:
gdalinfo --formats
Supported vector formats with and v.out.ogr
ogrinfo --formats
GIS formats
- Managing Shapefile data
- Managing GeoTiff data
- Managing TIGER data
- or ogr2ogr to make a shapefile first?
- Managing Vmap0 data (Digital Chart of the World)
- See GRASS-News article: M. Neteler, 2005. SRTM and VMAP0 data in OGR and GRASS. GRASS Newsletter, Vol.3, pp 2-6, June 2005. PDF and erratum
- Managing S-57 data
- for Electronic Nautical Charts (ENCs)
- Managing BSB data
- for Rasterized Nautical Charts (RNCs)
Databases and SQL
- GRASS databaseintro help page
- GRASS sql help page
- grass-dbf help page
- Tips for working with ODBC RDBMSs
- grass-odbc help page
- Tips for working with MySQL
- grass-mysql help page
- grass-mesql help page
- Tips for working with PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- grass-pg help page
- v.external help page
- help page
Satellite data
- Global bathymetry dataset derived from satellite radar altimetry of the sea surface inferring local gravitational anomalies
- SRTM - Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission dataset
Global datasets
- NASA Blue Marble imagery
- ETOPO world topography/bathymetry
- Smith and Sandwell 1-minute global elevation
- GEBCO General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans
- GRIB meteorologic data
GRASS's data formats
- TODO: link to those here
- For now see the Development pages
Some hints can be found on these pages: