GRASS License
The GRASS GIS project is developed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (the GPL) in the open by volunteers the world over.
Resources for Developers
- You can contact GRASS folks in IRC
- Developers mailing list
- GRASS Programming Manual
- GRASS Programming Howto (partially outdated)
- Updating GRASS Documentation How-To
- GRASS libraries are self-documenting using Doxygen header comments.
- GIS Concepts and how they are implemented in GRASS
- GRASS Debugging
- Large File Support (LFS) implementation
- Tracking bugs, patches and feature requests
- GRASS AddOns - User code contributions (custom scripts, modules, icons, etc)
- Compile and Install hints
Code submission standards
Explanation of C indentation rules
(see C language coding standards)
-bap Force blank lines after procedure bodies. -bbb Force blank lines before block comments. -bli1 Indent braces 1 space. -bls Put braces on the line after struct declaration lines. -br Put braces on line with if, etc. -cbi0 Indent braces after a case label 0 spaces. -ci4 Continuation indent of 4 spaces. -cli0 Case label indent of 0 spaces. -d0 Set indentation of comments not to the right of code to 0 spaces. -di0 Put variables in column 0. -fc1 Format comments in the first column. -hnl Prefer to break long lines at the position of newlines in the input. -i4 Set indentation level to 4 spaces. -ip4 Indent parameter types in old-style function definitions by 4 spaces. -l80 Set maximum line length for non-comment lines to 80. -lc80 Set maximum line length for comment formatting to 80. -lp Line up continued lines at parentheses. -nbad Do not force blank lines after declarations. -nbbo Do not prefer to break long lines before boolean operators. -nbc Do not force newlines after commas in declarations. -ncdb Do not put comment delimiters on blank lines. -nce Do not cuddle } and else. -ncs Do not put a space after cast operators. -nfca Do not format any comments. -npcs Do not put space after the function in function calls. -nprs Do not put a space after every '(' and before every ')'. -npsl Put the type of a procedure on the same line as its name. -nsob Do not swallow optional blank lines. -pi4 Specify the extra indentation per open parentheses '(' when a statement is broken. -sbi0 Indent braces of a struct, union or enum 0 spaces. -sc Put the `*' character at the left of comments. -ss On one-line for and while statments, force a blank before the semicolon. -ts8 Set tab size to 8 spaces.
- Main CVS server help page
- Live GRASS WebCVS interface browsable source code repository
- Hints for Working with CVS
- CVS commit mailing list archive
- Code Quality Control System Mailing list
- Testing GRASS software - a test protocol based on the Spearfish sample data set
- Internal GRASS test suite (scripts collection in "testsuite/")
- External GRASS test suite (TU Berlin)
- GRASS Test Suite a small test suite for GRASS, the current html output is available here and with memory check here
- External GRASS Quality Assessment and monitoring system (École Polytechnique de Montréal and ITC-irst)
- CVS-commit reports into IRC '#grass' channel via CIA - The open source informant
- CIA commit bot for realtime monitoring along with grass-commit mailing list (showing the diff's)
Code Search and Metrics
Ongoing and Plans
- Reports:
- Release Roadmap (old Development Roadmap which needs freshening) - please help with testing release candidates
- GRASS Module Porting List (check here if you don't find a certain command in GRASS 6)
- GRASS ToDo List (overview of GRASS related community projects, see also Release Roadmap)
- Vector network analysis (new ideas)
Works in Progress
- Next generation GRASS GUI development
- Native Windows development
- Message standardization and translation
Sandbox (ideas section)
- GRASS 7 ideas collection
- Image processing
- GRDSS (Geographic Resources Decision Support System)
- Ideas on a replacement raster format specification
- add support (at least storage!) of vertical datum and units
- Discussion on Development Specs for standardized messages
- Discussion on add-on manager repository setup: GEM repository
- Discussion of support for time series in GRASS, e.g. for linking to data and models
- GRASS Location Wizard development
- GRASS Digitizing tool ideas
- Metadata Management ideas
- GRASS Summer of Code ideas
Linking GRASS to external languages
- GRASS-SWIG interface: generic interface to various languages
- GRASS and Python
- GRASS and Shell: Starting and running GRASS from a script
- Integration of GRASS with JAVA based agent based modeling (ABM)
- Building QGIS/GRASS Windows Binary On Linux (using MinGW)
- Adding New Tools to the GRASS Toolbox
- QGIS GRASS Cookbook - Recipes for common tasks
Commercial development for GRASS
This is an unsorted (and most probably incomplete) list of paid development for GRASS GIS
- Comune di Trento (Italy): better vector editing, printing
- ITC-irst:
- WILMA - Trento Wireless Projekt -> babyGRASS
- MITRIS traffic-project
- GRASS 6 vector engine, vector network analysis
- Faunalia, Italy:
- suite
- OGR GRASS vector driver
- MySQL spatial GRASS connector
- Tekmap Consulting, Canada: NVIZ and many more
- Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), Italy: NVIZ 3D Histograms, Fly-through
- Orkney Inc., Japan: i18N Infrastructure in GRASS 5.0
- Geomodel, Slovakia:
- r.sun
- r.flow etc.
- Lockheed Martin LMCO, USA:
- d.rast.proj
- d.mon.proj (GRASS 5 contrib)
Related projects
With connections to GRASS
- JGrass - Java based frontend for GRASS incuding extended hydrological modelling tools
- KerGIS - BSD-like licensed fork of GRASS 4.1.5
- GAL - Project to reimplement a GRASS-like GIS using a modern object oriented approach
- pyWPS - Python Web Processing Service (GRASS on the web)
- PROJ.4 - Cartographic Projections Library
- GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- QGIS - Quantum GIS
- OSGeo- The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- - Interactive information base for the GIS Free Software world
- DebianGIS - Project coordinating geospatial software for Debian GNU/Linux
- R statistics - High powered geostatistical analysis engine
- gstat - Multivariable geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation
Not connected to GRASS
- GMT - The Generic Mapping Tools advanced cartography package
- SAGA GIS - A modern programming method GIS for the geosciences
- uDig - User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) web portal
- gvSIG - Similar in nature to QGIS, but written in Java
- JUMP - For viewing and manipulating spatial data-sets, using Java
- Starspan - Mixed raster and vector spatial analysis
- OpenEV - Raster and vector GIS with good support for image analysis